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I Kissed My Girlfriend's Sister! [Licensed by Tentai Books.]
TITLE: Kanojo no Imouto to Kisu o Shita
AUTHOR: Riku Misora (Chivalry of a Failed Knight)
VOLUMES: 1 so farPLOT: Totsuzen has been dating Haruka for a month, and their relationship is quickly heading in a good direction, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge.
But one day Totsuzen's parent announces they're remarrying and he'll be getting a new step-sister. When he meets her, he's shocked to see that she looks exactly like Haruka. No worries, though -- they're totally different people. They're just twins, each one living with a different parent since the divorce.
Certainly nothing to worry about. It's not like there can be any wacky misunderstandings brought about by living with your girlfriend's identical twin, right...?
Sounds interesting. Hopefully more comedy than drama (stupid Domestic Girlfriend wasting a perfectly good comedy premise), but if Chivalry of a Failed Knight is anything to go by, the author is good enough to handle either one. Count me in.
can you add some tags?
I think I'd like comic misunderstandings and learning to grow up fun timessoap opera teen angsty sparkle vampires not so much
EDIT to add: I see the tags now - I must've missed them, Drama and ROMCOM??
I'm willing to give it a try
@Sean-O-Hara said in I Kissed My Girlfriend's Sister!:
AUTHOR: Riku Misora (Chivalry of a Failed Knight)
I swear I read a manga identical to this plot...but I guess it can't be the adaptation of this one if this only has 1 volume out so far. I remember the one I read being full of drama.
I wonder in which direction this one is headed.
Anyways, personally I always support more SoL series, so you got my upvote.
Edit: Found it, not this one. Still, looks promising.
So this ranked #8 on Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi's bunkobon list this year, just behind Tomozaki-kun. That means there's a pretty good chance of it getting an anime once it has enough volumes out.
Licensed by Tentai Books.