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(New) App Feedback
@dragonvare @jpwong Ohhh, I see. Yeah, Google has been rejecting our app updates because they think it's an aggregator app and we're violating copyrights. Let me see about getting a link to an APK posted so that Android users can get access to the latest version.
@myskaros said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
@dragonvare @jpwong Ohhh, I see. Yeah, Google has been rejecting our app updates because they think it's an aggregator app and we're violating copyrights. Let me see about getting a link to an APK posted so that Android users can get access to the latest version.
did that link ever get posted somewhere?
I have been using the current iPadOS beta and have not to reliably use the app to view Manga titles. They begin to load, then reload, then put up a white screen.
This has been persistent on all betas through the current beta 8 - 15.0 (19A5340a). I have atte,Pete to delete and re-install the app, but that did not help.
@fikiri Can you include your iOS version as well?
@myskaros Any chance of that apk link for Android? We seem to be stuck on 0.6.1 thanks to the app store mess.
@pcj Sorry for the lack of updates. We're focusing on resolving the app store issue as a priority since it will hinder our full release if we can't get it figured out. I can ask about getting an APK created, but I'm not familiar with the process or how time consuming it might be, and there are some logistics to be wary of as well.
@myskaros ah, cool. No worries then. I was mostly asking because you said you were going to post it and then never mentioned it again. :-) Now we have that followup so we know where it's going.
As an Android app developer myself, I've fought that specific battle myself before, and it's a pain in the butt. Trying to get the reviewers to actually tell you what IP they think you're violating is a challenge in itself, and then once you finally get them to tell you (after 3 or 4 rounds of back and forth) they don't bother to read the "proof of license" documentation you send them and ask for docs again and I'd have to reopen the ticket with "but, I sent you that already" and then they'd approve the app finally. I sure hope they don't end up asking you to see the licensing contracts on every single title every time you publish an update....
@myskaros I was using Beta 8 - 15.0(19A5340a) when I last tested it.
A new update for Marielle Clarac v3 (manga) was uploaded earlier today. I can read it from the releases page of the app, but if I press and hold the chapter in order to go to the volume, it and the earlier chapters are marked as expired as of 14 January 2021 (even thought the volume’s first chapter didn’t come out until July) and I’m not allowed to select them. Like the latest chapter, I can also read the earlier ones from the releases page.
iOS app version 0.7.0/0.7.X
I was reading normally when this thing happened -- it's probably related to iOS 15 since I just updated.Wait, never mind, it seems to have gone into horizontal mode without me noticing.
@ingraman Forgot to reply, but this was fixed!
@myskaros said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
@ingraman Forgot to reply, but this was fixed!
Thank you. :) I checked on it a couple of days ago, and noticed the fix. I presume that the problem wasn’t so much with the app, but rather some other behind-the-scenes setting.
@chocolatkey said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
I'm up and running in the beta app. So far, it's a vast improvement over the stability of the one currently on the App Store. I haven't had a chance to browse through all the past posts. Is there a place where people are leaving their feature requests, like horizontal pagination for books, or a favorites tab so we can keep track of what we're reading? Also, do you prefer we use TestFlight's in-app bug reporting, or do you want us to post our concerns and findings here? Thanks! Looking forward to a great experience.
@hikikostory In-app bug reporting will work! Posting it here would let other people comment if it's a feature that already exists and you just didn't find it, for example. Just be aware that we're already in a feature freeze for the 1.0 release. We're just currently struggling with... getting the latest beta version actually approved by Apple/Google... :( It keeps getting stuck in approvals with no progress or communication, so all we can do is resubmit it and cross our fingers.
@myskaros Alright. Feature freeze is probably wise since the app is rough around the edges. Are you sure it's ready for release? I was reading the latest Tearmoon episode and a page with italic text in horizontal mode turns all non-italic text into headline size.
It seems exactly identical to the very first post in this forum from over a year ago. I've noticed other formatting glitches, so I'll be sure to report them, too. I'm running iOS 14.7.1 on an iPad 6.
@hikikostory As I said, we are having trouble pushing the latest beta release because it's getting stuck in approvals for reasons we aren't privy to. It's not even being rejected, we just never hear back about it. So yes, we were aware of that issue and it's on the list of things that need to be fixed before 1.0, but we can't update our beta build past whatever the last one was approved. We are working on getting an APK posted for Android users since that one is even further behind than the latest iOS TestFlight build.
An APK would be awesome, as the new App allows the SSO logins. And without that I'm stuck (or I would need to create a password ...)
Due to the reasons @myskaros explained, I am uploading builds of the Android app version 0.8.0, which has been re-submitted to both Apple and Google for review.
For Android users, this update includes the 0.7.0 and 0.8.0 improvements, which are:
- Manga progress bars display correctly along with total page count
- Improvements to the paginated novel reader
- Manga reader loading speed improvements
- New sign-in method (App Code), mainly for Google SSO users
- Slightly dimmer white in reader's light theme
@chocolatkey it works great, thanks!
The one downside is it looks like it has a different signature than the one in the app store, so I had to uninstall the existing one first because it refused to upgrade it. The actual error was something to the effect of "conflicts with an existing app with the same name"
@pcj Unfortunately I can't change that, modern Google Play submissions use app bundles, which need to be re-signed by Google, therefore Google manages and uses their own key.