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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
anyone know when we're getting Part 4 Vol 3?
I don't see the title in the update schedule anymore and I don't really know how this site does thing. -
For a general overview on how new volume starts are handled pleases refer to the future volume release thread.
For Part 4 Volume 3 specifically, please refer to the following thread:
Thank you
This post is deleted! -
I've just made a new topic to collect Bookworm song lyrics, as I've done a couple and @Angelus just posted one over in Relationship speculations. There are probably others that I've forgotten hidden in the huge tracts of Bookworm fora, so if you remember seeing any others, I invite you to link them to the new topic.
Just got to thinking about the ordonnanz. Since they seem to be fairly instant, there have to be a number of public do’s and don’ts if you lived in an area where you were subject to receiving them. We saw that you could decide not to accept them as during Rosemyne’s jureve Ferdinand continually blocked receiving her grandfathers constant ordonnanz. Which makes sense if you were on a highbeast, having an intimate moment or using the bathroom. But my biggest question is if the ordonnanz picks up ambient noises? So spies could send one during events and try to listen to conversations in the background, or if someone accepted one in a public bathroom?
@lokison said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Just got to thinking about the ordonnanz. Since they seem to be fairly instant, there have to be a number of public do’s and don’ts if you lived in an area where you were subject to receiving them. We saw that you could decide not to accept them as during Rosemyne’s jureve Ferdinand continually blocked receiving her grandfathers constant ordonnanz. Which makes sense if you were on a highbeast, having an intimate moment or using the bathroom. But my biggest question is if the ordonnanz picks up ambient noises? So spies could send one during events and try to listen to conversations in the background, or if someone accepted one in a public bathroom?
An ordonnanz is only capable of sending sound one way, the recipient has to give it mana for it to record a response, which would prevent most of this. I suppose someone could send one to themselves or an ally/retainer/master so that they could covertly activate it in order to record sound, but if that was the case the person in the room could just activate their own covertly, and the visible bird in places there shouldn't be birds would give away what was going on, it seems like it would be easier to make a tool that functions like a tape recorder instead
@cooper-cummings-gk5u8qq I agree re: mana, but they physically speak into the spell which does indicate that it is recording sound which is why my thought.
@lokison said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@cooper-cummings-gk5u8qq I agree re: mana, but they physically speak into the spell which does indicate that it is recording sound which is why my thought.
It is possible, it just seems like when they already have the technology to make a magic tool that records onto what is essentially a physical medium like tape and then automatically delivers that medium to be played back, they should be able to make a separate tool that doesn't do the delivery part, and such a tool would be much more practical for covert recordings because there wouldn't be a bird flying around inside to attract attention
@alanoud It was stated in the story that Blue Hair is an indication of strong mana, it was mentioned during some of Ferdinands backstory
considering that Mynes dad has blue hair tho this seems like just a folk tale the Nobles tell -
Happy Halloween, Bookworms!
@masterlillyclaw thats really awesome!
@masterlillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Happy Halloween, Bookworms!
Awesome pumpkin. Did you make paint it?
@shiny Yup! My workplace does little “events” every now and again, and for Halloween we painted small pumpkins. (Pre-COVID they apparently did team pumpkin carving but I didn’t work there back then.) So I scaled down a picture of the Myne Workshop logo and printed it, then used it as a reference to sorta eyeball it onto the pumpkin :D
@masterlillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Happy Halloween, Bookworms!
That's amazing... Love it!
Wow, another half a million jump in only three month! 1.5 million up from a year ago.
01/2015 - P1V1 - first released
06/2016 - P2 V4 - 150K
09/2017 - P3 V4 - 400K
11/2017 - P3 V5 - 500K
04/2018 - P4 V2 - 650K
09/2018 - P4 V4 - 750K
03/2019 - P4 V6 - 1M
06/2019 - P4 V7 - 1.2M
09/2019 - P4 V8 - 2M
02/2020 - P4 V9 - 3M
06/2020 - P5 V2 - 3.5M
11/2020 - P5 V3 - 4M
06/2021 - P5 V5 - 4.5M
08/2021 - P5 V6 - 5M
11/2021 - P5 V7 - 5.5M (well, V7 is not quite out yet but soon)(Announced accumulative sales number and the last LN volume being sold at that point)
Any chance for hardbacks for this series of LN?
@varinyc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Any chance for hardbacks for this series of LN?
I am not aware of any precedent for JNC releasing an omnibus for a series where they have already released individual light novels (but I don't usually go for print editions so it isn't something I pay much attention to). I guess the most likely time would be if JNC reprinted the series in omnibus format once it was complete.
JNC do not usually comment on their future plans on the forum so I expect the most likely way to get an answer would be to ask in the Q&A portion of a JNC announcement stream as that is when Sam is most willing to engage in such discussions.
@varinyc said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Any chance for hardbacks for this series of LN?
I'm not aware that JNC has issued any titles as hardcover editions.
Some titles have been issued in paperback.
A smaller selection still have been issued in omnibus paperback editions, where 3-4 volumes are issued in one binding (this is true for Invaders of the Rokujouma.)TL:DR
Hardcopy, yes.
Hardcover, not that I'm aware of. -
@weasalopes said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
I'm not aware that JNC has issued any titles as hardcover editions.
Crest/Banner of the Stars, Fullmetal Panic and Slayers are published as hardcover omnibuses.
That said, I don't think LN industry is big enough to justify printing of multiple separate editions of the same book, so Bookworm hardcovers probably won't happen in the nearest future.
What I think is possible would be omnibus colmpillations way down the line (once the series is complete) to make it more affordable or Spice&Wolf-style limited collectors edition.
Faraway Paladin releasing next March will be the first time JNC will publish single-volume hardbacks. JNC has never re-released a series in a different format, so there is no precedent for this publisher at least to release hardcovers after paperbacks. Bookworm would need to be a substantial bestseller in paperbacks to warrant a rerelease, especially since it’s projected to be 33 volumes. Releasing 33 paperbacks, and then 33 hardcovers (maybe less if they did omnibuses) is a huge financial risk.