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Occultic;Nine Vol. 2 release date?
My purchase library on this site says my pre-order download of Occultic;Nine Vol. 2 will arrive on Feb 11th. But all the other sites say Feb 25th. Is the premium version being released earlier or is this an error?
@erictbar Ah, thanks for pointing that out!
Yes, O9 V2 comes out the 25th, I'll fix that on the site here...
@Sam-Pinansky My Big Sister Lives in a Fantasy World Volume 2, also shows the premium edition will be available February 11, 2017, however on other sites it is listed as February 16, 2017.
@Rahul-Balaggan Ah, thanks again!
Better fix that. I think I know why the dates on the site here might be off... Amazon is the true date :)