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Regarding missing/modified titles from Amazon
@Kalessin - I'm in the "hates minor spoilers" camp so I do prefer images to be either inline or at the back.
@Zehd IIRC, myskaros (or someone else from JNC) previously either stated that they aren't allowed to do that or that they were worried that they'd get in trouble with Amazon if they did. It would be nice if they could make it clear that they'd had to remove content for the Kindle version, but they have to be careful, or the books won't be on Amazon at all, which will really hurt them, since far too many people buy from Amazon instead of directly from JNC or from one of the alternatives.
Also, my guess is that unless they had the information in the listing's title, most people would never notice anyway. Most people aren't going to read the descriptive text beyond maybe book 1, and if the note is in the book itself, it's already too late by the time they see it.
JNC is doing their best, but I seriously question that there's actually a way to handle this issue in a way that makes it clear that the book has been altered without it causing problems. And since it's Amazon, sadly, JNC can't afford the problems.
@Kalessin And that, kids, is why antitrust laws are not only necessary, but require robust enforcement.
Basically, all these changes will affect only Amazon versions of Light Novel. Other eBook sellers, including novels available at Premium here will be unchanged, I've understood this correct?
@WarStalkeR said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
Basically, all these changes will affect only Amazon versions of Light Novel. Other eBook sellers, including novels available at Premium here will be unchanged, I've understood this correct?
Not quite:
I made a post a week or so ago inbthe sugedtions page asking if JNC would offer there premium ebooks in the mobi format and let us link are device email to are JNC account so that we can have are books just sent straight to are device with out having any extra steps involved. I agree that the customer should not have to do anything extra to get what they paid for. It would make sense going forword for JNCZ as it would make there premium ebooks easy for everybody to get on there device and not just people who are good with tech. Its allready annoying enough to have to go to my phone to buy my books over the device itself. I dont have a pc. I know it should be possible to do on my phone but this thing is oooold. Like 6 or 7 years old
@Apairon said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
I agree that the customer should not have to do anything extra to get what they paid for.
I just want to point out that people who are paying for DRM-free ebooks from J-Novel Club, are in fact getting DRM-free ebooks from J-Novel Club.
The fact that Amazon does not support ePub files while all other major eReaders and reading apps (iBooks, Google Play Books, Nook, MoonReader)
do, is Amazon making their customers do extra work to use their services and products.I should also make clear that your suggestion for .MOBI files is a perfectly valid suggestion that I take no fault with.
I understand that people who use kindle have to do extra steps to get J-Novel Club files on a kindle, however that really is an Amazon issue with them making their service not user friendly.
I do have a question: what is the estimate to get the affected titles back up on the amazon site?
Also, i really appreciate everything the J-novel staff does. The physical media, and creation and support of all the types and outlets of digital media. I'm happy to get what we get, and appreciate it all.
@Flinkly said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
I do have a question: what is the estimate to get the affected titles back up on the amazon site?
At this time, we unfortunately do not have a solid estimate.
@Rahul-Balaggan im sorry if i offended or made upset anyone with my comment. It was not my intent to say that JNC is making me do more work. Im not good at explaining myself over forums so i dont usualy make posts. I mearly wanted to ask if 1 we could get mobi format with out needing a 3rd party programe and 2 if it would be possible to link are device email to are JNC account so we could just send the correct format to are devices. It would be a more user friendly way for customers to buy direct from JNC as not everybody is good with tech. Thats what i mean by extra steps. This would imho be a good way for JNC to make a premium memebership more apealing to a wider group of people. In closing again im sorry if my original post ruffled some feathers. This was not my intent
@Apairon I don't think that you've offended anyone. Rahul's main point seems to be simply that the problem is caused by the fact that how Amazon operates is not user-friendly and that JNC is doing exactly what they said they would - provide DRM-free e-books (and in an open format used by everyone but Amazon which is objectively superior to Amazon's format no less). If Amazon were behaving in a more user-friendly manner, then this wouldn't even be an issue. You would be able to just read DRM-free epub files with your Kindle.
Based on Rahul's response as well as what Sam said in another thread, I think that it's clear that JNC will at least consider providing an option to download their premium editions in a format that works with Kindle in the future. However, for now at least, it's just going to be epub files, and if you want them on your Kindle, then you'll have to deal with the file conversion one way or another. And given how slow JNC tends to be with making technical changes, my guess is that it will be a while before you're able to download something other than an epub file even if they do decide that they want to make that change. Either way, it looks like they will at least consider your request.
No worries, I took no offense, I just wanted to reply to that one point.
