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New Year 2021 catchups!
Hmm, I stopped For My Daughter after one of the main arcs finished up so that I could let it move forward a bit before seeing what they would get into next. Maybe now's the time to pick it back up.
Either way, I was just thinking about picking up Master Swordsman last week, so this one couldn't have been timed better.
My only comment on For My Daughter is that you really should know by the end of vol 2 where it is likely heading if you are paying attention at all, out of 9 volumes in total. So if you are debating reading it and don't want to risk the spoilers here in this thread to see what everyone was talking about, know that you'll have to decide 2 or 3 volumes into it if that's an issue for you. It didn't bother me any for reasons that this isn't the place to discuss and I enjoyed the series throughout, but I can understand why it would for some so it's hard for me to sit here and wholeheartedly recommend it to new folks.
JK Haru is a very different and entertaining read, just be aware that there is no dancing around the Sex Worker part... I'd have to think it's the most explicit title J-Novel has. Expect some very frank discussions and descriptions of sex, though they are generally more in a clinical or documentary style as opposed to being titillating. It's well worth reading though, and the ending managed to surprise the hell out of me, which isn't something that happens very often, especially with isekai.
Teogonia is number 3 on my "please can I have another?" list, behind Deathbound Duke's Daughter and Clockwork Planet. It does some amazing world building, and the reincarnation aspect is used lightly as a tool for the plot, and not a driver for it. Squint hard enough and it's just a really good fantasy novel and not isekai at all. On the whole, it is a very different title so it's hard to think of what to compare it to... aspects of it remind me of a darker princess mononoke mixed in with some beowulf maybe?
Otherside Picnic: come for the creepypasta (which is done better then just about any other depiction I've seen) stay for the slowly evolving yuri!
As for myself, I've been waiting patiently for Potions Loli to hit catch-up ever since starting the manga. So finally, my time has come!
@xdrfiredogx said in New Year 2021 catchups!:
Expect some very frank discussions and descriptions of sex, though
they are generally more in a clinical or documentary style
as opposed to being titillating.You may have just cursed me. I will now almost certainly hear those scenes in my head as being narrated by Sir David Attenborough...
Otherside Picnic: come for the creepypasta (which is done better then just about any other depiction I've seen) stay for the slowly evolving yuri!
That... actually sounds kinda cool. Creepypasta had a cultural mainstreaming moment a few years ago (around the time Slenderman was in the news), but so much of it is just done poorly. A well-done one will truly be a breath of fresh air!
As for myself, I've been waiting patiently for Potions Loli to hit catch-up ever since starting the manga. So finally, my time has come!
I've been waiting for it too, but only because everyone around these parts keeps talking it up. Now I have to find out what people were so excited about.
@mystyk Ha! I may have ruined myself from ever re-reading it because now you've said that, I probably will as well.
I mostly read at night before going to bed and there are certainly times in Otherside Picnic that left me feeling all wigged out when turning out all the lights and getting into bed. Not all of what they encounter, but there is some disturbing stuff in there.
Damn I just bought all of Potion lolli last month because I was sick of waiting for it to be on catch up.
I mean it's a good read and I'm happy I own it but still still slightly annoying. -
I stomped through JK yesterday. Honestly I don't know what to think of it. It certainly is very explicit, edging close to, but not quite reaching "smut" category. Certain aspects about the MC sort of irritated me but still... enjoyed it.
I started reading Potions a while ago, but got bored of it after a few volumes, and I'm not planning on touching If It's For My Daughter at all.
I didn't like JK Haru, and if it were more than two books long, I probably would have dropped it, but I think I just went in with the wrong expectations. 'Typical' isekai stories have a bunch of tropes that make me roll my eyes, but I read them anyway if the rest of the work is good. JK Haru is different from those stories. The moments that made me cringe or roll my eyes were different and unfamiliar, and I judged it more harshly as a result, but looking back on it, they're not worse. I'd give it a recommendation for anyone who wants something different, but with the caution that different doesn't always mean better.
Otherside Picnic turned out to be an absolute treasure, and I'm now eagerly awaiting the next volume. If it ever gets a print version, I'd probably buy a few copies for some friends and family who don't do the ebook thing.
@rsog412 said in New Year 2021 catchups!:
Otherside Picnic turned out to be an absolute treasure, and I'm now eagerly awaiting the next volume. If it ever gets a print version, I'd probably buy a few copies for some friends and family who don't do the ebook thing.
Print edition came out last month (in two volume omnibus), with the second omnibus planned for August 2021.
Hello everyone. Are the monthly catch up for Premium Members Only or for regular members too? Thanks!
@Emiru Regular members too!
@myskaros said in New Year 2021 catchups!:
@Emiru Regular members too!
Thank you for the quick reply!
As of now, I've either read (Picnic, Sweet), dropped (Daughter, Potions), or am not interested in (JK Haru) everything thus far except Teogonia and Swordsman, both of which I haven't tried yet.
Teogonia sounds like it might be more up my alley, but it has a gore tag and I'm a bit squicky. Penny for anyone's thoughts on which of the two they'd recommend?
Picnic, Potions, and Teogonia for me.
I have to read some Faraway Paladin in between.
Just a reminder that January catchups will be changing on Monday the 1st around 1800 UTC, so get your backlog reading done before then!
@MasterLillyclaw said in New Year 2021 catchups!:
As of now, I've either read (Picnic, Sweet), dropped (Daughter, Potions), or am not interested in (JK Haru) everything thus far except Teogonia and Swordsman, both of which I haven't tried yet.
Teogonia sounds like it might be more up my alley, but it has a gore tag and I'm a bit squicky. Penny for anyone's thoughts on which of the two they'd recommend?
A rather late reply but Teogonia for sure. How can I put it... the gore in it is more like you'll find in Princess Mononoke, for example, then in something like Gantz. It can be a bit brutal at times when he's fighting, but it's a brutal world... It doesn't feel gratuitous and it's never fetishized or excessive, but if you are fighting giant ape creatures, for example, you aren't likely to just sing them to their sleep.
Many thanks to J-Novel Club for making these catch-ups available. I would never have picked up Otherside Picnic otherwise, since the description is so far outside my usual interests. I ended up giving it a go because I saw a favourable review of the anime adaptation that made it sound interesting and ended up mainlining the whole thing in 4 days.
I've now bought the books to support the author and the translation team and am eagerly awaiting news on volume 4!
I might get through the second volume of Picnic. >->
I'm almost done with Teogonia v3 and have thoroughly enjoyed this series, very glad it was on catchup. I might spend a couple credits to support the author, it was really good.
I stormed through Potions Loli this month and was darn glad I did... quickly became one of my new favorites.
@myskaros Hi! I have a question, this is the first time I hear about Catchup so just to be clear in what it consist of... Do you have a previous post or something stating what it is exactly?