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Reading;Steiner and John Hooper Teasing Something Special for Ever17 Fans?
Our own favorite translator Reading;Steiner, famous for working here on Isekai Smartphone, along with John Hooper are teasing something for Infinity series fans (announcement to appear on John's Twitter?).
If you don't know, the Infinity series are a set of 3 games partially worked on by Kotaro Uchikoshi of 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors / Virtue's Last Reward fame. These games are basically visual novel stories that have a lot of science combined with a Japanese novel game plot. Ever17, the middle game, is the most famous for its mindbending plot twists.
Edit:, before you ask, it isn't anything like a new game or a re-release of Ever17, but it's definitely something that might catch your eye!
You may even learn a thing or two the Japanese fanbase is unaware of! Hold out a few more days and the answers will be yours!
Announcement will be on May 1st.
Looks like it was likely this interview on Ever17 they were teasing. 3 parts (one part is spoiler, one part non spoiler).
Edit: From the interview.
Also, even if it is difficult to obtain, perhaps an environment that will allow Ever17 to be played in English will come to be in the near future. Please remember this Ever17 at that time.
@Terrence Wow, I'm surprised to see an older game like Ever17 possibly officially coming out in English. It was one of the first visual novels I ever played and I actually bought 9d9h9p when it first came out because it was by the same guy. Ever17 is both really fun and totally insane and it's kind of unforgettable. I'l definitely pick it up if it comes out for nostalgia chicken sandwiches. :smile:
@raddevlin The chicken sandwiches were tuna in the original Japanese version of the game (this comes up in this interview). :fish: :stuffed_flatbread:
Yeah, I played 999 first (bought it with Red Dead Redemption, and thought 999 was the better story experience), then watched playthroughs of the Infinity series on YouTube (in order, starting with Never 7).
My favorite Ever17 moment is when:
I think I'll play chicken to celebrate: Piyopiyo, piyo. Upukupu, upukupu!
Someone also has a Visual Novel Book Club slowly going through the game and commenting in a video with friends after finishing a portion of the run through (no gameplay though).