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(New) App Feedback
Feature Request (not sure if it's already been requested, apologies if so)
Filter options for the Series page: "Only Manga" "Only Light Novels", also options to filter by each of the imprints as well. -
@pcj Oh, novels vs manga is in there already, just not in an obvious spot. Hit the Search button, then that's one of the options for search results. But if you hit the novel/manga buttons it sorts immediately without waiting for you to put something in the search box.
Since the latest release, if I’m in the middle of reading a part and I tap to open/close the progress bar, sometimes it will jostle the text around. It happens on both the light and dark themes and I can’t figure out in what exact circumstances it does or doesn’t act up. But it seems related to how when you first open the reader to 0%, tapping away the bars will initially scoot the text up a little? It’s like the reader can’t decide whether to scoot itself down again or back up or what have you.
@masterlillyclaw This has also happen to me though the last time it was a little more than a little though since I have the font increase it probably only seems that way.
I haven't figured out the right or reason for it yet either.
On iOS latest beta build, and ever since I downloaded the beta a year ago, there’s a really annoying glitch on the manga reader.
When you pinch and zoom, if the window touches either the far left or far right of the manga page, then it becomes stuck horizontally and you can only move vertically. Otherwise if you try to move horizontally it will move to the next or last page. Only way to fix it is to zoom in or out a tiny bit and try to avoid the left/right margins.This is my main complaint with the manga reader, and getting it fixed would be a major improvement.
@legitpancake It's not really a bug, it's just a very rough implementation of a feature that will be improved upon in future builds, namely the ability to swipe to the next/previous page even if you're zoomed in if you try to pan past the edge of the image.
At the moment, it's a very primitive implementation where if you hit the edge of the image, the image panning locks and the page swiping unlocks until the page is changed. I didn't know it would be that bit of an issue in its current, in fact I wasn't sure anyone would even notice. It will be improved upon in future builds -
@pcj Until data is more accurately classified in our database, additional filtering options will most likely not be added. In the meantime, however, you can enter terms such as "pulp" or "heart" to get novels in those imprints since they are tags
@mirkosp We are aware of this issue with the logo's color, I had already submitted the app to the stores by the time I realized it was an issue, but it's minor enough that it could wait until the next build. There are a few other theme color issues that will be fixed next build as well, such as on the last page or the loading spinners for manga pages
Was just wondering, if you're able to disclose, how high in priority is fixing paginated mode? This has been an issue since the launch of the beta and is the thing that bugs me the most.
@khaos pretty high priority. We plan on releasing a 1.0 in the near future, and part of that includes paginated mode working properly
The app freezes after 10-15 minutes of reading which reboots my phone. This has been happening since yesterday and happens everytime I read in 10-15 minutes intervals
I never had any issues prior to this though and can't pinpoint why I just freezes and crashes
I'm on the newest android (Samsung Galaxy S21) if that's of any importance
@firefistyk What device and OS version?
@firefistyk this sounds like a pretty serious issue I don't think anyone else has had. More info would be appreciated.
@myskaros Samsung Galaxy S21, Android 11
@chocolatkey Yea I figured, anything I can do to give more info?
I have a video showing that the app stops working and that my phone restarts if that's of any help
@firefistyk if you could send this video to that would be great
@chocolatkey said in (New) Beta App Feedback:
@firefistyk if you could send this video to that would be great
Done, just write to me if it didn't arrive by any chance
Top Left: Google Play Books Reader
Top Right: JNovel New App Dark Theme
Bottom Left: JNovel Old App Dark Theme
Bottom Right: Discord Dark ModeLeft: Google Play Books Reader
Right: JNovel New App Dark ThemeHi, I would like to suggest lowering the contrast of white and black in the new app's dark/black theme.
Currently the app is using values that are either pure black(#000) and pure white(#FFF) or very close to it.
This is really harsh and fatiguing on the eyes while reading and generally should not be done. It's a well known principle in UX and UI design, so I am not trying to force a subjective opinion on the app.
These two links discusses the effects of using such high contrast, and the first one discusses in-depth the science behind this. (People with astigmatism will be affected even more by this)
While I would usually resort to gray theme, the gray from the gray theme is even brighter than the dark mode on discord, so it does not function well as a dark mode theme at all.
I hope the values are updated in future app versions (or even the web reader), since I frequently use the JNovel app to read. Thanks!
@genosis now that this is on the forums, is there anyone who would not like it if the white text were to be slightly dimmed?
@chocolatkey Is it possible to have someone sort of adjustment slider?
Can't recall if I or anyone else has mentioned this before, but it would be nice to be able to tell from within the app whether a release is the final one for that volume or not. On the "Releases" page itself might be a bit crowded, so at least on the book's "Volume" page you can get to from long-pressing a release would be nice.