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General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?)
@lazyproblems said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
@fozzedout I've been interested in watching both of those dubbed. Depending on which shows I stick with, I may pick up one or both.
I can recommend both, but of the two, I think Kakuriyo is the better series
I'm a fan of the Jojo books, yet the only Jojo anime I managed to finish were the first and second parts. For some reason, I just can't bring myself to finish parts 3 and 4. OTL. Will peek at Golden Wind just to see how it ends up though.
So far, the co op production of Xuan Yuan Sword has got me really interested, but that's mostly because I've always been interested in obscure RPGs.
I'll also be definitely following the new season of Thunderbolt Fantasy. It's really fun.
This week I watched SAO Alternative Gun gale, I do not watch a lot of anime and normally I wait a series to end to start watching it. I have no idea what to watch next season or what I missed that was good in the previous ones so if any can suggest me a show like SAO or Mobile Suit Gundam I would appreciate it. @shrike_al Reading the post prior to mine, I think Xuan Yuan Sword is interesting too, Chinese seem to take much more care in choosing source material for animation. Previously I enjoyed watching the king's avatar and I still follow the WN.
So far I'm planning to check out Reincarnated as slime & that bunny girl one - watching SAO for sure. Still have to catch up on a few from last season
@renofury Since you mentioned you like SAO then I have one easy answer for you. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but SAO: Alicization starts airing this weekend. I wouldn’t wait until the end to start watching, though, since this one will be 52 episodes. Also, if you have Netflix, they recently added Gundam Unicorn. That one is probably my favorite Gundam series now.
As far as what I’ll be watching this season: Goblin Slayer, SAO, and Reincarnated as a Slime are my only shoe-ins right now, but more stuff will probably be added.
@gocav Thanks for taking the time giving me some suggestions. Years ago I had watched an ova of Gundam Unicorn but forgot about it, I be finishing it this time. I am curious about SAO Alicization of were it will be going; especially why Kirito still is playing VRMMO he should know better; hopefully no NTR.
I had read the light novels of Goblin Slayer and Reincarnated as a Slime. I would recommend the stories. Volume 1 and 2 of goblin slayer were the best of the series but I found latter volumes not as fun. And I binged read Reincarnated as a Slime WN for a week I just couldn't put it down well worth reading too.
Speaking of Gundam, I finally got around to watching MSG: The Origin. Just finished the second episode, Artesia's Sorrow. I think I'm just going to go roll up into a ball in my bed and cry for the next month or few.
Well well, if we're talking about mecha anime, I just recently finished binging Code Geass for the first time. I regret sleeping on such a gem for over a decade. If you haven't yet, I highly recommend it now that it's on Netflix.
@gocav Dude. I only watched the first episode of that series and I felt so weirdly depressed afterwards I haven't managed to bring myself to watch the rest. This is despite knowing a lot of cool MSs show up later on.
@renofury I personally think the Chinese co-op productions have mostly been mixed bags with very few exceptions. I also think there's just a fundamental difference in perceiving things between China and the rest of the world.
By the way, the first ep of Bunny Girl-senpai was really good. Way better than I expected. It reminded me of Sagrada Reset but without all the baggage.
@shrike_al said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
By the way, the first ep of Bunny Girl-senpai was really good. Way better than I expected. It reminded me of Sagrada Reset but without all the baggage.
I would think Monogatari or Oregairu first tbh
Actually, the concept is pretty similar to Monogatari. (External manifestation of internal issues) -
@cosm1cfall I enjoyed Code Geass up to around half of season 2, till
; even thou all her death flags were raised I felt I had enough of this series and dropped it. A heavy show but also a good show if one can keep watching though the melodrama.
Other then Gundam anime, Sunrise own original mecha stories all so feature complex stories, I even enjoyed watching Cross Ange due to its world building and character development even thou it was filled with 'fanservice' elements.
@gocav I have very limited experience on Chinese anime, so probably I projected the quality of my favourites Chinese WN like Terror Infinity to their anime In general. The two shows I liked are King's Avatar and Spiritpact. For the rest I am totally ignorant about their quality.
@renofury Please spoil tag your comment. Just click the little eyeball icon and put the text inside.
@legitpancake thanks for that
@BloodyGaikotsu Come to think of it, you're right. It does has similarities with those two. Another indication that this might be good.
@renofury I think you'll enjoy Code Geass's movie trilogy better then.
Ah. The new Jojo is out!
Just caught the first episode of Goblin Slayer and it left two of us going "What the hifl did I just watch?"
@paul-nebeling said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
Just caught the first episode of Goblin Slayer and it left two of us going "What the hifl did I just watch?"
If you're overall interested but still put off by the flagrant sexual violence, know that a) the books never dwell on it - it's mentioned and it happens, but it's just like a sentence, not an entire scene described in vivid detail - so don't feel like you must avoid them, and b) there isn't any other overt rape in the rest of book 1, nor in books 2-4 (haven't read 5 yet), so episode 1 should be it. That said, there is definitely lots of blood and gore and violence.
- Boarding School Juliet's first episode was spectacular and I could not get enough of the OST. As someone who followed it from the oneshot, I couldn't be happier
- Index is BACK! Although by the looks of it, the pacing will be bad because they're cramming a lot of story into not nearly enough episodes
- Goblin Slayer was ayt. That scene although disturbing, was by no means gratuitous nor sexualized. It fits the world they're setting up and furthered the narrative showing why goblins are a menace.
- Seen 2 episodes of Slime and so far I'm really liking it. The production values are really high
- SAO Alicization, welp more SAO.
- Irozuka Sekai yadda yadda looks like a frickin' movie anime, it's so pretty. Curious where the story will go.
- Bunny girl Senpai is not what I expected at all. Internal issues manifested externally is always an interesting premise.
That's all for now but I have three more shows I'll follow this season that haven't started yet.
@paul-nebeling @myskaros In volume 1 & 2, I can think of five scenes where sexual violence plays a role. While most are just images or mentioning of past events to let us know what has already taken place, there are two scenes that I found to be more disturbing in the novel than in the manga.
I still recommend this show, though, to anyone who is a fan of dark fantasy stories and can handle the rape and gore. The mc is one of the most interesting characters I’ve read in a while. He is an autistic who has the ruthlessness of the Punisher and the cunning of Batman in a D&D world with a few Tolkien references tossed in.
We're debating doing a Goblin Slayer on the podcast next, and I think covering some stuff the anime fans have brought up as criticism could be good (always nice to have new eyes to a property). I'm hoping I can reread a bit with these in mind.
So far I've seen these criticisms:
Aforementioned sexualization + violence.
The rookies being unaware of the goblin threat despite it being a known fact that goblins present a threat to towns and villages.
The guild letting their rookie hunters run off + die to a threat they knew was dangerous.
Goblin Slayer letting Priestess team up seemed out of character.
Priestess didn't seem shell shocked enough (she should have cowered for more days / weeks).
These Moe characters shouldn't be able to survive in this world (I gotta find out more about what specifically they're taking about here; like, Cow Girl? Priestess? Other guild members? And why?).
@gocav said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
@paul-nebeling @myskaros In volume 1 & 2, I can think of five scenes where sexual violence plays a role.
Goblin Slayer volume 2 had some violence leading to sexualization too
[Volume 2 spoiler]
@terrence I read the Goblin Slayer LNs 1-5 it would be fun to listen to the podcast. How do I tune in and what time?