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Volume 3 second path in life.
Re: Walking My Second Path in Life- What's going on with Volume 3? Author has final completed volume three. Will it be translated?
@Nik-ki He has? Seriously?
UnderRelease Schedule
人狼への転生、魔王の副官 14巻
わたしはふたつめの人生をあるく! 3巻
Narou Post: -
wow it looks like it really did, I am utterly stunned.
@catstorm Agreed. I had just about given up hope on that title. Now let's see how much the story differs from the web novel.
I‘m not really interested in the novel (at least not at the moment), but is J-Novel Club even able to continue translating it? Do they need to renew the license rights?
@Liber-Monstrorum I'll almost guarantee that they do, but their track record is not to drop a series once they begin translating it. New Life + is the only exception, but that was the Japanese publisher's decision, not JNC's.
@Liber-Monstrorum they probably didn't have a licence for volume 3 because there never was a third volume until know. Normally light novels have to be licenced per volume and not per series.
On another note:
YAY volume 3! -
@Qeeh Do you believe they will be able to aquire the license for volume three then? It seems to be the final volume for this series too.
Which is probably a good thing, hopefully the author wraps it up nicely.
@catstorm I sincerely hope so, because the web novel was a hot mess, Google Gobbledygook (Google Translate attempting to translate Japanese) not withstanding.
@Paul-Nebeling Maybe we can ask the translator for any infos regarding this novel?
Slightly complicating matters here is that the publisher for vol. 3 is not Earth Star (the publisher of the first two volumes and who JNC initially licensed the title from), but Square Enix.
Square Enix also has publishing rights to new volumes of other Earth Star titles, including Der Werwolf (vol. 14 onwards), so JNC has to talk with them anyway regarding that; this can be added to the discussion and hopefully they can get everything worked out just fine.
Just to chime in briefly, I would like to remind everyone that typically J-Novel Club does not publicly comment on potential Light Novel acquisitions, until they are ready to be revealed/start.
Everyone's patience during this time is appreciated.
@stardf29 said in Volume 3 second path in life.:
Square Enix also has publishing rights to new volumes of other Earth Star titles, including Der Werwolf (vol. 14 onwards), so JNC has to talk with them anyway regarding that; this can be added to the discussion and hopefully they can get everything worked out just fine.
This truly something I'm wondering about too since I read the publisher changes. Let's hope JNC can aquire licences from Square. This will get interesting with square entering the english manga market and them having several mangas that have their light novel version (from other publishers) done by JNC like By the Grace of the Gods, Otherside Picnic and The Apothecary Diaries.
This maybe off topic, but has someone already bought an english Square manga? Im curious about the physical quality.
@Rahul-Balaggan But this wouldn‘t be a new license, since J-Novel Club already licensed the first two volumes...
@Qeeh Uuhh, what if they can‘t aquire the licenses for the following volumes?
A Third Volume of Walking My Second Path in Life!?!
I can't wait!! This was one of the first J-novel series I read, and I love this series dearly. I am happy beyond words, I had given up hope that we would get a conclusion.
@Liber-Monstrorum As I am not directly involved in licensing negotiations I can not fully comment.
However all new volumes are licensed individually, and thus are new.
Also as stated above, the publisher has changed.
@Liber-Monstrorum well if they can't get the licence that's it. Maybe Square will release it or they won't ever release ist in english.
And as Rahul said, each book is licenced individually. Though sometimes more licences are acquired in a single negotiation. The rights holder always has the last say in it. It could also be possible that you want to licence a specific book, but the publisher tells you "you only get that licence if you also buy another licence for a totally different series I want to sell".
Holy shit... I am also shocked. I bought the two volumes as premium years ago blindly hoping to support the author, I’m so glad it’s back! Really crossing my fingers SE cooperates with JNC.