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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
TO Books now claims the accumulated sales figure of 4 million copies for the bookworm series. Here is the historical sales numbers:
- 06/2016 - P2 V4 - 150K
- 09/2017 - P3 V4 - 400K
- 11/2017 - P3 V5 - 500K
- 04/2018 - P4 V2 - 650K
- 09/2018 - P4 V4 - 750K
- 03/2019 - P4 V6 - 1M
- 06/2019 - P4 V7 - 1.2M
- 09/2019 - P4 V8 - 2M
- 02/2020 - P4 V9 - 3M
- 06/2020 - P5 V2 - 3.5M
- 11/2020 - P5 V3 - 4M
EDIT: 4 million number would make the series scrape the bottom of the top 50 list light novels by series sales number, where top ranking are in 20~30 million copies.
It's unclear to me whether these are figures for the just the light novel or the combined total of the manga and light novel. I assume it's the latter. -
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
It's unclear to me whether these are figures for the just the light novel or the combined total of the manga and light novel. I assume it's the latter.Only side note I see is "includes electric publications", but I assume it includes manga too. The line between LN and manga are kind of blurred that LN includes bonus manga, and manga includes bonus LN chapter. I wonder if they includes drama CD too.
I have a question regarding the release schedule. I didn't know if I should post it here or in the topic about the release schedule. But I was wondering, regarding the separate books containing the short stories after P4V4 and P4V8. Are these considered part of the main story and thus will be translated (I really, really, really hope that is the case)? Or is it like with the fan novels and does j-novel need to licence them? Because in the schedule there is no mention of them.
Ps. I have to say that the translator and those who help are doing an excellent job regarding the speed and quality/detail of the translation.
Currently only the Main series is licensed, no fan books, no spin-offs, no bonus story volumes.
Aww nooo!!! Well I will cross my finger and hope and pray to the license god. Maybe by the time we reach p4v4 it is a yes.
@Rahul-Balaggan thank you! -
@MasterLillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@Ingraman It's "order closed," but that website did have it! And there was apparently a second set that's closed too gosh...
Mandarake struck out, although the first set appears to be currently sold on a site called AliExpress, not that I've ever heard of it.
Actually, nearly all of the items listed on AmiAmi are also up on the Japanese publisher's web-site, To order you would need to use a proxy service or personal shopper. CDJapan has a few items on backorder as well that can be obtained. Hope that helps.
@CureDangerous I find it really hard to look through TO Books without spoiling myself with future LN covers haha, but I did a brief scroll-through and I couldn't find those two specific sets of acrylic charms there, nor could I find them at CDJapan.
Someone on the bookworm subreddit did inform me they got one of the charms through GoodsRepublic, which seems to have the first set purchasable as a group - albeit on backorder, but that's better than completely out of stock I guess? - and most of the second set can be gathered individually.
@MasterLillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@CureDangerous I find it really hard to look through TO Books without spoiling myself with future LN covers haha, but I did a brief scroll-through and I couldn't find those two specific sets of acrylic charms there, nor could I find them at CDJapan.
Someone on the bookworm subreddit did inform me they got one of the charms through GoodsRepublic, which seems to have the first set purchasable as a group - albeit on backorder, but that's better than completely out of stock I guess? - and most of the second set can be gathered individually.
Perhaps they might do a restock whenever the next anime season starts. But I understand about the cover art- but I have to admit that all the covers are stunning! Wish western novels could have art that impressive.
Here is my attempt to project when the original manga series will be complete.
Bookworm is being comicalized by two manga artists, Suzuka and Namino working in parallel. After part 1 was done by Suzuka, part 3 was started by Namino while Suzuka started on part 2. They are both writing at the steady pace of two volumes a year. Part 2 is done up to Vol 4, and Part 3 is up to Vol 3.
