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General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?)
@paul-nebeling I've never been much of an SAO fan, but I have seen both seasons. Hopefully they'll put Ordinal Scale on Netflix or something soon. I might be interested, especially as the third season is coming out.
@legitpancake If it's going to show up on Netflix, I wouldn't expect it until late December or January.
I thought the first movie in Memories was pretty well animated. The script / story was ok (certainly nothing too crazy to guess at as you're going). Fun film.
Rin was not my cup of tea.
I guess I'll watch some of Orphen next? I'm a bit intimidated by the episode count of the set.
Yeah, Your Name definitely has its moments. I was honestly a bit worried the person watching it with me would be like "I hated that" upon conclusion because it was too emotional.
Guys, it's almost the end of the season. Any general comments about this current season? Any hopes for the upcoming season?
For me, this season was a bit too good. I ended up almost not following up on anything. I really plan to finish Just Because! and Juuni Taisen someday though.
@shrike_al said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
Guys, it's almost the end of the season. Any general comments about this current season? Any hopes for the upcoming season?
For me, this season was a bit too good. I ended up almost not following up on anything. I really plan to finish Just Because! and Juuni Taisen someday though.
What were the really good ones for you?
Season didn't have too much for me. Bit too much "waste your time" Moe series. Lots of Otome / Yuri. Too many Shounen type shows and sequel shows. Not enough relationship drama and character loss potential. Some adapted LNs I would rather read. Some visual novel adaptations too that I have to avoid until I play (Dies Irae; Code Realize).
Looking at the list, these are my potential tries:
Our Love has Always Been 10CM Apart (may check out at some point)
Evil or Live
MMO Junkie
Ancient Magus Bride (read some books; not my favorite manga series since it's very "step into the world of these side characters, then leave, then repeat with new characters").
King's GameI watched MMO Junkie, but was disappointed with the ending. I'm watching King's Game, which is fun, though not the best death-game / survival plot (again, poor relationship drama, though it's at least present).
I don't have an Anime Strike sub though, and it sounds like them and Netflix are holding some slightly mature licenses hostage. Dunno if Kakegurui has relationship stuff, but that'd probably make or break spending my time on it.
Anyone got a list of next season's anime?
Edit: Watching this list of 2018 Winter anime.
Junji Ito Collection could be interesting, as could Darling in the Franxx.
Next season already looking better with that 20 year old apartment share anime, the one about the little people in an Isekai, and an anime about the South Pole. :laughing:
Here's an LN adaptation I'll have to avoid watching.
And Madchen Marken
Grancrest Senki too.
And this.
...too many LNs I need to read first (and not enough licensed)! Throw Violet Evergarden into ones I'll avoid so I can stay blind for the novels.
Basilisk, Kokkoku, Koi Wa Ameagari no You ni.. Man, hopefully these Seinen are interesting. That Karakai Jouzo no Tagaki-san looks like it could be a sweet school romance too. Need some shippy drama too though. Not enough triangles! We need more geometry!
Violet Evergarden is arguably the most hyped show going into winter 2018. It’s a LN adaptation, but no word on an official English translation, so there’s no reason to avoid it. If you’ve seen the trailers, it’s animation is so stunning it might be AotS even if the story is bad. The only thing I’m mad about is that Netflix is going to withhold it until they finish dubbing it in “spring 2018.” Personally, this seems like the type of show I’ll need to savor every week, rather than binging with Netflix. I’ll stream it again when Netflix gets it to support the studio, but I’ll definitely be watching the fansubs weekly.
This season was indeed really good, as I said a while back, even the one of the shows that seemed to be just another "moeblob" ended up being actually deep which was Konohana Kitan, I never expected to love that series as much as I am. I don't really have anything against "cute girls doing cute things" so I always end up checking them out, but it was a real surprise to get into such a beautiful series.
Back to the topic, Ancient Magus's Bride is definitely my favorite this season, a true fantasy story done right, a rare beauty among the sea of "game mechanics" fantasy that dominates the market, I'll be checking out the manga once the season is done.
