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Demon Slayer Movie
Just went to see this at my local theater (yes, some of those are still in business). I have no idea why it’s a Japanese blockbuster or has won awards. The animation quality is good, as you would expect from a theatrical production, that’s true, but the story is fairly straightforward. Pacing is weird. After the resolution of the conflict with the primary antagonist (I won’t say how), all of a sudden there’s a new huge conflict without ever setting up why a new antagonist has suddenly shown up. As such it doesn’t serve the overall story at all. I presume certain plot points were in the original story arc from the manga and they decided to put a bunch of stuff in there. Made no sense. I went on the local bargain price day, otherwise that would have upset me.
@father_v I believe that's because that movie adapts a story arc from roughly the middle of the manga without having any set up for the people who are unfamiliar with the series and have never read the original manga. I assume you have never read the manga so your experience of the movie was understandably middling; I as someone who has read up volume 15 would get a lot more out of it given I already know who all the characters are, their backstories and motivations etc.
I actually don't consider Mugen Train to be a movie per say, I think it's a half cour of the tv anime in movie format that has been broadcast in theaters. In other words, it's not a movie but season 1.5 of the show