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Does anyone here buy/collect manga raws of certain series?
I‘m a bit curious, if anyone on this forum has the same small hobby like me of buying/collecting manga raws (only hard copies) of certain series? If so, which series did you (or still do) collect/buy? And why?
I prefer to get something more out of my book purchases than just a nice shelf decoration. So I'd rather avoid spending money on something I can't even read.
The one and only exception so far has been the Onegai Twins fanbook. That was the only Onegai Series paperback that didn't get an English release (I think). And it was mostly illustrations anyway.
Nah, only thing I import are art books.
I have a few series of manga raws.
The World Only God Knows.
Yamada-kun and the seven witches.
Assassination Classroom.
Attack on Titan
To Love Ru
To Love Ru Darkness
Prison School
The Daily Lives of Highschool BoysA few of these aren't complete yet though and are missing the last few volumes since it has been awhile since I have been to Japan.
I have a few more but they are just bits and pieces rather than me actually collecting the series. -
To Love-Ru + TLR Darkness, full set, because no one thought it would ever be officially translated. Last volume of TLRD arrived just after the official translation was announced.
Kannagi Crazy Shrine Maidens because only the first three volumes were officially translated; Bandai pulled the 4th just before it was released. I have the fan translation of it.
Kanojo no Kagi o Akeru Houhou, Henjyo, Tonari no Kashiwagi-san, Tsuki Tsuki!, and Okusama ga Seito Kaichou for the same reason as TLR/TLRD.
Currently waiting for new books to be released for How to Discipline Shishuki-chan, Tonikaku Kawaii (probably my current favorite, I wish JNC would license it), Onii-chan is Done For, and Ojousama no Shimobe.
Oh, v9 of Tonikaku Kawaii has shipped...
I started buying Chihayafuru in Japanese before I found out that it was being published in French :<
I have the whole set of boku girl. This series was so hilarious I needed to read it but there was no offical translation in a language I knew. With my broken japanese and the furigana i was ably to read a chapter in like 30 minutes and i did it until the end. Man I hate my kanji dictonary xD
@SomeOldGuy How many series did you collect in total and how many of them are still ongoing? Sorry, for this weird question, but I'm really curious about it.
@Clarabelle Not a lot, in absolute terms.
To Love-ru 1-18, To Love-ru Darkness 1-18 (plus the English versions as released) Hard to beat the God of Falling, Yuuki Rito!
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens 1-12 (plus the 3 volumes that were released in the US before Bandai pulled the plug, days before v4 was to be released)
Kanojo no Kagi o Akeru Houhou/The Way To Open Her Lock
1-9, still waiting for the fan translation to get to v8) A harem comedy where the main male character really doesn't have interest in anyone but the main female character, and vice-versa, but that doesn't stop ecchi things happening all around them.
My Wife is the Student Council President 1-13 One where the childhood friend wins over the others, even when the male lead doesn't know who she is when she shows up on his doorstep declaring she is his wife... and their parents agree.
Tonari no Kashiwagi-san 1-12 because the "animated manga" looked interesting, and the story was pretty good
Tsuki Tsuki!
1-6, where the series ended abruptly, apparently.
Hen na Joshi Kousei Amaguri Senko
1-14, which MAY be the end; not sure. Female lead character has a clinical approach to all things sexual, and little in the way of shame.The ongoing ones:
Ojousama no Shimobe
1-5, same author/artist as Maga-Tsuki, same sort of situation ecchi romcom, but without goddesses
Onii-chan is Done For
Tonikaku Kawaii 1-10, now going to be released in English because an anime is coming, same author/artist as Hayate the Combat Butler
How to Discipline Shishuki-chan
1-2, same author/artist as My Wife is the Student Council President, The Way to Open Her Lock, Chu-Bra!!, and others) -
I have several light novel and manga series in Japanese on the theory that maybe someday I'll actually learn Japanese well enough some day to be able to read them, and if I'm lucky enough for any of them to get fan translations, then I'm as close to them being legal as I can be (since I've paid the original publisher, but there's no way for the translation itself to be legal if it's not official).
I do have some cases where a series had been licensed by Tokyopop and then dropped, so I have the first few volumes in English and then all of them in Japanese (e.g. the Scrapped Princess LNs or the Moon Phase manga), but I have yet to pick up any Japanese LN or manga series which had never been licensed in English but then later were licensed. Most of them are series where I liked the anime and dream of being able to actually read the source material to get the full story. :|
However, I have picked up several series in French only to have them later licensed in English (To Love-Ru, Freezing, and Snow White with the Red Hair being a few of those). Ultimately, I've benefited more from buying manga in French than Japanese though, since I can actually read French, and some of those series (e.g. Kamisama Dolls) have never been licensed in English.
@SomeOldGuy Oh, then I have a bit more (but way less ongoing). But interesting manga you have.^^
@Kalessin Do you have a list?
@Clarabelle said in Does anyone here buy/collect manga raws of certain series?:
@Kalessin Do you have a list?
Of manga series that I have in Japanese?
- Moon Phase
- My Bride Is a Mermaid
- Rideback
- Unbalance X2
- Unbalance X3
I buy raws of dark action series that have no hope of being TLed (death game stuff and horror; usually search through the horror section for free volume 1s and then buy more to get all the panels if I'm really interested to see who lives / falls in love / etc).
I also buy Japanese LN 1) to MTL through if I must, 2) for support of the author + more series like it, or 3) for learning (haven't really started that in any full force though).
The only "raws" I get of licensed stuff is free ones on Bookwalker, again, for potential Japanese learning.