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(New) App Feedback
Can we get the Alegreya font back on the new app, that has become a really comfortable fort to read in and it’s nostalgic. Pardon if this has been brought up already.
@doomerx said in (New) App Feedback:
Can we get the beta back?
Wouldn't fixing the regressions be sufficient? :-) I'd rather not lose the stuff they did fix between 0.8 and 1.0.
As far as the Ask to resume bit goes, I know that was asking when it shouldn't have been pretty frequently in 0.8 (like when everything was completed and there was nothing to resume, it asked anyway, and went somewhere random), and no longer asks me in those errant situations in 1.0. Maybe whatever they did to fix it overdid it?
There's weird behavior on the new app when it loses connection;
Even when you reconnect to the internet it becomes unable to fetch any info and you have to close and reopen the app.
Edit: Also, I don't know if there's a way to star series that I missed, but as it is it's kind of irksome to bounce between the current releases and the old releases, I have to go search through the library each time.
Would it be possible to add an option to lock the rotation of the app to vertical/horizontal. Don't want to have to change phone settings every time.
Sometimes certain parts are marked unread/white again even though I've read them. Even when I go mark it read/green again, it won't stay that way when I open the app later and reverts back to white/unread.
Please can we get the old site reader back. I don't want to use the new site's version because the reader is to be frank dog**** and I want to keep using the old one.
Bonjour, si a défaut de pouvoir remettre l'ancien lecteur, serait il possible d'intégrer un traducteur dans l'application ?
Sinon je ne pourrais plus garder mon abonnement, il ne servira à rien -
Can some of you list off the things you don't like about the new reader instead of just saying it's crap? It's going to be really hard for them to fix the new reader to be usable for you if they don't know why you think it's crap. Tell them specifically what they could fix to make it not crap for you.
I know for me personally it's a pain that the single page mode ends up being one page that the same width at the two column mode. That leaves the reader too wide to read, so ideally some way to make the reader shrink down to a similar width as the previous reader would be ideal.
I dislike the way the overlay keeps popping in and out whenever I move my mouse over the reader as I read, a way to force it on in place and not overlaid on the reader's reading space would be nice, but I consider that to be a quality of life fix rather than minimum use functionality.
For a number of our foreign and some of our other English readers users the primary concern appears that the new reader doesn't work with language translation software or text to speech software, it sounds like the old reader had the ability for these software applications to do their thing. Since the alternate PWC reader appears to support both of these, it seems like this is more to do with how the reader itself works to prevent text copying.
However since this is a topic specifically for the new app, unless the reader in the new app and the web site are actually the same thing, perhaps we should fork this conversation into it's own topic devoted to feedback for the new web reader. I know the new web site feedback thread (that's locked) was the original place to offer up feedback about things people want, but I don't think a specific topic was ever set up after the new site topic was locked down (I could be wrong about this and just haven't seen said topic though).
The locked topic, as its final entry, says that there will now be a topic in Support dealing with web site updates, and to use that for feedback stuff.Supposedly a new topic each month, but currently the pinned "J-Novel Club Monthly Updates" topic is labelled as for January.
I left a post there a day or so back suggesting a better topic name be chosen, and the thing I'd like changed.
Mine was the first user message left, which to me indicates that the topic name isn't working. -
@weasalopes Well I suppose that makes sense, the topic reads more like a here's what we fixed in the last month announcement, not a development roadmap and feature request topic.
I wish the app had a reading history section. Preferably one where you could easily navigate to the last part you read, as soon as possible after opening the app.
There used to be a feature that when you closed the app and reopened it, a popup asks if you want to continue where you left off. Now you have to either scroll down your releases tab until you find the part that's partially read, or query the title in the series tab and navigate to the correct part. It's a bigger hassle than it needs to be imo.
Coin totals do not show up in the iOS App
Since the changeover to coins instead of credits, the iOS app do not reflect the amount of coins available. I'm on the latest version from the Appstore (iOS 15.5)
@anony-mouse99 Yes, that's because the latest update is from a while ago, before coins were a thing. Once the new update is out, you'll see coins
Is there a planned fix for the inability to mark manga chapters as done/read? Or the fact that several of them can't be completed at all because the app says there's more pages in each chapter than there actually are? (For the latter, AoaB 2x6 seems to be the most obvious example).
@mystyk It's a bigger problem than just the app. This problem should automatically be fixed once we finish migrating to our new backend.
I don't know if it's only me, but manga pages load so SLOW, it's really vexing, and changing the quality doesn't show any improvement whatsoever.
It would be nice if this gets improved as I love using the app to read my series.
BTW, I have a phone with Android 12.Thanks
@lucascba Would it be possible to send us a screen recording of this to ?
Ok so a few things I found while using the app:
Mangas take forever to load. Would be nice if I could make them auto download when they get published.
Why does it ask me if I wanna open the volume when I press and hold? Why else would I do that?
There should be a way to get from viewing the parts of a Volume to viewing the Volumes of a series. Perhaps the back button could instead of going to releases to that.
It would be great for us non English speaking folks to be able to quickly translate a word or sentence. Like honestly, Athletes foot? Just call it what it is: Foot fungus.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk and keep up the good work!
After upgrading my Pixel 6 to Android 13 I now see glyphs before each paragrah:
These were not visible before I upgraded.
I will also stress that the App does not recover from a connection loss.
Even after the connection is restored all requests in the App continue to fail.
This makes the App VERY annoying to use out and about.