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(New) App Feedback
On the android version, the text placed as exponent overlaps with the text which should be below it. -
Oh my gosh... Where has this app BEEN! The old app was terrible so I gave up on it entirely and for the longest time I would just pull up new chapters on a Google Tab on my phone. This is so, so SO much better! Plus you can mark favorite so it'll track new sections! That was a feature I was begging for awhile back! This is GREAT! Thanks guys!
So in reference to the superscript, on android I've seen it showing correctly and incorrectly. Don't know what determines when it displays one way or the other.
Here's a good example just one paragraph apart.
@chocolatkey Dungeon Busters: Volume 01 Part 06 10%
For the screenshot I posted...but there are multiple instances throughout this Part that displays the superscript incorrectly.
@chocolatkey The screenshot was from "A Wild Last Boss Appeared!" volume 3 part 6 at around 29%, and in case it's useful the font is "Arbutus Slab" size 160% with 1.3 line spacing and Justify.
The follow feature is great, but it can mean I miss new series. It would be great if I could set it to auto follow new light novel series. I can subsequently unfollow them if they are not my cup of tea.
@Shiny I understand the issue, and we plan on adding a sort of badge to get your attention if new series are released later down the line. Auto-following of new series is most likely not going to be implemented anytime soon, because it would require some background tasks that would complicate things. I've taken note, but it's at the bottom of the priority list
@chocolatkey said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
@Shiny I understand the issue, and we plan on adding a sort of badge to get your attention if new series are released later down the line.
An attention-grabbing badge would be great. Basically all I want is something so that I don't miss a series because I'm focussing on followed series. It could alternatively be through a notification system which also notified me of e-book releases for series I follow.
Version 0.3.0+6 should now be available on both iOS and Android. Fixes include:
- Manga image quality selection works: Auto is based on your connection (wifi or mobile data) and screen size
- Separate orientation settings for novels and manga
- Better default tap regions: Adjustable setting coming soon (for margins too)
- Ability to disable animations in reader @Atars
- Lists in novels didn't have proper formatting
- Download volume EPUBs (from browser): Long press on volume in library or use the download button on the volume's page
- (iOS) Dismissing the keyboard on the sign in screen is easier
- Sessions last 6 weeks instead of 2: There was supposed to be better handling of expired sessions this build, it seems the fix does not work, I fixed said fix and it will be included in the next build
This is totally #firstworldproblems, but could you add the JNC web domain as an associated domain to the app on iOS? I think this will make the keyboard automatically offer the saved user/pass as a one-tap action.
@Nosgoroth Sure
@chocolatkey do you still want instances of incorrect superscripts?
@Khaos Nope, I'm aware of what the issue is and it will be fixed next build. Thanks for pointing them out
I like the way this app lets me read the next part in a series very easily without having to go back and select the next part. Finally gave me the motivation to get started on reading the campfire cooking series since it's on catchup.
I don't know if this is only for issues but It would be nice to have the app alert you to when Pre-pubs on your favorites list are going to expire
Can you build the app for macOS App Store?
@Atars Desktop support for Flutter (I think the app was Flutter?) is still in alpha. I'd guess the best bet for now is to end up with the iOS app running on Apple Silicon.
@Atars what @Nosgoroth said is correct, I am going to wait until Flutter desktop support is out of alpha before expanding to any sort desktop support, although I will say it works surprisingly well already on my Windows machine ;)
Is it possible to change pages with Volume Button when reading in Page mode? I tend to use the volume buttons to change pages in mobile readers and this will be a good addition to those people who do the same.