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Arifureta anime
well, it's only the first episode. I had such high hopes that even if it was a masterpiece, I was going to be disappointed (don't get me wrong, this was no magnum opus). On the other hand, we have a lot of ground to cover, and I still have hopes that future episodes are the same time, I didn't find this painful to watch or anything. Are we being too harsh?
I think people here are being too harsh, yes. At the very least, they don't represent the typical viewer: the apparent consensus of the series seems to be that it's decent. The rating on Anime-Planet is currently 3.57 / 5.00, which is a pretty decent score, I think. MAL is a bit more harsh, rating it 6.35 / 10.00 (or 3.18 / 5.00) which is still not a bad score by any means.
I enjoyed the first episode. I thought his transformation was too brief/glossed over, the CG was out of place, and the ED was a joke (it's like a Windows screensaver from the 90s), but I'd personally give it a 3.5 out of 5.
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I'd say the only "too harsh" complaint is that it's worse than Ragnarok. It's way too early to compare a single episode to an entire 12-episode trainwreck.
Though I guess if people just meant say that the first episode of Arifureta is worse than the first episode of Ragnarok, that's fine; Ragnarok's problems only really became apparent after the first episode. (Though I do think Ragnarok's first episode also had an issue with not explaining enough background info.)
@stardf29 said in Arifureta anime:
Though I guess if people just meant say that the first episode of Arifureta is worse than the first episode of Ragnarok, that's fine; Ragnarok's problems only really became apparent after the first episode. (Though I do think Ragnarok's first episode also had an issue with not explaining enough background info.)
Yup, that's what I meant when I said it's worse than Ragnarok if we compare only their first episodes. Ragnarok may have not explained enough background info, but Arifureta didn't explain anything at all...
@stardf29 said in Arifureta anime:
Though I guess if people just meant say that the first episode of Arifureta is worse than the first episode of Ragnarok, that's fine; Ragnarok's problems only really became apparent after the first episode. (Though I do think Ragnarok's first episode also had an issue with not explaining enough background info.)
I mean, it is too early to tell if this tree is going to die just because it has a colony of termites living in it, but it is a fairly good guess that it will.
I know Terabyte isn't the only one that mentioned Ragnarok. Whether or not it is too harsh... Just because it is too early to be certain that it will be worse doesn't mean that it won't be. So too harsh on that will depend on whether the anime changes for the better.
Personally, I'm not holding my breath on it getting better.
Well I might consider picking up Ragnarock(I think I spelled it right) because that first episode of Arifureta was bad I might end up liking the light novel. Since this is almost a repeat of what happened to the Rag fans anyway
Ragnarok is a good read, I recommend it. Aside from character names and vague plot arch similarity the LN and the anime couldn't be much more different. The best/most unique aspects of the LNs were omitted from the anime (some only alluded to in a wall of text on a bump)
too early to call Arifureta (in my opinion), as many have noted, fist episode was a mess and there are artistic issues. But I'm willing to watch a few more episodes before deciding to write it off
@jon-mitchell I’m will to give it some more time maybe it will get better hopefully but I’ll now will give Rag a try
Finished my write-up comparison for Light Novel to Anime of episode 1.
Well, episode 2 was definetly an improvement. The pace also got a little better, even through it is still fast. I think they will reach the Hydra be the end of the next episode.
@leinade Dunno, I was laughing through the whole episode. It was such a rush job and they still trying to make the flash backs work?
Sigh, you need a special kind of talent to fail this hard at adapting a pretty straight forward light novel. SPECIAL KIND. The music and sound effects were god awful. Who picked that gun SFX? It sounds like your average 9mm semi automatic pistol, not a revolver.
@zing True, but there was less crappy CGI, which was a plus. The scene where he entered Yue's room reminded me of the old Legend of Zelda games. 😅
What scares me most, is that Shizuku is in the opening/closing. I hope they don't to get that far in the anime. -
I just don't know what to say. The whole flashback thing is really starting to piss me off. They used about a quarter of the episode on just the flashbacks alone. What a way to waste time! I don't get what the hell they were thinking with that but it is only hurting the story. After the initial postponement of the anime I was expecting a lot better than what we are getting. I was so excited, and now I feel sooo let down. -
While I think episode 2 was an improvement over episode 1, though that's not saying much, I was really annoyed when Hajime's dungeon crawling took a backseat to a flashback to give us exposition we should have gotten in episode 1.
@zing I thought episode 2 of better than episode 1 but still, the series doesn't feel like an adaption to me. In my opinion, it should be darker. It is too colorful, i was thinking it was going to be a mix of the manga and the light novels. But it isn't like either of them.
@jjch102296 I agree completely. I don't know what they were thinking but apparently they weren't thinking at all with the story line. It's such a great story and it shouldn't have been this hard to adapt into an anime. I just don't get why they have to hop all over the place with the story. It's just hurting everything.
The first 2 episodes were rather disjointed. It starts with Hajime falling into the abyss, everything prior to that is dealt with flashbacks. This series needed the Shield Hero/Re:zero treatment where the first episode was close to an hour in length. I was also hoping it would be 2 cour (24-25 episodes), but it looks like it's a single cour.
That said I'm going to continue to watch it subbed, I'll also watch it dubbed (when it airs) and I'll probably buy the series once its available, but then I love Arifureta and it is nice seeing it in anime form. Hopefully pacing issues work themselves out as the series progresses.
@tunafresh I was also hoping for 2 core as well which is what I honesetly thought we were going to get when they put the anime off for one year while they worked out all the stuff they thought was going wrong with it. But unfortunately this did not happen.
So, exactly how bad was it before they delayed it then?
Are people sending the author condolence messages or what?