Part 1 is complete with 7 volumes which corresponds to 3 LN volumes. I just took that ratio and estimated the number of volumes for each part. Here is the estimate of when each part will complete, with the assumption that Suzuka will pick up Part 4 after Part 2 and Namino will pick up Part 5 after Part 3. I wonder if they will pick up a third artist to work on the Part 4 or 5 earlier.
Part 1 (Suzuka) - 7 volumes (2016 - 2018)
Part 2 (Suzuka) - 9? volumes (2019 - 2023?)
Part 3 (Namino) - 12? volumes (2019 - 2025?)
Part 4 (Katsuki) - 21? volumes (2021 - 2031?)
Part 5 (Suzuka?) - 28? volumes (2024? - 2038?)So it will take until 2038 with 77 volumes total.
EDIT: Modified to have Hikaru Katsuki, the 3rd artist announced yesterday to start Part 4 soon (still with two volume a year pace), and changed Part 5 to be started by Suzuka when she is done with Part 2. It will pull in the completion of Part 5 by two years.
@hiroto So Bookworm may have more manga volumes than Naruto and Bleach, if the authors keep going over the next couple decades (debatably possible). What a day that will be.
That is a impressive feat if you think about it. I wonder if the anime will continue for the duration of the series. Seems that is the intent of other series. Suppose the question is just how big the series is in Japan.
@hiroto I wonder how well Part 3 Manga is selling compared to Part 1 and 2 Manga
Kachiki Hikaru artist for Baby Steps Manga is doing Part 4 of Bookworm Manga
@crowdcontrol said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@hiroto I wonder how well Part 3 Manga is selling compared to Part 1 and 2 Manga
Kachiki Hikaru artist for Baby Steps Manga is doing Part 4 of Bookworm Manga
Wow, that was only 10 hours later I posted that. I love Baby Steps. I'm rather surprised with that annoucement that it gets picked up by such a main stream artist who had weekly on Shonen Magazine. I assume he'll follow the same publication model of other parts and write it on Niconico and publish exclusively online, which is not where main stream artists uses.
I made adjustment to my projection with this information.
Bookworm English edition ranked #2 on the Bookwalker 2020
light noveloverall ranking!
*Ranking reflects downloads from 2019/11/1-2020/10/31 JST on the Global Store.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Bookworm English edition ranked #2 on the Bookwalker 2020
light noveloverall ranking!
*Ranking reflects downloads from 2019/11/1-2020/10/31 JST on the Global Store.
I'm glad Bookworm is selling well.
I wanted to know how it's doing sales wise for a while now, since the last time I heard, it wasn't one of J-novel's top selling titles. -
Me upon realizing there's an untapped market of converting our world's religious tunes to Bookverse ones: if there aren't any hymns, I'll just have to sing them myself!
That's right, I'm so starved for content that I sung a twist on a hymn I liked growing up; I present to you "Hymn of the Seasons." The lyrics are shown on-screen alongside the music, so feel free to give it a listen - and if you'd rather not listen to me singing into my iPhone, I wrote up the sheet music + lyrics on, so you can check it out there as well :D
Here's some trivia, in a spoiler tag to reduce space:
@MasterLillyclaw This is the best thing I've seen all week. You have a lovely singing voice. You should send this to Kazuki-sensei. If you ever feel like making more of these I'm all for it. 😁😊🤗
@Lily-Garden said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@MasterLillyclaw This is the best thing I've seen all week. You have a lovely singing voice. You should send this to Kazuki-sensei. If you ever feel like making more of these I'm all for it. 😁😊🤗
Ditto, that was viewtiful
So due to the author's business with the anime, three manga adaptions, and such she's moving from a 3 month (March-June-September-December) release schedule to a 4 month one (April-August-December). Assuming her estimate for the Part 5 length doesn't change she'd finish Part 5 in August 2023.
Some other stuff
Part 4 (manga) Chapter 1 comes out on Christmas Eve
They're now doing a whole Bookworm tea set instead of just the tea cups
They're now doing Booworm mugs (four different colours for the four seasons)