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(New) App Feedback
@Nosgoroth Hmm, I'm still on 14.2, so let me update and see if that did anything.
Edit: Just updated iOS to 14.3 and that seemed to fix it. Interesting.
App crashes when I try to fullscreen infinite dendrograms newest part
As of today it crashes when I try to log in. It was working fine until I timed out and had to do the periodic log in.
Pixel 4xl with Android 11I will try side loading the app when I get the chance.
I see the same thing as of today when I got logged out. The tap to crash was annoying, but now the app is just unusable.
Any updates on 5.0.1 appearing in the play store? I cannot side load apps. -
@bfennema unfortunately Google rejected our 0.5.1 update for the usual "copyrighted content" reason, even though the crash fix is the only change. When I have more updates to push, I'll submit another version
I haven't had a chance to sideload yet. Finally got time to log in on the computer to read some of last weeks updates.
I'll try to get to it shortly to make sure it fixes it. -
Just installed it. It definitely fixed the log in problem on android 11. Thanks.
@chocolatkey What a bummer. Having to use the old app is painful after using the new one.
On the beta app, this part (part 3) and only part 3 shows up as expired. As such it's not readable on the app, though it does seem to work on the website oddly enough, even though it says it expired 2 months ago. Not a huge deal, just thought to bring it up
@Kilocron in the new app, the soft expiration date is enforced (which will become the norm), unlike on the website. This date is obviously a mistake, and has been fixed
I just launched the new beta app on my phone to check for any new releases and my user login timeout. I'm on an iPhone 11 Pro with the latest iOS. I noticed when I wasn't logged in it was showing that I was in the middle of reading or have completed a few chapters. The weird part was I hadn't read those LN at all and especially on the app. I logged back in and it still showed it. I went to the individual book and check there, but it didn't show any progress like it should. I then launched the chapter and it started me at the beginning no matter if I was in the middle or had supposedly completed the chapter for the chapters in question. Once I went back it showed no progress.
Note: Its not just those 2 chapters, but they are what I was using for this post.
In addition to "Catch-up titles" it'd be cool if there were an "Expiring titles" tab (unless there is one and I missed it).
@Terrence by tab you mean a filter for the series listing? I'm not quite sure what would qualify as expiring if everything in prepub is technically expiring soon
Yeah, the filter series area would be a good spot to add expiring volumes if possible (just a list of titles that will expire the 15th of the current month if possible, or next month if it's passed the 16th).
When I went to the Library section to download Dungeon Busters to read the bonus stories I noticed a few areas of issue/waste of time. When clicking on a title from the Library it opens up the volume, but has the info part up when it doesn't do that when you visit the volume page regularly. Once I figured out I had to click the download button on the volume page to get the epub it was fine, but couldn't clicking the title in the Library just auto take you to the epub download page instead if available? I think that would be better.
@jdmmis Just added spoilers to your two posts because your images are incredibly large and make navigating this topic quite obnoxious ;x
@jdmmis we may reconsider the design of the library as the amount of features increases, but for now you should be able to long press on a volume in your library to download
@chocolatkey It's so weird how they reject it even though you own the copyright...
@chocolatkey I had this experience with one of my apps a week or so ago. They'd complained about trademark usage in my app a few months ago (it's an app that interacts with someone else's service, and thus has to explain about the service it's connecting to, and mere mention of that service was enough to set them off). I appealed with a link to said service's trademark usage policy that actually explicitly specifies it's okay to use their name when talking about connecting to them, and then they let it through. Then this last week, I got a notification that I needed to specify whether it was a news app or not. I did nothing except tick the box saying it wasn't on the app, and suddenly I get another "your update was rejected because you're using someone else's trademark in your description". Even though the very same description (since the last time they rejected for it) actually has "name and logo of xxxx used with permission" with a link to their trademark usage policy right in it. So I appealed again pointing out that it was right in the description and they accepted the appeal. But long story short (too late) they've definitely got someone not quite paying attention in their review department. Especially when it's something they'd already accepted an appeal on in the past which should be on the record for the person to look at.
@myskaros Thank you
@chocolatkey Thank you for the tip