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Seirei Gensouki Anime Announcement
The comment was posted in the V16 discussion thread, I moved it here.
Since the OP & ED suggests it's going to get through the wedding arc. It also suggests that Yagumo is going to be presented in some fashion. That means they're probably going to cover the first 5 volumes in 12 episodes.
But I'd like to see volume 6 animated, since that's when all the characters are in place and Haruto's story finally begins. If they push through to volume 7, they'll actually reach a pretty clean stopping point in the story, with the confirmation that the path Rio decided on in Yagumo continues into the future and also answers who the mysterious hooded guy is, the one who crushed the thing that killed the assassin.
The first episode appears to cover about half the first volume, but since each volume doesn't cover much in terms of the overall plot. I didn't find the pacing particularly fast or the story hard to follow. While it did cut out a lot of the "how things work" background the novels give, I didn't really miss them since those details weren't going to matter.
While the first episode alone isn't enough to tell what's going to be de/emphasized or ongoing quality, it may work out alright if they use 2 episodes per volume having an extra 2 episodes for stretching out special events (or to cover volume 6 & 7).
Hm... I might actually find the pacing of the first episode fine because I've read parts of the manga; and I find the pacing of the manga to be rather fast. But we'll see how the pacing of the first episode compares to the next few episodes.
re: slums (and Rio's 'house" being too clean) When Rio encounters Vanessa and company, they ask about going into the slums etc (as if where they currently are, wasn't the slums), so that shack (in the anime) isn't in the slums (which would be different from the LN)
re: 12/24/36 episodes being produced, how many volumes will be covered etc. All we know (for certain) is that 1 cour of 12 episodes has been produced- if ratings/sales of the manga/LN are very, very, good, I imagine that the powers that be will green light 2nd cour (or more?) but from what I understand, any anime initially getting more than 12-13 episodes is rare (unless you are talking about a blockbuster/super popular manga/LN like SAO)
That being said, I hope that the production company made a rational decision to cover a reasonable amount in the 12 episodes (3 volumes or so) and the more grown up Rio we see in the opening credits is foreshadowing (wishful thinking) of what will be covered in a future crowdfunding. In my opinion that isn't a good sign. Anime are often marketing vehicles for LN/Manga, if the publisher isn't providing the funds to market the anime (i.e. swag to bundle with blue-rays etc.) and folks making the anime have to ask the fans to, who is going to pay for a 2nd season? A second season (where I presume there are new and/or more 'grown up' characters, and different settings) would have significant production costs - they can't reuse the art!
I don't want to presume too much from 1 episode- but they've laid groundwork for
that would be a lot for 12 episodes - it's going to be rushed. I expect time-skips, hand waving and whole parts just cut out
@jon-mitchell It's not just the OP/ED that feature Sayo and Rumi though; the teasers also did: (and sparring with Gouki a few seconds further in... and then Aishia afterwards)
I was optimistic before that Aishia's prominence meant they were changing up story. But now.... I mean a part of volume 5 was quite prominent in the ED, so while there's a chance it's optimism on the part of the studio...
yea, they're be compressing a lot into 1 season, a tough row to hoe. If handled poorly the whole thing could be a train wreck. If handled well, like a scalpel in a talented surgeon's hand, the cuts might make for a satisfying 'whole' cour...I'm not optimistic that fans will be happy, I'm just hoping that for what it is (without comparing it to the WN/LN/Manga) it's entertaining (as I've mentioned upthread, I have a low bar) ---I'll watch it regardless unless it becomes unbearable (like Ragnarok anime was) -
@jon-mitchell I guess considering it from a plot standpoint it makes more sense to stop there because it could wrap up more nicely (depending on the pacing and cuts). It's also better for a hypothetical second season too if they were to pace it the same way.
Celia proving, once again, that she can be so damn cute on any media form.
Finally caught up and I rather enjoyed episode 2. Something about the voice acting of Celia just clicks with the mental image I had of her in my head.
No doubt for me, still best waifuOh and just noticed from the end credit artwork, it looks like at minimum volume 5 will be reached (best arc in my opinion)
@custodes From the title of the next episode I guess ep 3 will end the first volume... And why did they sum up Rio not being able to use magic as an off remark by fucking Alphonse?? Damn... this is not looking good.
@paulnamida Opposing viewpoint: They're cutting a lot of stuff that ultimately isn't important in the long run, meaning we might be able to trust they'll do cuts competently and devote more time to content that's appealing to new viewers, which will get them to read the books and maybe allow for more anime in the future.
@myskaros IMO, showing his training at using his mana and how it differs from the regular magic taught at the Kingdom was an important plotpoint. I guess they could just show it as a flashback during the minotaur fight, but that'd be anticlimactic AF.
@paulnamida Please remember not to post spoilers in this topic, a lot of people are experiencing the story for the first time via the anime. And I still don't really think that plot point is important, so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
@jon-mitchell in different point-of-view crowd funding can actually make something that was ignored by publisher into working product. also it left the creator to their own device without minding publisher pressure. as someone who witness the success of nekopara I think its not impossible task. well, as long as we have enough fans with money tho.
2nd episode was great imo.
not too much content skip while also has plenty of Celia screen.also when Celia call "Rio..." to ask him the trouble he facing was so nice to hear.
it ring really well.after 5 year time skip.
The second episode went farther than I expected, but honestly, it cut out only a little bit of the terrible attitudes towards Rio. And the discussion that led to Rio being sent to the school. The bringing up Miharu again the way they did was really well done.
@grobinson2k1 I would have preferred they kept the fight with Charles short and included Roanna's lecture, but it was still a very good episode.
@salientmind To be fair....
@albertrojas yeah, but if we are thinking long term.
@salientmind True, but
@albertrojas That is true, and they can even retroactively include it.