@Kalessin considering they must upload there books to amazon in the mobi format in the first place it shouldint be to much trouble to make that available direct. How ever my big issue is how to actualy GET the converted file to my kindle! If im to understand correctly each device has its own email or somthing like that. That you use to send books to after converting. How am i supposed to do this? Just attach the file in a email and send it to my device? Can i do that with a phone if JNC makes the change? Everybody who responds to me mentions my request to offer mobi format direct but says nothing about my idea of linking are device email to are JNC account so when we buy are books from JNC we can allso just have the file sent off direct to are devices. I understand any tech change wont come quick. It just imho woild make premium books more available to less tech savy people.
@Rahul-Balaggan good to hear. I was worried as that point was misunderstood. After rereading things i see how things got that way though.
Reminds me. The potion books are also missing. Or where the Onsen pictures now added to NSFA?
And the idea of having MOBI files is not so bad. Seeing as you can easily convert them it would not be too much hassle. Pity that you can not send KFX files over email. This way we could ahve custom fonts. But it is highly unlikely that someone without a PC would even have custom fonts installed on his/her Kindle.
And a pity with the missing pictures in books bought at Amazon. If I see some reactions of people who dicovered later that JNC offers Premium versions with more content I see many people even being more shocked about this. And there is no way to state this in the ebook (especially with a link) as this would be a recipe for the books being removed again.
But I know the problem some have with this. Or even JNC has with this. Amazon is a big platform for books and I would say the revenue over it is even considering the fees one of the main sources of income for JNC. So there is not much choice as to bow down the head and comply. Heck even I bought most of my books over Amazon where I was not interested in the premium content (like a textless cover image).
@saskir i my self am not interested in the premium content. Sounds like it would up thenfile size of the book. I just want to be able to buy books with all the content intact. Im glade that JNC is moving the color inserts to the back to avoid spoilers and future problems. For me i want to make sure i get the uncensored copy of the book and if i can cut amazon out then all the better. Thats why i wish i could just link my kindle email to my JNC account and have the premium mobi version sent directly to my device. Unless there is somthing i dont know. I dont see why this wouldint be possible at somepoint
@Apairon said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
considering they must upload there books to amazon in the mobi format in the first place it shouldint be to much trouble to make that available direct
Do we actually know that Amazon requires vendors to upload in mobi format? Since I would imagine that Amazon needs to add their own DRM to the files, it could be that vendors can upload in any standard international format and Amazon does the converting on their end.
Keep in mind that even if this is true, what they're going to have on hand with no additional work is the censored Amazon version which you don't want in the first place.
Also one thing to consider is that premium edition files on this site are generated on the fly when users request them (which is why there was a big slowdown last year when credits were on sale), so it's not just as simple a matter as uploading a generic premium mobi file to the site for people to access when they make a purchase, the site needs to be able to generate the mobi file on demand with the purchaser information that appears on the last page with the JNC copyrights.
@saskir said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
And there is no way to state this in the ebook (especially with a link) as this would be a recipe for the books being removed again.
They can't have the link, but I haven't seen any of the staff mention they can't have any verbage indicating that content has been removed to fit with Amazon guidelines. It might be an issue of how that's going to look and where to put it so that the buyer is aware of it prior to making the purchase, because if they're only made aware of it after the purchase, that probably does violate a rule.
@jpwong Amazon does not require mobi format. We upload EPUBs, and they convert internally. Generating MOBIs for download on JNC is technically feasible, but I'm working on other things at the moment
@Apairon said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
@saskir i my self am not interested in the premium content. Sounds like it would up thenfile size of the book. I just want to be able to buy books with all the content intact. Im glade that JNC is moving the color inserts to the back to avoid spoilers and future problems. For me i want to make sure i get the uncensored copy of the book and if i can cut amazon out then all the better. Thats why i wish i could just link my kindle email to my JNC account and have the premium mobi version sent directly to my device. Unless there is somthing i dont know. I dont see why this wouldint be possible at somepoint
You realise that with all content intact you are speaking of premium books. As they have short stories, etc which are not in the other versions.
@jpwong said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
Also one thing to consider is that premium edition files on this site are generated on the fly when users request them (which is why there was a big slowdown last year when credits were on sale), so it's not just as simple a matter as uploading a generic premium mobi file to the site for people to access when they make a purchase, the site needs to be able to generate the mobi file on demand with the purchaser information that appears on the last page with the JNC copyrights.
Do they even include those in the books. I only see 2 series where they still put my name at the end.
@saskir said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
Do they even include those in the books. I only see 2 series where they still put my name at the end.
Yes, not sure which books you have been buying, but any books released in the past few months should have the name.