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Books/Preorders missing from Amazon
@lighthawk96 No, you're limited to just their app.
@Lotteliese That is a sensible way to do it. Bath scene preview to spicy for rando's then change it a little.
Don´t just remove the illustration for Amazon because most People will not notice. Do it the Southpark way and put a big oversized slab of black over the "problematic part" and put a disclaimer with a link to an offical explanation and alternative sources in it.
Sigh. It's bizarre for Amazon to be censoring LNs because they have "adult situations" (despite JNC titles not being R-18) while allowing mainstream fiction to include much stronger content.
I buy all of my JNC novels as premium editions, but I hate to think how much it's costing in lost sales to randomly lose access to the Kindle store for many titles.
@lighthawk96 said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
I guess what I meant to say is that they let me use the content that I paid for the way I want to use it, or mainly read it for that matter.In general, the e-books you buy from a store can only be used with the reader or e-reader apps associated with that store, because the DRM the service uses won't let you use them any other way. So, if you want the freedom to read your book with other apps or devices, then you need to remove the DRM. The only real exception is the books that you buy DRM-free, and that's mostly just when a publisher sells to you directly (like with JNC's premium editions).
Like every other e-books service, Bookwalker uses DRM, but unlike Amazon, Kobo, Nook, etc., their DRM has not been cracked. So, any books that you buy from them are stuck in their ecosystem. Kobo and Google Play Books would be the two whose DRM is easiest to remove.
Saw some articles about it.
RedditThe delisting is probably related to unrest going on in the USA at the moment. Slavery could have something to do with why they delist specific volumes in the series. But also sexual content, which would explain why I am unable to find Busy Wizard on their site despite it being shown via google search. It does however, not explain why Goblin Slayer is still available on amazon.
In other words, fuck amazon, they can shove their politically correct shtick so far up their asses it comes out through the eye socket.
I have to say that I am disappointed, but not particularly surprised that Amazon decided to not list a swath of light novels/ manga from its site. ANN has been following the story. However; I can't wrap my head around what 'global standards' amazon/kindle has, much less how these titles violate them. I've read most of the de-listed titles/volumes and there doesn't seem to me to be anything there that isn't typical for the genre.
I don't know who is kicking up a fuss, or why, but I have to say the "Kindle Content Review Team" doesn't seem to have any standards or consistency. A quick search of kindle content reveals tons of racy stuff, much available via kindle unlimited (for free), and amazon's streaming service is unapologetic in hosting (or even creating) rated "R" content.
so what is it? What is the 'bogey' that shall not be sold in the kindle store? Specific volumes were targeted- not entire series and I don't see what the common thread is, I mean all of this stuff is tame. Teens holding hands? Oh no!
Interesting part here in germany is. Bakarina, Grimgar, etc are all still available (or some other I checked from this thread) but thr whole Potion Loli series is missing (could be because we had recently a whole pedophile circle which got destroyed and some react to the word loli).
EDIT: OK Clockwork is only available as Manga. And Grimgar was also the Manga.
@FeClaw Yeah read it on the fourth page here.
Makes one wonder. What happens to my ebooks I uploaded to the cloud? For example I have the premium editions of Clockwork there. Will they remove it? Ban me for having this? Just some thoughts while showering...
@saskir I doubt it that they will ban you for that... But well my trust in Amazon is on a lowpoint :). The odd Part is that i can still donwload [New Life]+ Vol.1 (which was purged for different reasons) for USB transfer but i can´t do the same for my NGNL collection.
@saskir Those are listed in your account as "documents" instead of as "books", and are in a completely different pile -- and those puritanical maniacs that are banning these LN's don't have access to individual customers' personal documents to even see what you have.
some busybody (or group) complains that anime-esque steamy bath scenes are too risque?! For whom? Amazon does not do age verification and I don't think these are marketed as children's' books. Is it just a case of 'tags'/ categories that light-novels are in? (Do these have a "YA" or 'teen fiction' tag or something? )I'm going to get up on my soapbox:
Remember back in the 80s/90s (in the USA) when certain politically connected groups tried to get books banned form public libraries and school curricula, 'to protect children'?. The dangerous titles included: Huckleberry Finn, Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby and others because of various reasons. The same groups tried to censor music and video games, lobbied against teaching sex ed. and evolution, and ran campaigns to ban D&D 'because it led to devil worship'. Now if Amazon doesn't have processes in place to prevent a few busybodies from censoring content ...or has automation processes in place that lead to the present kerfuffle..."F" amazon. They have the resources available (if they'd just spend the money/ manpower to implement them) to fix this post haste.The fact that this has been going on for some weeks now leads me to believe that they don't care --- buy premium credits direct from JNC- that's where all my $$ will be going for my JNC needs... -
@Jon-Mitchell Bold of you to assume they stopped that shit in the 90s. All that changed was swapping out the D&D panic.
@Jon-Mitchell - I notice that 50 Shades of Grey is still in the Kindle store, so S&M porn is OK but Mixed Bathing is not.
(Note that I have nothing against 50 Shades being sold. I'll never read it but I'm not offended by its existence.)
Amazon's "standards" make no sense. Hopefully they will realize that at some point, but like Google they are heavily into cheap and fallible automated enforcement instead of using more expensive human moderation.
@HarmlessDave They still have Game of Thrones which breaches the regulation on sexualisation of children due to the Daenerys sex scene as she is 13 in the book.
@sniper_samurai said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
@HarmlessDave They still have Game of Thrones which breaches the regulation on sexualisation of children due to the Daenerys sex scene as she is 13 in the book.
Yes, I was tempted to dig up a list of examples from western fiction, but we here know this makes no sense and Amazon won't listen to customers.
Two more volumes have been blocked on Amazon:
- Lazy Dungeon Master Vol. 8
- Wild Times with a Fake Fake Princess Vol. 1
@myskaros So, what's wrong with Fake, Fake Princess?
@Village-Idiot As usual, we have not been given reasons for why our books have been blocked, only that they violate KDP guidelines and that Kindle Content Review is not obligated to give us a reason.