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Arifureta anime
Yup! There!
Just when you think you are out, they drag you back in.
Which shows the differing taste between the domestic and foreign markets.
The CGI was off and the storyboard missed significant lines of the novel which made the novel, well "likeable" or "loveable" to the fan-base.
If I had not read the novel, or the manga beforehand, would I have liked the anime? That is a question I can not without bias answer.
Would I, if I had not already read any of the source-work, having watched the anime decide to buy the novel or manga? The answer is probably, why yes, because the same situation happened with Ragnarok, which was a series which was also "reviled" by some of the community, but what I thought was enjoyable. But again, I had not read the original source first.If the latter is the end result in general, I guess the anime was a success and met the objectives of the current strategy of anime creation and production, i.e. sell the original product and merchandise.
But, from my two pence, I did not find the anime enjoyable, the animation was irk-some. But I guess I cannot always expect something of the quality of Ufotable all the time.
@custodes I'd even take the quality of Studio Deen over this.
@sniper_samurai I went to their cited source of and couldn't find the banner advertising season 2 anywhere, but I didn't search every single news feed or twitter link that site listed so it could be hidden in those. I looked at the most recent ones though. Also, I have tried to find any sites I trust confirming this and I can't. There is a chance this is fake but I don't know for sure if it is or not.
I see comments on the feed referring to (sorry google translate)
Toshinari Fukamachi (Nagumo's VA):
"Thanks to everyone's support, the second stage production has been decided! Thank you! I had a lot of friends and the story was about to get more exciting. Please look forward to it!"and reference to keep an eye out for official word on homepage/twitter
so quasi-rumor/quasi-official tease that there will be a 2nd cour
@jon-mitchell It is a direct announcement for a second season. That said, the article was only added about half an hour ago; it wasn't there yet when Malloc made their post.
I guess the people who liked the anime (all 3 of them) will be happy, personally I'm kind of sad it's getting a s2. I was hoping Overlap would make an anime for some other serie like Realist Hero, At the bottom of the Labyrinth or The faraway Paladin; or even better a s2 to Grimgar.
Well at least Arifureta's next season will likely look better since they won't have to change staff mid production. -
@Jon-Mitchell @MetaStar
Thanks, that explains it. I was surprised the original tweet I saw referred to when it wasn't there when I tried to verify. I now see it on their website and it definitely was not up when I first checked.As much as I thought this one didn't do the light novels justice, I did like moments of it.
I wanted to verify because I have been burned by a false announcement for The Irregular at Magic High last year claiming it was coming out at the end of 2018.
I hope now that they got to where
they don't feel the need to rush the 2nd season as much. I also hope they either make the CGI blend better, or drop it altogether for the 2nd season. -
@malloc That twitter account is usually reliable for stuff like this. I know there are enough accounts spreading garbage like KLK getting a second season.
If there is going to be a second season I seriously hope they get their act together for this one because season 1 was a total C.F. from the word go. Please oh please let this one be better! -
That was certainly unexpected....
They changed the plot quite a bit in the last episode to keep up the pace, but overall it was ok.
I wonder if this second season will get any better. Let's just hope for the best..... -
seems to me that the final episode was pretty good: painful cgi was kept to a minimum, action scenes were ok, plot moved along and characters developed without anything that stood out too much as stupid. I'm guardedly optimistic that the 2nd cour might not suck. (but the bar is pretty low here)
Finished my episode 13 comparison.
So decided to pull the trigger and binge watched the series...and overall...I am not as dissatisfied as I thought I'd be.
The CGI was excruciating to watch and I honestly don't know how they did it so poorly. Since it was mostly just monsters I was able to make it through.
Some of the action was poor especially since the whole time it felt as if Hajime was shooting BB guns.
And they really did a number on the sea of trees and Shea's arc...
While not saying a lot, personally I don't think it was as bad as Ragnarok. And is just passable to a fan of the LN just wish they had done it more justice.
@khaos Nothing is a s bad as Ragnarock.
I rate Ragnarok above Arifureta mainly because of that abominable CGI. (They really had to put in a lot of effort to make it so bad...)
I don't believe I saw anyone mention this yet, but the PV for season 2 came out recently:
Another new preview:
Honestly looks a lot better already, so hopefully that'll be maintained throughout the entire season.