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(New) App Feedback
@chocolatkey not really a big deal with this app anyway because all your settings are saved with your account so all you have to do is log back in.
Is there an issue with text wrapping and accented characters? This is from Deokure Tamer vol. 2 part 2 on the iOS beta.
@chocolatkey Thanks for this, I'm using a device without google mobile services and it's a pain to get the apks. Would love to have an official link for updated apks even after the apps are approved in the play store.
@parasquid If you mean without Google Play Services, I haven't tested on that before. Considering we do use some Firebase libraries in our app, I would expect the app may crash. I assume it doesn't?
In the beta app on Android, "reborn to master the blade" vol3, all parts has been marked expired in the "series" tab. May have been erroneously marked expired together with vol 2.
However, the pre-release parts are viewable and not locked on the mobile site and also in the beta app through the "releases" tab.
@abcdave This has been fixed, thanks for letting us know!
Beta 0.8 is now available on iOS Testflight as well. New bugs and old bugs that still persist:
- Pagination does vertical scrolling -- according to chocolatkey on Discord, this happens for font sizes above 100%, and it'll be fixed in the next build.
- When pagination works, it doesn't take into account safe margins (notches, camera cutouts) -- according to chocolatkey on Discord, it'll be fixed in the next build.
- In vertical scrolling mode, when changing orientation of the device (switching from/to portrait/landscape), the position of the text jumps around. To replicate: open a part, scroll down a bit (the further away from 0% the bigger the jump), tap to see the current percentage, rotate the device, observe that the percentage hasn't changed but the text has jumped ahead (portrait to landscape) or back (landscape to portrait), scroll a bit to see the percentage bar jump instantly to the new position.
In v0.8.0 the dark theme became lighter due to an unexpected change in the underlying framework. It will be darker again next build
Just as a point of feedback, I really like that in the new Android release, it now keeps track of how far into each part you've read instead of just whether you opened it.
However, I still seem to get prompted frequently upon starting the app to "continue where I left off" when I don't have anything that's partially completed (everything is either completely read or completely unread). So far I've just been hitting cancel instead of trying it to see where it takes me, which I'm guessing would be useful for debugging. I'll try to remember to see where it goes next time that pops up.
It actually did it to me right after I wrote that. It took me to page 1 of the most-recently-read title (which was indeed marked completed). Was Reborn to Master the Blade Manga V2C2 in case it matters.
@chocolatkey sorry for the late reply, I wasn't following the forums. I've been using it the whole week on the Huawei mate pad 10.4 without any crashes.
ah, and maybe I'm using it wrong but I've always thought Google play was just k e part of gms but I think I know what you mean.
Can you let the users choose the option between scroll-down and slide on novel-reading or at least have it on setting? I prefer to slide when reading on book on iPad instead of scrolling down
never mind found the button to do it. But can you also put that options on preference? It took me 2 hours to notice that option exist
Good work so far.
I have one suggestion for the iOS app:
Of course i understand that marking of text in general is not a good idea,
but as non native english speaker it would be nice to mark single words or single phrase for translation. -
I just got prompted for an update from the Play Store on my Android device. Congratulations on Google FINALLY approving your app. :-)
Paragraph line spacing for the app would be greatly appreciated :>)
I've generally noticed that the app seems to have a relatively large drain on my device's battery - especially considering I'm using low brightness and dark-mode combined with an amoled screen. I'm using the android app, version 0.8.0 (though this has also occurred in previous versions).
As came up in the Discord discussion with @chocolatkey , I am using vertical scrolling mode - and I tend to scroll bit by bit as I read (scroll every few lines read).
Beta Android app just stopped working.
Error message:
Failed loading releases: No response received from server - Connecting timed out [1 0000ms]Website still seems to work.
@abcdave seems too be resolved. Thanks
With Android app 0.8 on Android 11 - Samsung a32 - if I go to series and look at follows:
With 19 series followed, it works fine.
With 20 series followed, it scrolls through them over and over again.