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Violet Evergarden
Mentioning towards @hopebestman a few anime I consider gems - anime which for some reason get less attention of people than mainstream stuff aka Naruto, One Piece etc. - I like to invite fellow fans to share your thoughts about one anime I loved to watch, well knowing a lot of people have access to it through Netflix.
Violet Evergarden
One of the few masterpieces of the last year which caught my attention long before it was released for the plot alone. The story and storytelling I consider very moving. But more important - it was a feast for the eyes.
What do you think? Worth watching? Other recommendations?
I find it really overrated, not bad but while the animation and art were fantastic, the story wasn't really good. It was kinda cliché, just replace Violet by a robot and you have one of the most overused sci-fi trope, plus the rythme was lacking, like the whole observatory episode should have been remove. Also Violet character arc and the war plot could have been better.
That said it did have some really good episodes (especially the children book and the writer school episode IRC), so it was definitely worth the watch but It's one of those series which would be kinda forgettable if it wasn't for how good they look.If you liked Violet tho, you should give a try to "Ikigami: The ultimate limit" It's darker than Violet but it follow the same style of mini story following different people as they go through a difficult part of their life, and like Violet it end with a not so good "here come the big plot" but everything before is great. From what I have heard Monoke, Mushishi and Black Jack should also be somewhat similar.
Doing a search of the forums, I came across this old one.
If you ever get a chance, try and get a read of the light novel, which shockingly...has not appeared to be licensed.....someone probably should create a suggestion topic.But I hope now that the series is completed you managed to enjoy it, the ending being anime original compared to the source, which I am of two minds whether it is better or worse.
Also do not forget to watch the movie if you have a chance. I have watched it in both native and dub, both to my enjoyment.