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Regarding missing/modified titles from Amazon
The Great Cleric is fixed and available now on Amazon Kindle:
Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 2 Volume 4 (kindle) appears to be removed. Paperback is still available.
The faster people boycott Amazon, the better. Not giving them a cent ever again. This is what happens when you allow a virtual monopoly for the sake of "convenience".
@LegitPancake Gone from the series list too -
What kind of questionable content is in Part 2 Volume 4? I don't see anything.
Amazon lists the entire AoaB series under "children's literature".
P2V4 contains the attack on Myne and her family.
Not saying it's related to the removal, but...
Part 1 v1 also only has the physical edition.
Edit: Never mind, it has the digital, it's just not linked to the physical for some reason.
I'll cross-post this in suggestions for new website/app:
Might I suggest that JNC put MOBI (or other kindle supported format) premiums in the "my library" section in addition to EPUB? I cannot fathom why anyone would pay the same (or more) to purchase a JNC title from amazon vs. using premium credits. The multiple times commenters mention using Calibre to convert formats (and the objections to not doing so, i.e. not owning a PC) make it clear to me that there is 'demand' for having content in a 'direct to kindle-friendly' format. -
@Jon-Mitchell I think it's been discussed before and it was mentioned they didn't think it was a bad idea, just that the focus was on the (now live) beta site, so it might not be a bad time to bring it up again.
@hiroto Kindle ebook is back up for Bookworm P2V4, and it shows in the series carousel on that page, but it still doesn't show up in the series page link you provided.
Sam posted on Twitter about why it got taken down:
This was all because some idiots uploaded a third of the book in some Facebook posts, which caused amazon to flag it as in the public domain.
We had to dmca those posts, once amazon actually sent us the links to them, in order to get them to reconsider our claim we held the rights. Sorry it took so long.
@myskaros Posting it on Facebook makes it public domain?? That's a new one.
smh at Amazon
So, instead of assuming it's stolen (paid) content, they assume it's public domain? Yep, that's obviously the logical choice...😅
...Amazon. Look at the copyright date of the original Japanese version on your site. Then look at how long things stay out of public domain. Then tell me how the heck your first instinct, upon getting notice of what that bot saw, was to believe that Random Facebook Person was quoting public domain material.
Now, admittedly, I can think of one way this could have happened, and it doesn't assign blame to the workers. But it does mean they're overworked, and Amazon, you need to stop doing that to your employees. Let them rest for fuck's sake.
I have the utmost sympathy for JNC for having to work with a company who regularly behaves as if they were indifferent to the inconvenience, stress and economic harm their idiocy causes buyers and sellers alike.
@thegrimlich I fully believe there was no human interaction here. Just an Amazon program that scrapes the internet and it found that. I fault Amazon with banning first and asking questions later.
@legitpancake Sadly, that is actually quite plausible. Doesn't change the fact that they need to give their workers breaks and actually let them rest, though.
I'm still stuck on "Facebook post = public domain". That's not how copyright works! Your posts are copyrighted (..or violating someone else's); that's why there's usually some sort of boilerplate about you giving Facebook/Twitter/etc. an unlimited license to reproduce it.
I pity JNC having to deal with these chuckleheads and their monopoly >.>
@thegrimlich Unfortunately it's a lot more than plausible, it's almost certainly the truth. Amazon values algorithms much more highly than people because you don't have to pay them anything.
@myskaros Sorry, I'm a bit confused. I was going through my Amazon content pages looking for novel updates (I refuse to whispersync and do everything through Calibre) and saw that my copies of the Potionloli 1-4 LNs are all broken. All 4 titles appear to have been reuploaded after their removal -- is there not a way to get access to the content I paid for before I became a member here? I certainly don't blame ya'll for their removal, but why can't I redownload stuff if it's been "fixed"? Would love an update on this from anyone who has been through the process (whatever it may be) to fix the broken links.