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Books/Preorders missing from Amazon
@ShipTeaser Okay, so Amazon gets censored LNs now. I'd completely avoid buying any manga/LNs from Kindle from now on.
So I bought the new version of Grimgar vol 1 and it definitely doesn't have the bath scene. So yeah Amazon now sell censored version.
Also I'm pretty sure the banned are done manually otherwise vol 7, 14 and 14+ should also have been banned.
I wonder if JNC will do it for other series, because it doesn't really matter for a series like Grimgar if it's missing a bath scene in vol 1, but for series like How not to summon or Infinite Stratos the lewd are a big part of the series appeal
Well, I was already going to experiment with Kobo by buying Behemoth v1 from there, but now I've cancelled my sole remaining July pre-order: Sword Oratoria v12.... coincidentally, it's probably only a matter of time until at least Danmachi v5 and Sword Oratoria v5 get the axe. Several other Danmachi volumes could be questionable... like v12 and its cover.
The real experiment would be buying raw manga from Kobo; I can bypass region locks on, but I've never tried with Kobo.
I buy from Kobo (and occasionally Google Play) but be aware they are just as woke as Amazon (or at least the US staff is ). So it is inevitable that these things will happen there too. If you really want to support the author and story it is better to buy the premiums. Going through a reseller is always going to earn JNC less money (less than half the amount) per unit.
Relying on 3rd-party sellers to be good business partners in this cultural moment is an iffy proposition. I only buy LN's from other companies on Kobo now.
I've even seen Paypal and credit card processing companies get in on the act to shut down "PC moral offenders". Eventually it may get back to the point of mail-order or even cash transactions at cons. It is a dark time... this is why so many companies are more than happy to bend the knee and parrot the talking points -- safer that than going against the mob. The problem is the people bending the knee seem not to know history... it starts with little concessions, it ends with re-education camps and mass murder. We've only seen it happen over and over, so it should be obvious what is going on -- but for some reason everybody assumes it can't happen here. The irony of it is the types of people who make up the woke mob are usually among the first who get killed off or imprisoned after a communist revolution -- the new government is not interested in tolerating rabble rousers. Some sort of weird Karmic justice in that.
People with their library purchases from Kindle may want to start backing up their LN purchases and rip the drm from them in case Kindle auto-updates the volumes with the censored version.
You may want to do this with Grimgar Volume 1 before that happens.
@Village-Idiot It shouldn't be a problem for Grimgar vol 1 the old and the new version are 2 different products. And you can have both at the time.
But yeah people should remove the drm anyway
Especially since with the original being excised from amazon, if you accidentally delete it from your device, you probably can't download it again from amazon.
Also, I think the new version should be labelled "Censored for Amazon Kindle" version, and the description should include "Fanservice images have been removed to meet Amazon's content guidelines".
And apparently The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 07 is under review as well... another example of the "similar titles" problem instead of the color nudity problem?
I at least hope that these books can eventually make it back to Amazon even if their censored if only for the sake of viability. Of course the odds of me buying books from them are dropping by the day.
Gonna be bad though for people unaware until later that they bought the censored version.
If this ends up causing manga to be censored again so they can be on Amazon, I can see scanslation groups picking up licensed series again with the excuse that they are providing the uncensored version.
@Gamen buying raw manga from Kobo is kinda tricky. I've been buying those from Rakuten (registered with a fake JP address, but used non-JP credit card with no trouble), and they get sent to my Kobo app. However, I can't put in the same cc details to because they require a Japanese billing address. So what I do is:
- Put book in cart at
- Finalize the sales at Kobo app (because for some reason the rakuten cart frequently fails whenever I attempt to check out)
- Open and download my book
- It downloads an acsm file, which I set to open by Adobe Digital Editions
- Strip the adobe DRM epub using "special tools"
- Finished, now I can read however I want
When all the steps are written down like that I'm starting to understand why people got locked in with the amazon ecosystem..... I prefer doing all those than not having good quality DRM-free books though.
Staff Edit: Please don't post tools/methods for bypassing DRM/terms of service on our forums. We are a legitimate publisher, and we'd prefer to not have to face scrutiny for "allowing" people to discuss it here.
@nofairytale I'll give that a shot; There's one last volume of a manga that was delisted from that I haven't bought from Bookwalker like I did the others because of how... frustrated I got with their app (I ended up slurping the decrypted files out of the reader programs memory....). But Bookwalker didn't require any shenanigans to buy it from outside of Japan.
(And yes, delists stuff too. But so rarely that if you've ever heard of it happening it was probably the series I was reading :P)
So where is the safest place to buy my light novel's and manga? Is it Book Walker? Can I send Book Walker purchases to my kindle app. Kinda got my entire library there. I really didn't want to switch but it looks like I may have no choice with all of this going on.
@lighthawk96 I usually get things from Kobo. It's easy to remove the DRM there.
Sorry for my ignorance but, yeah, I haven't had to do any of that until NOW. I was just wondering if anyone knew if Book Walker installs the DRM or not. If not I'll have to switch to BW and repurchase everything I've already bought through that other website. -
I guess all of my purchaces from here on out as far as JNC is concerned will be premium e-books. That will at least take care of part of the problem.
BW has DRM and I don't believe there is a way to remove it, so Kobo is probably the best choice in that regard.
Yes, Bookwalker has the most restrictive DRM. If you care about managing your purchases and library, get them from Kobo.
@lighthawk96 What do you mean by "installs" the DRM?
I guess what I meant to say is that they let me use the content that I paid for the way I want to use it, or mainly read it for that matter.