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New Year 2021 catchups!
@Alejoaranguren Normally, whenever a full book is released, the parts that you get to read week-to-week are expired and members cannot read them anymore. "Catchup" is a set of series that members can read entirely from volume 1 on our site even after they've expired. The different series change every month, and these news posts and the front page of our site list which series are currently on catch up!
@myskaros Thanks!
@Alejoaranguren - the first post here lists previous months in the "spoiler" section, click to view them:
Every month the list changes and you have a chance to try something new.
If you read more than a few JNC books I recommend getting the Premium membership. You get 1 book credit per month to use on a Premium Edition of a title, and you get a discount on buying more book credits ($6 each, no taxes).
The list of bonus features included only in the Premium editions of books is here:
Of them my favorite is the bonus stories from the Realist Hero novels, because they're nice additions to the overall story not just 2-page throwaways or what-if stories.
Was able to catch-up on Potion loli so that made me happy. Wanted to catch up on that series for forever.
Read all 3 volumes of Teogonia (man they are beefy) and damn, so many unresolved plot points :(
We really need at least one more volume to conclude the story.