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Regarding missing/modified titles from Amazon
In order to better accommodate Amazon’s content guidelines, we’ve made changes to the content uploaded to Kindle in various volume and/or series publications. However, we have put affected materials on a special webpage for your reading enjoyment. Affected volumes will have an "a" appended to the version number listed on the copyright page. (last updated: February 25, 2020)
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Unfortunately, there have been other cases where some volumes and some series have been completely removed from the Amazon storefront temporarily. We are working diligently in order to get these series fully back up on Amazon for purchase.
Most of our library should now be available on Amazon, but some listings will periodically go down. Please let us know if you notice any of these and we will investigate and try to get them relisted as soon as possible.
Please note that all JNC titles can always be purchased, with all accompanying images, on this website with credits, as well as on other retailers! This includes Bookwalker, Apple Books, Rakuten Kobo, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Google Play!
If you still want to read on your Kindle device, JNC's premium ebooks are DRM-free and can easily be sent to your Kindle. Please refer to these instructions. The article is from 2011, but the steps are still the same for newer versions of Calibre. (Note that you must be a member to purchase premium credits.)
The previous forum thread discussing titles being removed from Amazon can be found here.
For people who don't Calibre, for example you download and share to Kindle on mobile, this is another good converter that I've found to be fast and free. Makes it easy to use credits and send to Kindle from phone.
It was just a few pictures? Still dumb, but happy about that. Was afraid that passages from the novels would be altered or missing. I'm fine missing a picture here and there. Can't wait to get Arifureta vol 2 back up on amazon, so i can keep reading!
@Flinkly Yes, only images have been removed, and they can be viewed at the webpage linked above. And this only affects the books on Kindle, other stores have the full, unaltered book.
Considering that I can buy actual pornographic manga on my kindle, I find this whole thing incredibly stupid.
@myskaros the first two volumes of "welcome to japan, ms. elf" were taken down as well.
@Eternal-Wanderer Can you? I was under the impression Kindle doesn't allow any 18+ content in image form on kindle. Unless you meant in words, in which case Amazon doesn't give a flip about words. You could write the most despicable garbage and sell it on kindle and they wouldn't care as long as there are no pictures/drawings.
Since you are just removing images entirely for the Amazon Kindle versions now, the earlier step of moving them to the back of the book to keep them out of the preview seems moot. Will you still be taking this measure, or will they be restored to their normal position in all non-Kindle versions?
Also, will these edits and the method of accessing the page be disclosed in the Kindle book itself?
@Lotteliese said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
@myskaros the first two volumes of "welcome to japan, ms. elf" were taken down as well.
Thank you; updated.
@Microdynames said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
Since you are just removing images entirely for the Amazon Kindle versions now, the earlier step of moving them to the back of the book to keep them out of the preview seems moot. Will you still be taking this measure, or will they be restored to their normal position in all non-Kindle versions?
Also, will these edits and the method of accessing the page be disclosed in the Kindle book itself?
Images being put in the back is a permanent workflow change. While we have removed the images we believe to be in violation of Kindle's content guidelines, it was ultimately a judgment call and not based on an exhaustive list of criteria. Putting the images in the back helps reduce the chance of future books being reported based on the sample preview. There are also other fringe benefits that have been discussed elsewhere.
As stated previously, series will be consistent moving forward, so only new series and affected series mentioned above will have images put in the back. Unaffected, ongoing/completed series will keep images in the front.
Edited Amazon books have a distinct EPUB version number. We cannot put a link to the affected materials because Kindle guidelines expressly prohibit "links to illegal, harmful, infringing, or offensive content."
Just a note that if you want the color illustrations in the original position, you can easily do so in an epub editing tool like Calibre or Sigil. It's literally drag & drop.
@Village-Idiot Yeah, It's pretty easy to fix - just annoying that it will be necessary. I can understand why some people would want the images in the back and that it may help with this Amazon mess, but it's a shame that they won't just be in the front like they are in the Japanese releases.
@Village-Idiot While it's easy, it's also annoying to have to go and fix up the premium epubs that we get we get from here that are already different editions than the other sites that require the change. It also means I now have to open every epub to check it and fix it before uploading to my google books account. Where as before I would download and then upload straight away, now I have to wait to get home to do it because that is where the software is to fix the epubs.
@Timmaaah it takes like 5 seconds per ebook.
just so that I am clearly understanding. The versions purchased via Kindle app/amazon directly (mobi type file format) are the only ones being changed, correct? EPUB premiums (from JNC) or other EPUBS via KOBO, or whatever NOOK uses are as they've always been? I don't need to worry about inserting images if I acquire my books via any channel but Amazon?
@Jon-Mitchell That's correct. I've added that point of clarification in the original post.
@myskaros THANKS!
@Village-Idiot Lets not over exaggerate here, it takes more than 5 seconds per book. It takes about 1-2 mins per book to go through the process of opening the book to see if it need fixing, to fixing it, to saving it, and then uploading it.
Also I'm not complaining about the time it takes to fix it, but the fact that as a customer I have to fix a product that I buy that is already defective. It also means that I can't do this when I'm out and about like I used to, or when I'm at work since I don't have the software installed on my work computer. I have to wait until I get home, and the ebooks release about 3-4pm on release days.
It is not as simple as "it's just 5 seconds"...For me the part that I don't understand is that the JNC edition is already different to every other edition that is published because of the premium content. So I don't know why it also requires to have the images at the back since it doesn't get sent to the other platforms.
@Timmaaah said in Regarding missing titles from Amazon:
For me the part that I don't understand is that the JNC edition is already different to every other edition that is published because of the premium content. So I don't know why it also requires to have the images at the back since it doesn't get sent to the other platforms.
If I understand correctly, what pushed them to do it (beyond the issues with Amazon) is that some customers have complained about the images being in the front, because they do often contain minor spoilers, and if you're super sensitive about that sort of thing, then it's annoying. Having the images at the back fixes that problem.
Personally, I'd much prefer that the images be at the front like they are in the Japanese releases and the releases from every other US LN publisher, so I'm not at all pleased about the change, but they seem to have made their decision. Realistically, they're going to have people complaining either way, though I don't know what their average customer would think on the matter.
@Timmaaah I'm sorry that it doesn't make sense to you. Please trust that we know how to do our jobs and that we made this decision based on our workflows and the amount of time it takes. If it becomes feasible to maintain different versions with images in different locations in the future, we will strive to do so.
@Timmaaah you literally open up Sigil, open the epub, see if the colored images are at the bottom and all colored images are named the same on all JNC files. Then just drag and drop the files to the front, save and drop them in Google Books upload, which I assume you have bookmarked and ready to go.
No way this process takes a minute.