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Books/Preorders missing from Amazon
The real fear that I have regarding the whole business with Amazon taking books down that have more ecchi content is that it will start to influence what titles get picked up in the worry that they may not appease the Amazon gods.
Almost all of my most wanted series are all ones that have some of the questionable content that Amazon is banning, no matter how tame it is. -
@Jon-Mitchell They also Ban them Amazon Germany. Although some Volumes were strangely longer available for purchase there.
@Jason-Maranto said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Ironic that I get censored in a topic about censorship. I guess that's what having the wrong opinion gets you.
And before you claim I was off topic I was responding to a similarly off topic post (which is still not censored)... so make of that what you will.
See edit below
I assume your opinion (if I regard what @myskaros said) was something along the line of. "Western goverments try to stamp out any ecchi content or damn censorship". And this right after it was stated this topic should focus on taken down books or where there are censoring attempts. So not really censorship more bringing the topic back to its roots. Else we will have 12 more sides about speculations. And it is pretty clear no one knows exactly why Amazon takes it down as they clearly not state it. But we can take Kobo as a guideline.So I just checked here in germany with a local bookstore (and some online retailers). All physicals are still available to buy from them. Still the physicals are also available from Amazon. Just wanted to check as I know our beloved BPjM (think about the MPPC in the US which doesn't exist anymore) is trigger happy for such things (they once even put the book "Maus" which got an Eisner award on the index).
EDIT: before I spam more here. Yes I should have refrained from speculating about Jason Marantos' post. Lapse of good judgement even though I posted before that the thread was meant to be more focused. So sorry for this.
@saskir This had already transpired hours ago, but since you felt you had to voice and bring it back up, I will as well. You are now yourself speculating since you didn't read the post(I had btw). You're are also mistaken in the timeline. @Jason-Maranto post came before Rahul's directive to stay on topic and because of this I don't believe
myskaros(my bad) Rahul was in the right to delete his post. It would be understanding if it did fall after, but this was not the case...and since it wasn't, then ALL posts prior to Rahul's that weren't on topic and about speculating/'politics' should be removed. So I get the feeling it was something that maybe rubbed a specific group the wrong way. -
@Khaos said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
I don't believe myskaros was in the right to delete his post.
I didn't delete anything though??? And frankly neither of you (@saskir) should be continuing that conversation in this topic. It was simply getting out of hand for an informational news post. If you want to argue over censorship or political correctness, make a new topic.
I deleted the comment, so that settles that.
To address Khaos’ statement regarding removing all comments, it is correct. I already said this topic should get back on track several pages back, so I will follow through and delete the 2 comments above Jason Maranto’s comment.
If I was awake when saskir posted I would have deleted the parts that deal with theorizing the situation, as it does go against what I just said on the previous page.
So here is the line.
Going forward any comment that is not about Books being taken down or alternatives for where to buy books, will be deleted, when I see them.
If you comment partially about the Book take downs, and partially off-topic (doesn’t matter what topic it is), only the off-topic portion will be removed.
Ok. I was somewhat concerned science I was reading some of the posts and they were stating that Kobo was censoring titles like Amazon and I DON'T want to throw in with someone who will ultimately go un the same direction as Amazon. Spending money on the same titles twice is bad enough, but having to do it 3 times is just too costly. -
The greatest Magicmasters retirement Plan 6 can still be preordered (release septembre 1st). As it stands in the first post as a missing volume.
@saskir That must be very recent, as it was completely unavailable for a couple weeks until now.
I just downloaded my copy of "Reincarnated as an S Ranked Behemoth" manga vol 2 and the picture of the cover is not available for viewing in the que on my kindle home page. Vol 1 is visible with it's "Explisive Content" warning on the cover. So I don't know. Still a lot of weird stuff going on but no answers.
Could someone also re-infrom me if kobo actually has remove titles or not. If they have I will be changing to book Walker because as far as I know they have not removed anything.
