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Books/Preorders missing from Amazon
@Kalessin Magika Swordsman and Summoner, World's end Harem/Fantasia and Parallel Paradise (damn and I like Lynn Okamotos' works even thought nothing beats Elfen Lied till now) had also their Manga removed. Just to add to your list.
@saskir Volumes 1 - 11 of Magika Swordsman and Summoner are all there. It's just newer volumes that are missing. I'm not caught up on reading it, so I'd assumed that 11 was probably the end given how long it had been since it had been since it had been released. It's good to know though that 12 is out, and 13 and 14 are coming. I guess that I'll have to get them from Nook though. sigh
If nothing else, sadly, this highlights the importance of checking publishers' sites for how many volumes of a series have been released. If you just check the store, then you may miss a release. :(
I wonder if it would do any good to contact Kobo and complain about how they've been treating Seven Seas titles.
@LegitPancake Nice to finally see some good news, hopefully the rest are back up soon.
Volume 7 of How not to summon is also available again.
Defiantly glad some of the light novels are making it back to Amazon, and wish they hadn't been removed in the first place. I did notice something a bit odd though with the updated listing however. I purchased volumes 1 through 10 of how not to summon a demon lord before the removal, and now the updated versions of the light novels seem to be treated as a separate book with Amazon asking if I want to purchase rather than telling me I already have the item in my library. Is this something that might be fixed at some point or just a glaw due to Amazon performing the removal?
@Darkflame This is because Amazon banned the listing, so we had to reupload as a "new" book. You can continue to download the old version since you have already purchased it, though.
In cases like those what happens if you update the book for some corrections? Will people who bought the old also have the updated version? -
@BartzBB We can't update the book anymore, the listing was banned.
Damn, I feel sorry for the people who bought in Amazon before the de-listing. -
@myskaros Just curious, but is there anything to prevent the same thing happening to the new listing (seeing as how no information is being provided about why specifically they were banned in the first place)? Like does a new listing submission have to pass a content guideline review before it goes up, or is it more like a checkbox in the process somewhere that's like "I agree that this ebook meets the amazon kindle guidelines" and no one actually takes a look at the product unless someone reports it for whatever reason?
@jpwong It's implied by virtue of having a KDP account. Just like you aren't checking a box whenever you download a song from iTunes that says "I agree not to rip this song and share it across the Internet," you just agreed to the terms of service in advance.
@jpwong Re-uploading the same version as before doesn't work, as can be seen with Summon a Demon Lord volumes being banned even after being re-uploaded a month or so ago. This time, J-Novel uploaded the volumes with the "problematic" color illustrations (really just all of them) to the backs of the books, so they don't show up in the previews. We'll have to wait and see how Amazon responds to them. It could be they have a problem with the covers themselves (especially 3, 6, and 10), but without amazon specifying what's wrong it's just a trial-and-error game right now.
@LegitPancake I was just thinking that amazon might have some sort of elevated review process for accounts where they've just had multiple products removed for what they essentially see as violations of their terms of service, but it sounds like that's not the case.
Like if a retailer was getting garbage from one of their vendors they'd normally either cut them off entirely or say hold on, we need to review what you're sending us here because the products you're trying to have us sell here aren't meeting our quality requirements. -
Amazon needs to knock this crap off. I own a fair number of these books, and most of them don't really have content that would be deemed 'objectionable'. Lazy Dungeon Master volumes 2 & 8 don't have much in the way of ecchi content to them (and while Keima's foot fetish is played up for laughs, that's basically as far as it goes). Mixed Bathing 3, 5, and 6 (just like the rest of the series) basically just has innocent nudity because Touya's party use the Unlimited Bath together. I Shall Survive Using Potions has nothing objectionable at all (literally just one scene in vol 4 where Kaoru and her people go visit a hot spring and deal with peeping toms, a super common anime and manga trope). The only one that kind of makes sense is How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord, since it goes hard on the ecchi and contains a couple lolis, but Amazon still has my ire because they waited to ban the series until after volume 12 came out.
@Project_Demise said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Amazon needs to knock this crap off. I own a fair number of these books, and most of them don't really have content that would be deemed 'objectionable'. Lazy Dungeon Master volumes 2 & 8 don't have much in the way of ecchi content to them (and while Keima's foot fetish is played up for laughs, that's basically as far as it goes). Mixed Bathing 3, 5, and 6 (just like the rest of the series) basically just has innocent nudity because Touya's party use the Unlimited Bath together. I Shall Survive Using Potions has nothing objectionable at all (literally just one scene in vol 4 where Kaoru and her people go visit a hot spring and deal with peeping toms, a super common anime and manga trope). The only one that kind of makes sense is How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord, since it goes hard on the ecchi and contains a couple lolis, but Amazon still has my ire because they waited to ban the series until after volume 12 came out.
yea, but your reasoning assumes that those that objected actually read the books. The thing that all of the "banned" books had in common were illustrations, available in previews, that had nudity or implied nudity (steam or something providing the minimum of covering to the 'naughty' bits). I doubt that anyone read for context before complaining.
as notes somewhere upthread, it looks like JNC has "fixed" the problem - by moving the illustrations to the end of the file (vs the front) so they won't show up in previews, and reposting the books. (which resets comments etc.)
just one more reason to buy direct form JNC, have a premium membership, etc.
@Jon-Mitchell said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
just one more reason to buy direct form JNC, have a premium membership, etc.
Amen, brother.
So I've occasionally been peaking at the author pages on Kindle for a few of the stories that got removed or restricted, and noticed that for how not to summon a demon lord the region restricted volumes can at least be seen on the author page again even though they still cannot be purchased via the US Amazon page. Has there been any luck on maybe getting the region restrictions removed or it does not seem likely at this point?
@myskaros said in Books/Preorders missing from Amazon:
Starting in April 2020, Amazon has been removing many JNC e-books without warning, and we've largely been unable to get assistance in figuring out why or how to fix it or prevent it. You can read more details on Twitter:
There was a video on YouTube today I started watching that was referring to various “Karen” organizations trying to get certain manga and light novels banned.
It seemed to have to do with “underaged sex”? That they are trying to blame adults being involved with minors on some of these ‘imported’ works?
Sure, I can see how that applies to some things, and sure Arifureta might apply with its “legal Loli” but then you’d think realist hero would too, with Naden and Roroa... I don’t even want to think about how the other books would be treated.
I have the link somewhere, I’ll try to link it later.
Note: “Karen” seems to be a western term for entitled white women with a racist leaning...?
Agreed. I’ve been doing that since I think my second amazon/JNC purchase...