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Apothecary Diaries not grouped in series on Amazon
I noticed that volumes one and two of the Apothecary Diaries are not listed under one series on Amazon; they are separated. While the two volumes are each under a series with the same name, they seem to be two different listings as they each appear to be the only books in their respective series.
Here’s an example of how a series looks like on Amazon.
I’m aware that volume 2 is not released yet, but I figured I might as well bring attention to this early. I’m sure Kindle users like myself who are particular about organization would really appreciate the volumes being grouped correctly in our digital libraries. This would also be extremely helpful for new readers to easily learn about other volumes.
The book publisher has almost no control over filing such as this. This is something you’ll need to complain to Amazon about (good luck). At least it’s not hidden behind the pre-existing manga version like The Ideal Sponger Life.