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Realist Hero and Lazy Dungeon Master
Hi, i know that JNC doesnt share their time period or licence issues with us and i understand that. However, i still wanna ask just for that i can at least able to say that "i asked them but they didnt answer to me".
When i checked the fandom wiki pages, i saw that Realist Hero's Volume 14 released 25/04/2021(dd/mm/yy) in JP, Vol 15 released 25/06/2021 and Lazy Dungeon Master's Volume 15 released 25/05/2021.
My question will be obvious and "Which period of time that we can hope the see these volumes in JNC?".
Thank you for letting me the ask that question and sorry for my grammar mistakes. Have a nice day.
You're just going to get referred back to the sticky topic which is exactly what everyone else gets referred to when they ask if/when the next volume of something is going to come out just so you're aware, if it only just released in 2021, there's likely going to still be some time before pre-pubs start up here. Just to put it in perspective, The Magician Who Rose From Failure Vol 3 which we just recently started getting pre-pubs for was released in Oct 2020 in Japan.
Obviously things might be different for different companies that JNC might be negotiating with, but I'm imagining that less than 6 months after release in Japan right now would be considered quite fast, especially since you can't just fly over there anymore due to covid.
I misquote half in jest, but also half in seriousness: "A volume is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives in prepub precisely when it means to."
I do not know exactly how things work, but I believe the go something like this.
First off, JNC only licenses single volumes, not series.
Second, the license negotiations can take. anywhere from several weeks to several months (pherhaps as much a a year or more). After all, a license is a contract, which means lawyers are going to be involved.
Then, after the license has been agreed to, JNC will get the materiels and pass them on to the translator. Now how long the translator takes to start returning materiel to JNC will depend on said translators workload. If they are not to busy, then translated materiel may start flowing to JNC in a matter of weeks; however if the translator had a full load, then it may take several months to get to the new stuff. So the lranslation process van take from weeks to months. It is only after translated materiel start being returned to JNC that they can determine a schedule for the volume in question.
This is basically why JNC does not give out scjedules. Due to the unknown amount of the the licensing and translation processes will take, they have no idea when the pre-pub will become available.
(As I said, I am not privy to the inner workings of things; this is just how I envision things going.)
I'm not in a position to give exact dates, but you can be assured that with the anime having now started, we're working hard to get both the Realist Hero light novel and manga translations up and running again in the near future. Hopefully, you'll be able to see our work soon™.
To add to what everyone else is saying, I'm sure that we can put a tiny bit of blame on the continuation of the global health crisis.
Then add in to the massive amount of work that Sam does with getting all of the new books. Add in the fact that I know that there are only so many people on the planet who are Japanese/English bilingual on the scale you want for translating books, games, and anime. Also, legal documents......
I can only guess that there has been quite a few things converging to cause this delay.
But on the other hand.............. once Realist Hero starts back up we know that there will be 2 volumes in que. So, ups and downs, but Imma remain positive. -
Everyone has pretty much covered everything that needed to be said.
The translator for one of the series has even chimed in, but to give this topic an official close, I will refer you to the following topic for a general outline for how new volume starts are handled (same one already linked by the first to respond)
Thank you
Too bad lawyers often have to make their money by tweaking contracts. Why not settle on a decent contract for all and then reuse it?
because lawgers have to earn thier %$$ they get paid by the hour
@flopsy-prince@flopsy-prince said in Realist Hero and Lazy Dungeon Master:
Too bad lawyers often have to make their money by tweaking contracts. Why not settle on a decent contract for all and then reuse it?
@flopsy-prince Because writing a contract for "all current and future volumes to perpetuity" is never a good strategy no matter which side you're on, not to mention expensive. The future is uncertain, so it's just most convenient to license either individually or in small bundles as they come out.
If anyone would like to continue the side topic of potential “contact” terms of a Light Novel, please feel free to open a new topic.
Otherwise let’s keep this topic on point (that point being addressed, but the topic will remain open until the specific titles have launched)
Thank you
Realist Hero V14, has started pre-publication on the site a bit earlier today, since the other half of this topic has not reached its conclusion yet, I will be leaving it open.
As always, everyone's patience is greatly appreciated.
Thank you