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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
@paul-nebeling Yeah, you can kind of see the hair status of everyone (introduced thus far) in the opening, especially in the big group shot at the end. And I checked in the relevant episodes, and the people who used rinsham as indicated in the opening credits did indeed only get shiny hair after they were provided rinsham through whatever means.
(Well, the Head(/High) Priest is the possible outlier, due to spoiler reasons.)
For an anime that definitely seems a bit lower budget it did pay enough attention to characters' hair and gave the series a longer than standard 14 episodes indicates some level of care/love put into it by the studio.
Gunther would look weird with shiny hair I'd say~ also he is a soldier, and would stand out in a strange way if he got shiny hair don't cha think?
It's Ok on Otto because he is the son in law of a big fashion store though. -
More information on the Part 2 anime is coming out in 12 hours. It’ll probably either be more VA announcements like last time or some DVD&BD information.
Really hoping it’s the latter with it revealing that the BD box set is titled 「神殿の巫女見習い 誓いの儀式と側仕え~癒しの儀式」(Apprentice Shrine Maiden: "Attendants and the Fealty Ceremony" to "The Healing Ritual") and that it has 12 episodes (or that it has a different title but is two cour). It would match them announcing that the BD box set for the Part 1 anime was titled 「兵士の娘 新しい生活~決着」(Daughter of a Solider: "A New Life" to "Confrontation") with a 14 episode count back in August.
Watch it not be BD information after I’ve gotten my hopes up again after last time. -
New 15 second PV, and BD listing confirms 12 episodes for P2.
With 12 episodes, shorter than 14 of the first season, there is a good chance that this will end at the end of Part 2, Vol 2, keeping LN releases safely ahead of anime releases.
Well, 12 eps is pretty standard, so I'm good with it... So long as we get 12 more later!
Money, time, and talent is always going to factor in to how a series looks. How could it not? But despite being a smaller production with a lower budget, I do get the feeling that they do care and have done their best, and that buys a fair amount of credit from me. Sometimes a series just seems like it was simply "work for hire" and it tends to show. That hasn't seemed to be the case here.
I think this one should be in Anime, not Members.
It is announced that the OVA will be "distributed". Not obvious to me if it means "streamed". Details will be announced later.
@hiroto Having a translation would be good indeed. But I'm more worried about BD that should be included with P5V1 book.
I preordered it to get it for sure but lately japs adopted that shitty practice to give you a code for additional goods or even a code for a discount instead of including those goods with your shipment.
That's a major problem for me because I have to use a proxy service. -
New update on that post. -
@lurkingmclurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
New update on that post., they announced streaming in Japan on the same day Part 5 Volume 1 is going on sale on 3/10 for premium streaming and 3/17 for everybody else. Would it be available on crunchyroll?
I thought he is Eckhart but turns out he's Eckhalt. Does this name even exist these days?
(or maybe that's just anime company's doing, if so it's worth nothing)I wonder if ユストクス stands for some weird name too.
Ah Japan, it’d be great if you would consult with your English LN/manga translator before deciding on romanisations like this.
Anyway hopefully if they ever use a romanisation of his name again they’ll use quof’s Eckehard instead ofEckhalt
. The Japan side aren’t consistent with wether our beloved priest should be Ferdinando or Ferdinand. -
I wish they wouldn't do it at all.
Also lol, why Eckehard? Why changing Ekkuharuto to Eckehard if it's a perfectly fine name already? Just for the sake of changing?
What's the point of turning T into D and where did that E came from?@lurkingmclurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
So, dub version has completed today. Has anybody been watching it?
@hiroto I've seen every other episode up to 12 in dub, and plan to watch the last two soon. It's very good, in my opinion. It's unfortunate about the Tuuri, Eva, Head Priest stuff, but overall I think it's very well done. I especially like Myne's voice.
Part 2 Anime Trailer -
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Part 2 Anime Trailer, that pretty much covered whole essence of Part 2 Vol 1 and Vol 2. I'm glad it didn't go any further.
Also CR confirmed the English dub will continue, and CR will get the two OVA episodes on March 9.