And then there's Just Because, adolescent love drama that actually feels real which is quite the merit since most highschool series tackle the romance issues really awfully, in the last few years I think the only ones I actually found interesting were Kimi ni Todoke and Kuzu no Honkai. I can dig an character that doesn't confess his feelings 'cause he wants to support the girl he likes, or an insecure character that wants to build the courage to get closer to the person she likes, or a completely broken character filled with self-loathing going down a self destructive path, because they feel like real people. But beating around the bush and delaying the confession because of friggin constant cockblocks are just bullshit, with zero progression just for the heck of it. God, I hate romcoms as of late... except for Tsurezure Children, that was genius.
And finally, this one was ongoing but I can't not mention it. Shoukoku no Altair. I started watching it the last season but, while I liked it, I wasn't loving it. It's all changed during this 2nd cour. The economy and politics had been decently handled in the first half at best, but it's only been in this second half that the MC has truly shown his expertise in string-pulling and along with his military exploits in the latest episodes, I'm truly seeing this story with completely different eyes now. The episodes have me on the edge of my seat from start to end, and I thirst for more once I get hit by the preview. A must watch for military/economic/politic warfare lovers.
Be ready, cuz there's already some pretty long posts on this page, and I'm not really spoiling anything, so here goes the longest one...
I've actually been keeping up with Juuni Taisen. It's always good to have some things that go out of your comfort zone, because I really cannot deal with death/survival games and more than a very few characters dying in general. Well, too much, too often, at least. Not the kind of person I am. But this, I mean, it's interesting the way they deal with it, but the episode titles have always spoiled way too much.
And getting into being once again the first person to bring up Osomatsu-san, I got even 1 episode behind, and decided I was better off dropping it. After like, 7 eps into the second season. I understand the appeal especially in Japan, but it's just been far too hit and miss for me, with the misses just completely overshadowing the hits. I do want what is clearly a time waster to be something I much less well, have disgust for? At least I am glad I saw more than just the first episode, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, because understanding (or not understanding, at points) the even more Japanese side of comedy from this was just so fascinating.
The continuing Fox Spirit Matchmaker has been a wild ride. I wondered if it was going to stay this really weird blend of action and humor, but it got all the more serious with the matchmaking stuff (especially with the flashbacks), the humor got less and less and actually worked far more often when it was even used and man, I'm really hoping they dub it into Japanese more and CR airs more. Maybe it isn't quite anime in the way the Chinese co-productions that air in Japan at the same time they first air at all or anything, but from what I've heard, they've done a much better job with this than any of those, so... yeah.
My standouts that I surprisingly don't feel the need to talk as much about would have to be LL! Sunshine!! (especially with that focus on Nico 2.0), Anime-Gataris (a reference comedy that actually works damn well), Blend S (a Manga Time Kirara series where it just wouldn't have worked without the hilarious guys? Color me pleasantly surprised), and Urahara (nothing much to say here. Just, I'm surprised they went as far as they did, and it killed me in a way that is apparent once you see even one image of it). More surprising than anything is how much I'm seeing ads of Urahara absolutely everywhere on the net I go, more than Black Clover, even. I can certainly understand why it seems they're pushing it so much but heh, I was hooked before I even saw one of those ads. Oh, and @paulnamida, I've definitely felt similar about Konohana Kitan. The surprise came more from the previous manga that I checked out before it aired, but it didn't have me in tears like this anime did at points.
One of Urahara's voice actresses is Reina Skully, popular YouTube personality and former Crunchyroll employee (still fills in).
CR is self-publishing that one I think (or, at least, heavily funding it)?
Just Because! as far as I've seen has been really good. The scenes feel really heartfelt without being over dramatic. Some scenes being genuinely funny.
I've heard people saying Juuni Taisen gets kinda disappointing, with a lot of story potential being wasted on poor execution. But the way it handles things differently is already interesting enough for me.
I knew from the start that the Ancient Magus's Bride would end up becoming this season's most obvious hit. But I haven't got a chance to see it.
I've been planning to check out the new Kino's Journey just for the sake of it, but I haven't gotten around it either.
