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Ascendance of a Bookworm: "Gaiden" short story book
Add my hat to the pile of do want. These side stories. I need them.
Add me to the begging group.
I would absolutely love to read those stories.
I would gladly buy the book as soon as published. -
+1 for the begging group. And if timelines are an issue, I'd even be fine with it taking over the every other week slot that the Fanbook currently occupies after that is competed
Yes please license this ππ½ when they get to translating it doesn't quite matter to me (although of course my greedy self wants it like yesterday) just knowing it was licensed would be awesome
Please license and translate the book. I would love to hear of all the things that happen to side characters. Miya Kazukis ability to write from different perspectives is one of the best parts of the bookworm universe. And it is crucial for the world building that we get books such as this and all future installments in the series.
@killerrin said in Ascendance of a Bookworm: "Gaiden" side story book:
+1 for the begging group. And if timelines are an issue, I'd even be fine with it taking over the every other week slot that the Fanbook currently occupies after that is competed
I would love that, too and would actually enjoy the slower pace of every other week since the book is compiled of short stories which can stand alone. To avoid spoilers perhaps a release after P4V4? That would make the start a Christmas treatπ²
+1 for the side story books. We got the fan books, so it would be immensely disappointing not to get the side story books as well.
+1 nuf said.
I need more Bookworm universe in my life. Those short stories will be a gold mine of laughter, seeing the reactions of Rozenmyne's attendants.
If they can be translated it be great.
Need this! -
As @Tube noted on the Bookworm Discord, the Royal Academy Stories side stories were indirectly mentioned by Sam as part of the Q&A section of JNC's September 2021 announcement stream and this was transcribed by the Reddit user LurkingMcLurk. I watched the stream at the time and it accords with my recollection of what was said, but it looks like the Twitch streams are no longer archived.
Q. Since we got the fanbooks (thank you!), are there any plans to license the short stories?
A. Um, well, I'm not going to answer that directly. All I will say is that, that when it comes to Bookworm is that if it's written by the author we'll probably license it. If it's something like, that's like an anthology from other artists or mangaka like, um, you know, official doujinshi type publication, there are a couple of those, then, erhm, probably not just because the rights might be difficult to handle on all of those and also it's not really canon. Um, but maybe, yeah I mean I'm not saying never to these sorts of things but our focus is on stuff that's written by the author. So the short stories? We will get to those as soon as we can.
@shiny Yay! I know it's not an official announcement but still hope!
@shiny That's a lot of "err's" and "um's" for what basically translates to "we will probably do that eventually, because Bookworm is popular, but we have a policy of not talking about future licensing and other internal business information unless it directly impacts our users."
@piisfun said in Ascendance of a Bookworm: "Gaiden" side story book:
@shiny That's a lot of "err's" and "um's" for what basically translates to "we will probably do that eventually, because Bookworm is popular, but we have a policy of not talking about future licensing and other internal business information unless it directly impacts our users."
He was clearly trying to avoid any landmines. I agree that his response could be summarised as you suggest. I really hope that they get or have already secured the license.
Quotes often omit the filler words which are normal in everyday speech, so because it was transcribed verbatim it sounds more uncertain than it did hearing it live.
I add myself on the list of people who like this side story !
So, JNC has a happy (one assumes) business relationship with Kazuki-san. Does she not hold the translation rights to her entire output or is Gaiden (?) involved in securing rights to the side story and are CD publishers involved in the rights to those stories? eg. Is it not a straightforward "ok, add story X that you did for Glico, story Y that you did for Nintendo, and that short story volume for Β₯Z and we'll talk about the stuff you did for Uniqlo next time." discussion with Kazuki-san?
@arghc Rarely if ever is the author involved in business deals, unless JNC were licensing directly the WN. But yes, spin-offs, short stories, fanbooks, etc are all not included in the main license. They all require a new contract with the JP publisher.
@legitpancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm: "Gaiden" side story book:
@arghc Rarely if ever is the author involved in business deals, unless JNC were licensing directly the WN. But yes, spin-offs, short stories, fanbooks, etc are all not included in the main license. They all require a new contract with the JP publisher.
It's a question, I guess, of if it's "the JP publisher" or "the JP publishers". After all, based on my understanding of how rights work: translation rights, movie/tv adaptation rights, toy rights, etc. can all be separate depending on the contracts you sign, so Kazuki-san could have retained translation rights, especially after starting to do business with JNC she could just have retained translation rights of subsequent stories and spin off works to simplify matters... Sorry, pointless idle speculation (but that's what the forums are for! 8-)
She explicitly said that translation can be only negotiated between foreign publishing companies and TO Books. She does not want to waste time on such matters.
I made this thread a year ago. Soon?