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By the Grace of the Gods anime adaptation discussion!
The only part of the web novel that ever got to the part where Ryoma and Elia reunite was the first version of the web novel that also had a time skip.
The rebooted web novel, which is the version being used for the Light Novel, doesn't have a time skip. It's not even at the point where he and Elia reunite.
They may be using that first version of the web novel as material for the anime, or it could end up being completely original material. Which really sucks because there is more than enough slice of life goodness in everything they're skipping. A lot of slimes he discovers, the adventures he goes on, new people he becomes friends with.
I'm actually wondering if whoever posted the ANN article got the TL wrong from the announcement, I opened the linked site with the announcement in Chrome and based on google's translation it doesn't sound like the second season is set 3 years later, it sounds like it's referencing this line in the last episode of the season 1, that the characters made a promise to meet again in 3 years at the end of the first season.
@jpwong Yeah, I checked the link and it just says "The first season ended with Ryoma and Eliaria promising to reunite 3 years later. Please look forward to the continuation of Ryoma and his slimes' slow life in the second season!"
@jpwong Looking at the google translation, I get that impression too. Though it's pretty broken in google translate, so I could just be wrong.
I really hope its just a translation error then. Because there are so many adventures to be had. So many slimes to find!
This post is deleted! -
on Funimation's news feed - confirmed that they will be streaming it but not any details about story/plot etc. i.e. if they jump ahead 3 years (Ryoma doesn't look 14 in the artwork but, what do I know?)
@jon-mitchell It's unlikely they'd jump the story when that would take them way beyond what's in the published LNs. Per what myskaros translated from the Japanese page, it seems like ANN goofed and read the Japanese announcement incorrectly.
Just a heads up if anyone's interested, but Funimation is releasing season 1 on Bluray Feb 15 and the special edition has some extras people might be interested in
So I got a copy of the SE and the art booklet contains bonus short stories that I don't believe appear in the LN volumes JNC sells.
Credits are by Roy, edited by Alex Mai
The stories take up 34 pages of the booklet. The booklet itself is 100 pages.The Duke's Request Takes place immediately after Vol 1 Chapter 1: Episode 3 at the Duke's mansion.
Before They Met Takes place prior to Vol 1 Chapter 1: Episode 4 at Gimul.
Elia's Passion and Her Family's Support Takes place after Vol 3 Chapter 2: Episode 29 slight after the laundromat opens at the inn the ducal family is staying at in Gimul.
Season 2 is landing Jan 2023 has been cast as Yuiko Tatsumi. The main writer for the anime has also changed.
See the trailer for S2 on youtube