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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom anime adaptation announced!
I'll repeat (cut and paste actually) my comments from the Spirit Chronicles anime announcement forum thread
will this be any good??I mean in general anime cannot live up to LN's - they don't have the time/budget (and it is necessary to 'cover' a certain amount of plot in approx 6 hours/13 episodes) compromises must be made
That being said, for an Anime to be entertaining (to me) I have a low bar:
- does it tell a compelling story?
- (if a comedy) is it funny?
- does it avoid making me cringe?
- is it different (in some way) to other things I've seen?
get 2 out of 4 and I'll watch it - being 'true to the original' isn't even on the list (if it at least reminds me of the LN - bonus!) Arifurata barely made the cut, Ragnarok failed. Infinite Stratos anime (in my opinion, one of the few cases where the 'dub' is superior to the 'sub') is better than the LN.
since I don't have high expectations (or standards) - I'm anticipating an entertaining cour---will it be 'objectively good' ?? we'll find out -
Can't wait! Starts Sunday! Woohoo!
My prediction is that it will be at least a decent adaptation but will cut back on explaining some of the Machiavellian philosophy that underpins Souma’s decisions. Either way I’m looking forward to it
As am I. I like to enjoy them for what they are. I try not to set to many expectations. It tends to let me enjoy it more. -
@stardf29 Agreed, that particular scene plays into the stereotype of "big magic is going to be impressive and probably have large-scale visuals, possibly even far outstripping the casting site if the magic is big enough."
First episode first impression: Not bad, although I'm kind of sad they changed Albert from fretting about whether turning him over would be the right move to him being willing to ship Kazuya off and play his entire hand at once. Good to see some early glimpses of important characters. Can't wait to see Poncho and Hakuya.
It's also obvious that it's been made with the knowledge of some future reveals, but it doesn't outright say who's who or what's what or how things are going to turn out.
Also, Marx's voice is adorably stressed-out. Like, buddy, you need to get some rest. Just hang in there another... week and a half, in-universe?
Thank god they didn’t use the manga characters as a template is all I can say.
I really liked the first episode. I hope it continues along as the first episode has. -
@lighthawk96 said in How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom anime adaptation announced!:
I really liked the first episode.
Same, but I also love how they highlighted Machiavelli in the leases to the summoning.
@lighthawk96 Oh, aye, I didn't mean to damn the first episode with faint praise. It's a promising first episode and as I said, it was hella fun to get those early introductions to a few of our major players (Hi, Maria/Roroa/Jeanne/Sebastian/Castor/Excel/Georg!)
Yeah it was interesting, especially Roroa because it showed that she was the one that purchased a lot of the stuff Kazuya sold.
I'm not sure but I can't remember that ever being in the LNs so was that anime exclusive information or have I missed/forgotten that? -
While I didn't hate the first episode I was kinda bored through a lot of it because so much of it was info dumps and the hero summoning thing was played about as straight as it could have. I imagine I'll enjoy the rest of the series more now that we've gotten all that out of the way.
Did everyone like that title drop?
"Man, you sure are a realist."
"Yeah, I guess I am."DUN DUN DUN: HOW A REALIST HERO blah blah blah
@myskaros Roll credits
@catstorm said in How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom anime adaptation announced!:
Yeah it was interesting, especially Roroa because it showed that she was the one that purchased a lot of the stuff Kazuya sold.
I'm not sure but I can't remember that ever being in the LNs so was that anime exclusive information or have I missed/forgotten that?Pretty sure it wasn't in the LN or WN version. It was a nice addition to have as well as name dropping Canaria (Juno).
Pretty decent first episode, probably going to fellow this one this season.
Indeed. I thought that it was extremely well placed, and appropriate. It seems like some considerable thought and planning when into this anime. It might be because this may be a new studio. I only say that because I didn't recognize the name or company. But still, a very well done first episode. -
Right. They're definitely connecting some of the dots to the story line very early on, and I like that. It should make it a lot easier for people who may not have read the light novel or manga to follow. Hopefully, anyway. -
@lighthawk96 I don't think J.C.Staff counts as a new studio anymore hehe.
It might be because this may be a new studio.
Boy, JC Staff is old as dirt, they did fucking Utena back in 1997 lol and even before that they worked on Slayers.
They played a big part in the 2000s with Toradora, Zero no Tsukaima and Shakugan no Shana. They are the reason KugiRie got stuck in the tsundere loli cast-type lol. They are also responsible for everything in the Indexverse.
Some later works which are personal favorites are HenNeko (someone please license this), Sakura-sou, Golden Time, Kami-sama no Memo-chou and Kaichou wa Maid-sama
And for their recent stuff there's The Way of the House Husband, DanMachi, Gokudols and the fucking KonoSuba movie!!!
Calling them a new studio is some serious disrespect lol.
Maybe it's been a while or they changed their logo. Either way, just glad they seem to be doing a good job.