I also plan to watch King's Game just because of how ridiculous it is. I once peeked some translations of the novel, and IMO it entered 'so bad it's good' territory.
The same also goes for Fate/Apocrypha and Dies Irae.
Additionally, a surprise hit for me was Animegataris, simply because they took an old school approach for a comedy series and added that with a talking cat. They also do references really, really well!
As for the next season, I'm definitely interested in seeing Death March, Beatless, the new Overlord season, and Fate/Extra Last Encore.
Maybe it's my age, but recently I realized I no longer mind technically 'bad' production results, since I can still find enjoyment in discovering the way the staff work things out.
There was a TV anime special for Fate/Grand Order last year, right? Too bad there aren't any similar specials for this new year.
The announcements are beginning. CR-Funimation got 7 shows including Citrus.
@shrike_al said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
The same also goes for Fate/Apocrypha and Dies Irae.
Dies Irae I have to read the Visual Novel first. It's not that expensive (40 dollars for the whole kit), but I want to wait for a STEAM sale just out of principle. xD
Also waiting for Muv-Luv Alternative to get to half off (I'm still very early in Extra, so no rush).
@terrence said in General Anime Discussion (what are you watching now?):
Dies Irae I have to read the Visual Novel first. It's not that expensive (40 dollars for the whole kit), but I want to wait for a STEAM sale just out of principle. xD
Hey, wasn't the common route for Dies Irae free on Steam? I tried that out first, and what I got was something very, very chuuni. Fans have been saying that the story develops really good afterwards though.
Learning from the Tsukihime experience, I actually do things the other way around. Enjoying the anime first and then the games. :laughing:
I finished watching Garden of Words. It was definitely a bit of an odd "romance" and short plot. I do wonder...
If some of y’all aren’t aware, Netflix is simulcasting Violet Evergarden in many countries, including the UK and Canada with an English dub. The first episode is up right now.
What I don’t understand is that they are deliberately leaving out many other countries, such as the US and Australia. It is so ridiculous that I, as a Netflix subscriber, must pirate this show in order to watch it weekly, as the rest of us won’t get it until the season is over in the spring.
If you’re wondering if you’re one of those lucky countries, you should be able to find VEG. If you’re not so lucky, such as me, the only result when searching is a “similar titles” thing. F*** Netflix.
Haven't watched VEG yet but certainly planning too, KyoAni always makes gorgeous works. Other one I was excited for was Death March since I LOVE the WN and the LN of that one: SoL style with interspersed action, with a mature MC whose not dense for the heck of it, as long as you remember Death March is a cooking novel, you are fine. But CR's subtitles totally murder half of the fun by not translating the "logs" which have so many tidbits of info... I've just spent the last 24 hours of my life trying to learn how to use Aegisub to add in all that stuff. IT'S THAT IMPORTANT TO ME. I saw so many people complaining they didn't understand what was going on, well, duh, it's because HALF OF IT wasn't translated. Goddammit CR, you greedy lazy bastards.
Then there's of course de Overlord sequel, I'm hyped AF, first ep was pretty much character introduction but it was fine, OP was nice.
And then there's Card Captor Sakura... it's been part of my life since I was a child so of course I'm watching it. Best magical girl series ever, FITE ME.
@paulnamida Aegisub isn't too complicated to use, you can figure it out with trial and error pretty quickly since you can load your subs without muxing a new file as long as your player allows you to load external sub files. For example, CCCP's package by default will load any external sub with MPC provided the .ASS file has the same name as the video file.
@paulnamida I usually am very satisfied with CR subs, as they often even color them with the same as the font/background. However, I was especially disappointed with their job on Death March. I’m sure I missed tons of stuff because they are so lazy.
Watching Umaru-chan. I have two questions:
Will this go brocon?
Do people watch this for Umaru, or the side characters?
I find Umaru a bit annoying. =P
Oi, anyone read the Death March LNs? It's one of the series this season I don't mind too much & figure the original would be better, yeah?
Everyone should check out Yuru camp! Really relaxing.