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Winter 2019 - JNC holiday slowdown
Hi JNC fans and members!
With the weeks of Christmas and New Year's coming up, we want everyone to be aware that translators, editors, and internal staff may be unavailable due to travel and/or family time. Those of you tracking release schedules may have already noticed that some recently-launched prepubs have no parts scheduled for holiday weeks. We have also been trying to notify everyone of extra-long breaks between volumes where applicable. Naturally, it's also possible that we were unable to account for everyone's outages and things will later need to be rescheduled at the last minute.
We of course hope to maintain a smooth experience for everyone. However, over the course of the next few weeks, please be patient if there are problems that do not get resolved in a timely fashion, since many people may be out of town and/or working reduced hours.
Thank you for your understanding! We hope you have a great holiday and/or end of year!
Happy holidays for you guys too! Good work for 2019!
Happy Holidays! Thank you to all staff for your hard work this year. Looking forward to more good reading in 2020!
Enjoy your holidays.
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!
My plan is that if I run out of new parts to read then I will check out the premium e-book content list to see if there are any short stories or other bonuses for my favourite series that I haven't read yet.
A very understandable and matter of course reason to slow down activity here.
Happy holidays and thanks for your good work!
@myskaros An opportunity to whittle down my nearly 30 part backlog! Yeah!
Merry Christmas to all the JNC staff and thanks for all your hard work in 2019.
I completely read the title as "Winter 2019 - JNC holiday showdown" at first and thought we were going to have some LN equivalent of a year end battle of the bands.
I have enough to read on my backlog so I can handle you guys taking a little break.
@jpwong I for one second the motion of organizing the JNC waifu wars.
@paulnamida Considering the number of harems around here, that's a daunting prospect.
Happy Holidays and thanks for the heads up!