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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Anime ending
@db0ssman What ending? I saw no such ending...
I do however hate that there's really only ever one kind of relationship in anime/Manga/LNs: romantic.
Well if that is the case nothing like that was implied in the Light Novel so probably not worth reading too much into the subtext
@endoftheline I mean episode 12. Pretty much the second half centered around Fina distancing herself from Yuna because she wants to confess her love to her, but she has to prove her worth first. Yuna starts to feel sad because Fina is ignoring her. It takes Noire to point out to Yuna what she's feeling so she can relay it to Fina. Fina's dad convinces her to just go for it because she's young, but Yuna tells her first. They even do that thing where they show fina waiting at the house to welcome her home after something.
Granted I don't think they go as far as spelling out that it's exactly romantic, but that is def. the vibe I got from it. I feel like it would have looked a lot different if it was mean to be 'We are really your family now...' kind of meaning.
@db0ssman While I can understand the ending being interpreted in a romantic sort of way, the relationship is still pretty ambiguous.
For reference, my default tendency is to view all behavior through lens of friendship unless the story is specifically tagged romance, and I did more or less see the ending as Yuna *finally* seeing someone as a friend, a close friend even.
While I'm very much aware that the anime was giving off harem/yuri impressions for the entire season, including the ending. I choose not to care about that aspect since most of the time it's done to tease a specific audience (Yuri Goggles is a trope). However, when they go too far, I simply lose interest because I'm not in their target audience.
@endoftheline It might also be more clear what they mean in the actual Japanese too. Like Fina is showing a lot of jealousy toward the other girls in Yuna's life and is upset when they can't spend time together, but it's never really said why. It might be kind of like a jealous little-sister implication or a lover implication which is never made in the English subtitles which might be clear in the Japanese audio. We all know Funimation is known for their highly accurate subtitles and dubs...
Well I may be tone-deaf and I only have the 3 LNs currently in English, but I've always read Yuna as loving Fina as a little sister and good friend. She's very serious that she's her lifesaver, too. Fina is her closest friend, yes, but friends can get jealous, too. There are no romantic feelings in Yuna's conscious thoughts (LN story is told from her PoV).
At 15 Yuna is an adult, at least in her mind. She doesn't see people younger than her as romantic interests (I don't know that she's awakened to romance at all). She repeatedly calls Fina a little girl in her head and sees the bear gear as something that would be cute on a young girl like Fina, rather than on herself.
Cuteness is justice. Yuna has an obvious thing for little sister types, probably due to her (understated but unfortunate) family life in Japan. She's an only child. Her parents are absent and she doesn't see them as authority figures (and her grandfather who cares about her is an anime-only framing device). She's lived alone as a shut-in with no interest in friends or romance. It's only once she arrives in the isekai that she gets to experience such close relationships.
@db0ssman said in Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Anime ending:
because they knew the series was only going to get 1 season so they wanted it to end more definitively
Except they announced season 2.
@pcj That was just conjecture as to why they might have rushed through something that normally would take a lot of time to set up. I guess it was wrong though.
It does say at the end of episode twelve "The End" which is why I thought the series was supposed to be over.
I also took it as more of a friends/sisters vibe although I also agree the anime was at least teasing the romantic angle. The books have certainly shown Yuna somewhat unconsciously starting to open up to people and get closer to them, having been a loner on Earth and Fina is the most obvious person for her to acknowledge as her first proper friend so that was pretty much how I saw it. Might become clearer when volume 5 of the light novel comes out in English next year, as it seemed like the last episode was probably adapting the start of it, so we'll find out if the second half of the episode came from there or was anime original.
I was pretty surprised at a season 2 being announced, it definitely felt like they were setting that up as the ending. Maybe that was the plan, but it sold really well and they greenlit a season 2 but too late to make more of an open ending.
@TheWickerMan said in Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Anime ending:
I was pretty surprised at a season 2 being announced, it definitely felt like they were setting that up as the ending. Maybe that was the plan, but it sold really well and they greenlit a season 2 but too late to make more of an open ending.
I agree with that. And it if was supposed to be more ambiguous as to whether it was romantic or familial love (and not just a poor translation) then they are really going to have to pick a horse when it comes to the next season. Though I guess they could just ignore it too. Like, remember all that talk about loving each other and staying with each other for the rest of our lives? Me neither. Let's continue being friends like nothing happened.
@Caerold said in Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Anime ending:
I've always read Yuna as loving Fina as a little sister and good friend.
The same. She was an only child and her parents weren't all that great; based on the fact they willingly went on a trip with money she provided them and left her alone. Of course, that is what she wanted, but that also says a lot about them.
I just hope I get all the LNs covered by the second season before the season airs. Even buying the digital copies on Amazon when they release before the physical copies; the last book came after they were halfway through that portion of the series.
I just found out the 4th English LN was released last week. Amazon kinda sucks for notifications on some titles/authors without proper pages. >.<
@Caerold yeah I only.noticed yesterday. It's a good volume though well.worth it.
No release date for vol 5 ebook yet though, but as Print is in Feb shouldn't be too long
I finally signed up for Funimation and watched the anime.
That "maybe it's yuri" ending is out of left field for readers of the LNs. As of volume 6 which takes place after the anime, there is nothing like that in the LNs. Yuna sees Fina as a friend / little sister. No yuri, no loli harem.
The only hints of yuri are with adults
Ignoring the ending, it did a decent job of covering the highlights of the LNs, but anyone who enjoyed it really should read the LNs too. They left out a lot of fun content to cram 5 volumes into 12 episodes.