Currently Kobo has removed volumes of NOT to Summon a Demon Lord, however Kobo gave more information on why it happened, and J-Novel Club has resubmitted them.
Should hopefully be back shortly.
Edit: V1 of HOW not to Summon is back up, and listed under Erotica
Other then that, I believe some Ghost Ship volumes are not available on Kobo, I am not sure if that was a take down, or if they were never put up, I know V1 of Destiny Lovers is not there, but V2 is.
Thanks for the info. I just want to make sure I'm spending my money somewhere that is safe and on not potentially throwing my money away. -
@lighthawk96 said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Spending money on the same titles twice is bad enough, but having to do it 3 times is just too costly.
I'm not actually sure what you mean here. I can still remove No Game, No Life v1 from my library and redownload it no problem, so I don't know why you have to purchase it from multiple stores.
Also, on reflection that first color illustration is kind of spicy.
@Gamen some people want everything on one digital store to avoid segregated libraries. Some people will re-buy their entire library again.
Basically, I've purchased from Amazon, can't access my purchase, buy from Kobo, then can't access my purchase, then I would have to buy from Book Walker.Now, that hasn't happened yet but I'm trying to find an option where that won't happen. If I can anyway.
I agree entirely. Which was why I was going with kindle. It was the best option for me and had easy access anywhere I had internet or wifi. I didn't want to have to remember what platform I had which books on.But, that may now not be the case. I, like so many others I would assume, can't afford to repurchase my entire literary outright. Not all at once anyway. Even over time it is a costly venture o never thought I would have to do. Whether or not I have to go down that path still remains unclear at the moment which is why I'm holding off to see what happens.
@lighthawk96 Alas my solution of writing my own web app and hosting it myself is not for everyone. I understand there's at least one web app that uses Calibre, but literally any solution that puts your purchased books under your own control throws out the convenience of having someone else manage the software and library...
@LegitPancake Just checked it at the time of posting. But yes I did not see any volume on sunday.
@lighthawk96 Ultimately no single store is guaranteed to be safe as they all reserve the right to delist content at their discretion. Kobo has at least shown they're willing to provide details about delistings so that the publisher can take the necessary steps to allow their product to be relisted.
@Rahul-Balaggan said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Other then that, I believe some Ghost Ship volumes are not available on Kobo, I am not sure if that was a take down, or if they were never put up, I know V1 of Destiny Lovers is not there, but V2 is.
It's a combination of both. For instance, all of To Love Ru as well as everything that had been released for To Love Ru Darkness and Yokai Girls used to be up on Kobo, but many of the volumes were pulled by Kobo earlier this year when some number of Seven Seas' released titles got pulled down. Almost all of To Love Ru and Yokai Girls is now gone, though about half of To Love Ru Darkness remains. In the case of Yokai Girls, volume 10 was released after volumes 1 - 8 were taken down, but volumes 11 and 12 aren't up for pre-order yet, and no newer volumes of To Love Darkness have gone up. I don't know if Seven Seas has been trying with all of them and been getting rejected, or if they've just given up in some cases. I also don't know the full list of their series which have had titles pulled or been unable to have new volumes put on Kobo.
Regardless, the result is that for some of their Ghost Ship series, at least some of the volumes are missing, and you can't rely on them showing up there in the future (which is all the more annoying given that Nook seems to have lower resolution images than Kobo for those series, and Google Play seems to have pdfs). So, there are clearly some issues with Kobo deciding to reject stuff for not meeting their content guidelines, but at present, it's nowhere near as bad as what's been happening with Amazon. And the only case of any light novels being pulled from Kobo that I'm aware of is the problem with How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, which was reported here.
Usually, when I can't find a manga series on Kobo, it's because it's just not available digitally, and I'm not sure that I've ever seen a light novel series not be available there until the recent problem with How Not to Summon a Demon Lord (I rarely look at what they have for JNC titles though, since I buy them here). So, the situation is by no means ideal, but from what I've seen, only a few series have been impacted, unlike with Amazon.