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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
@jcochran said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@alorand sorry, but j-novel already does what some dealers do. Look at the prepubs. Every one of them has the first hit is free, if you want another hit, you gotta pay.
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This isn't directly related to AoaB: I was eavesdropping on my mom's zoom lesson for High School about Gutenberg, Gutenberg Press and Bible and the like—all I could think about was Myne.
@leprechaun LOL I haven't really gotten into the Light Novels, but I've read some of the manga.
@noticemesempai said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@leprechaun LOL I haven't really gotten into the Light Novels, but I've read some of the manga.
While manga is rly good at condensing things I find books to be much better. There are lots of stories from perspective of other characters and overall more details. You get much more insigt into characters.
I was finally able to read first chaper of Academy arc. I was holding back since I assumed it contains spolers for Volume 3 Book 5 (I was right). There are lots of side stories. Best part was how Ferdinand potions inspire worship in ppl :)
I will refrain for saying anything else in order to avoid spoilers.
I am on a reread of the whole set of releases and am on part 2 volume 3 and knowing what we do about Sylvester makes his first appearence all that more humorous. Sitting here laughing at how everyone but Myne knows exactly who he is and just has to play along with his really flimsy disguise.
@ydithe and I'm blaming you for her lack of recog.
@ydithe said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
I am on a reread of the whole set of releases and am on part 2 volume 3 and knowing what we do about Sylvester makes his first appearence all that more humorous. Sitting here laughing at how everyone but Myne knows exactly who he is and just has to play along with his really flimsy disguise.
I couldn't agree more. That scene is one of my favorites on subsequent re-reads once we know who Sylvester is and how the other characters normally relate to him...
“Myne, this man has a terrible personality. But he has something of a good heart beneath his rotten everything else. The best one can do is give up and play along with him..."
Haha, it makes me laugh every time.
So... any idea when "Act 4" volume 2 will be even in consideration of being translated?
@sekki. From my point of view, the manga is just the rendition of the anime. I do not know which one came first, I could google it, but the anime and the manga are way too similar. The light novel is so much more, but feel so much slower since there are way more informations. Of course, once you read to Act 3, there are no more manga (end of Act 2) or anime (mid of Act 2) done yet. I am just waiting on Act 4 vol 2 now, impatiently.
@richard-lee-m96tlwo What do you mean by "Act"?
As for Part 4 Volume 2, it is expected to begin translation next Monday like usual, however remember that the weekly releases are not a promise and there is always the chance factors can cause a delay.You can check the pinned thread where the answer to this frequently asked question is always available.
And for Bookworm in particular:
@legitpancake said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
however remember that the weekly releases are not a promise and there is always the chance factors can cause a delay.
Like the sudden electrification of the translator
@richard-lee-m96tlwo I think Maga came before Anime, not sure. Anyway different ppl have different prefferenced. I personally like LN best because it has lots of information. Some ppl have different tastes so it is good that Manga and Anime also exist. It is also fun to check what is different than books and how they got around certain things.
The comic started its serialization long before the anime in October 2015. For reference, the first novel was published in January 2015, though Kazuki started serializing it in September 2013.
The comic is also how I was introduced to Bookworm, though now I can't remember for the life of me how it caught my eye...
So just read the newest update for non premium members and I must say I am almost ready to scream, cry and pull out my hair in frustration waiting for the next update. Can't wait for the release of the whole book so I can read it straight through without stopping for updates. The Intensity is gone by the following week and then I'm back to re-reading the previous week. But I still love the updates.
It is fantastic that you are enjoying the Bookworm series.
Just wondering, are you talking about Bookworm Part 4 Volume 2?
Both premium members and normal members have access to the same content, the only bonuses premium members receive is that they get a discount when purchasing additional premium credits, access to a premium members only section of the forums, and they pre-pay for 1 credit every month.
If you are talking about Bookworm Part 4 Volume 2, we do have a dedicated topic for that,
Just wondering if you wanted to me to move your post in there so you can discuss with others who are reading.
Sorry if I misunderstood anything you wrote.
TO Books now claims the accumulated sales figure of 4.5 million copies for the bookworm series, up from 4 million last reported. Here is the historical sales numbers. Volume identification is the last volume published at that point. It took 12 months for the last million to be sold. It took more than four years for the first million to be sold.
01/2015 - P1V1 - first released
06/2016 - P2 V4 - 150K
09/2017 - P3 V4 - 400K
11/2017 - P3 V5 - 500K
04/2018 - P4 V2 - 650K
09/2018 - P4 V4 - 750K
03/2019 - P4 V6 - 1M
06/2019 - P4 V7 - 1.2M
09/2019 - P4 V8 - 2M
02/2020 - P4 V9 - 3M
06/2020 - P5 V2 - 3.5M
11/2020 - P5 V3 - 4M
06/2021 - P5 V5 - 4.5M -
Wow, their cumulative sales number was already updated and it jumped half a million in only a couple month!
01/2015 - P1V1 - first released
06/2016 - P2 V4 - 150K
09/2017 - P3 V4 - 400K
11/2017 - P3 V5 - 500K
04/2018 - P4 V2 - 650K
09/2018 - P4 V4 - 750K
03/2019 - P4 V6 - 1M
06/2019 - P4 V7 - 1.2M
09/2019 - P4 V8 - 2M
02/2020 - P4 V9 - 3M
06/2020 - P5 V2 - 3.5M
11/2020 - P5 V3 - 4M
06/2021 - P5 V5 - 4.5M
08/2021 - P5 V6 - 5M -
Hi, wow these are really delightful, they are super!!)