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Let's Play... (Visual Novels, RPGs, Souls, etc)
Been playing White Album 2 for PS Vita (with fan translation read aloud). We'll see how this goes later on when the lines are sure to get a bit awkward with the romantic scenario (and I'll probably skim over some later), but for now it's fun. =]
White Album 2 English Script Read Aloud:
I put Xenoblade off for a bit, but I probably should pick it back up. I'm just in a bit of a boring area right now (with this gruff old dude inside a whale Titan or something?) and a bit lost on how to proceed.
I may get Monster Hunter World for my Birthday... Though I don't "need" it. Not much else I'd want besides headphones (if anyone knows of any earbud headphones with a long cord, let me know)
I have a lot of respect for Let's play runners. I've gotten into Etrian Odyssey and kept an eye out for visual novels thanks to
@terrence would MHW be your first MH game?? If so, you'll realize it's the game you always needed. If you're a veteran you'll either grumble a bit about how it's been dumbed down but still love it, or praise it as the best MH game ever (I'm part of the latter)
@paulnamida said in Let's Play... (Visual Novels, RPGs, Souls, etc):
@terrence would MHW be your first MH game?? If so, you'll realize it's the game you always needed. If you're a veteran you'll either grumble a bit about how it's been dumbed down but still love it, or praise it as the best MH game ever (I'm part of the latter)
Nope. I'm a vet (MH Tri WiiU). But I'm finding MHW a bit intimidating control wise. The start button short note for the hunting horn that I'm used to using, I don't know what button that is on.
Multiplayer seems a bit weird too. Like, are there named rooms I can join somewhere?
I did just get a new controller, so I should test that out to see if things like the hunting horn backswing work more easily, as I couldn't get that working (the one that has a powerful concussive type effect and moved you away from the monster). I feel like I'd rather play XX on Switch though right now, even with the language barrier, just more comfortable. x(
I think I'm going to focus on White Album though. I wasted my time with Rocket League last night, and it put me in a bad mood like it usually does (and kept me up).
@terrence said in Let's Play... (Visual Novels, RPGs, Souls, etc):
Multiplayer seems a bit weird too. Like, are there named rooms I can join somewhere?
Same as the previous 3DS MH games, you join using a specific ID, or by joining your friends' sessions. This game adds the ability to join random sessions based on defined criteria, and you can also be invited to a Squad and join a squad session, which is simply a convenient way for people who want to play together to not have to enter in a session ID every time or all friend each other on PSN.
I don't know if this has already been said but Nier Automata. I just got the game and it is really good from what I played so far.
Just remembered.
Did anyone here actually play the Dies Irae VN? Was it really a chuuni epic as they said it was?
I got the free common route through Steam last year and got lazy to continue when the anime came out. But then, because of things, I ended up dropping the anime too. Can anyone here share their impressions?
@shrike_al said in Let's Play... (Visual Novels, RPGs, Souls, etc):
Just remembered.
Did anyone here actually play the Dies Irae VN? Was it really a chuuni epic as they said it was?
I got the free common route through Steam last year and got lazy to continue when the anime came out. But then, because of things, I ended up dropping the anime too. Can anyone here share their impressions?
I've got a lot of VNs on my plate (White Album 2, SteinsGate Zero, Muv Luv series, Root Letter), so I haven't gotten it yet. I did hear it was good.
The uncensored version of the game is up on the Mangagamer site, and someone said it is like getting two games for the price of one? Can anyone explain what the version differences are in the two included games in the Mangagamer bundle?
@terrence Seems like the bundle on MangaGamer gives out the Acta est fabula and the Amantes Amentes versions. The original version of the game, "Also sprach Zarathustra," met a lot of troubles in production and ended up shipped incomplete, later on they released the more complete version "Acta est fabula." These 2 versions were 18+. But the story was still a bit incomplete so a few years later, the "Amantes Amentes" version was finally released, but since this one was for PSP, it's for all ages, no +18 content. For all purposes, the Amantes Amentes version is the definitive form of Dies Irae, it just has no pornographic content, I guess that's the reason MG decided to also strap in the Acta est fabula version.
TL;DR Acta est fabula has an incomplete story but YES PORN! and Amantes Amentes is the complete chuuni epic but NO PORN (and afaik, there's no patch to restore it). And of course, the one on steam is the Amantes Amentes version.
428 got announced officially for the west the other day. This is a visual novel that originally released on Wii with actual recorded live action sequences. This spawned the anime Canaan (the one about synesthesia).
I'll probably Let's Play that in August (if my backlog is even slightly cleared).
They also announced a new game by one of the Danganronpa dudes.
@Terrence I always wanted to play this, just for that scenario that spawned Canaan alone. I'm such a sucker for Type-Moon.
@terrence Holy shit. Seriously? Then there's Robotics;Notes. And also the new RPG from the Danganronpa staff will also get localized too.
Man. So many good news.
@shrike_al said in Let's Play... (Visual Novels, RPGs, Souls, etc):
Man. So many good news.
Yup. Good time to be a visual novel fan.
Did you see that weird dark dating sim VN that's releasing soon on console too?
(Warning, trailer is Not Safe For Life)
Visual Novel Song Of Memories Is Getting A Western Release On Switch This Year
Bumping just because... Oh mah gah, kawaii Setsuna (I may not like her personality all the time, but she was cute here). x)
Almost to the big breaking point of White Album 2 Intro Chapter. I hope the Vita version of the game has the whole Second Chapter (and that the translation guide I am using is easy to follow).
Edit: I reached the major climactic moment of Introductory Chapter. Will be uploading that as we speak.