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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
@Paul-Nebeling I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of their usual plots. If you remember they are some plots they've pulled off while pretending to be completely ignorant of what's going one. It could happen, her joining the temple might have been one of their plots.
@Caroline I don't know if I would go that far. After all, Myne hadn't even considered joining the Temple until after she saw the book room.
Then again, they are brothers...
@Paul-Nebeling In the anime; specifically the baptism arc, after they take a blood, there is a part where Ferdinand looks at her suspiciously and before that she had already produced plant paper an important commodity like that wouldn't fail to catch the eye of a Noble but it's all speculation so I don't know. You could call it one of my theories.
@Caroline In P3V1 part 2 it explains why he looked at her suspiciously during that time.
In the last chapter of P1V3 (post-Crushing of the High Bishop) Ferdinand says "I will prepare blue robes for her. Her primary job will be the upkeep of magic tools, just like our noble apprentices. That was what we initially had intended to do had the High Bishop not lost his mind, after all."
I guess this is a bit ambiguous, because he says "that" was what they intended; it could mean [upkeep of tools] only, or [preparing blue robes, with upkeep of tools]. My original interpretation was that they had gotten permission for blue robes in the first place, which was why he was so agreeable to it, but I could be incorrect.
So, there is this bookworm anime streaming event in Japan where there are interview of the casts, and then Kazuki-sensei also participating as a guest. She just tweeted an additional information:
For Niconico live streaming special event on Sunday, I freshly wrote a mini-dialogue between Myne and Ferdinand.
Which is kind of like an anime preview trailer
It will be presented by Iguchi-san and Hayami-san. Enjoy!Season 3 announcement???
Now, the bookworm anime official tweet says "Big announcement coming." (さらに重大発表も)
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Third Cour thing it is confirming is that production will happen. No date or anything. I don't think it is happening this fall.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Only thing it is confirming is that production will happen. No date or anything. I don't think it is happening this fall.
At least it is happening \o/
I'm super happy as long as it's happening, even if I have to wait till spring or winter.
Edit: there are a few scenes I'd like to see animated. 😊 -
@Paul-Nebeling exactly! - and a few more 😊
I can't wait for Crunchyroll to give us
Sadistically I want them to begin this season with a fast forward to the Epilogue of the concluding volume again.
Now that we know Part 2 will be fully animated I hope Sam sees this as good enough justification to licensed the Part 3 manga before finishing the Part 2 mangaplus we need to make sure to crush Quof under his workload. -
I think I might be too much of a dork because I read this little excerpt on Crunchyroll's website and noticed the author must also read the light novels like an alpha chad. He wrote 'Myne' like a true man of culture and not 'Main' like a filthy heathen.
I wish they gave another studio to do season 3. Like the studio doing Wandering Witch anime. Now that had great art and atmosphere
Queue up the M-Bison yes gif please!
@crowdcontrol I could wish for better, it's true. But I get the impression that they are doing their best and the reality is that a larger, "better" studio would also cost much more than there is budget for.
I'm perfectly satisfied with the studio working on it so far. Yes it's not the highest budget and they skip some things, but you can really tell the people working on it truly care about the series and are doing their best. Also it allows them to do this many seasons even without moving a whole lot of sales. Usually a series would have to have SAO, Overlord, or Re:Zero sort of popularity to get more than two cour, but with a series like Bookworm the show is easy enough to animate cheaply multiple seasons even with it not breaking into the top 10 bestselling lists.
@LegitPancake Yeah, the fact that the production staff legitimately like the series instead of just thinking of it as "Oh we'll make an anime to piggyback off the success of this popular light novel series" is pretty evident to me. No matter what changes I saw, I never went "The people making this anime don't understand the series"; it was always "Interesting choice" and "When I think about it, if you've only got about 265 minutes to tell these two volumes, you're going to have to leave a fair amount on the cutting room floor." I mean... the LN volumes aren't exactly short, and Kazuki-sensei puts a lot of effort into her worldbuilding (I'm kind of jealous at how much of it she manages to work into the story, if I'm being honest, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's got two or three whole notebooks filled with setting details that didn't make it in).
@TheGrimLich said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@LegitPancake Yeah, the fact that the production staff legitimately like the series instead of just thinking of it as "Oh we'll make an anime to piggyback off the success of this popular light novel series" is pretty evident to me. No matter what changes I saw, I never went "The people making this anime don't understand the series";
For the most part, I agree. I just wish they would stop making simple careless mistakes. Two that stand out for me are:
After Myne talks to Frieda about the commissioned hairpin and what color it should be, they have a cut scene "one month later" for when Myne finishes and delivers it. Excuse me? The LN has that time period as a few days. And that detail is important. At the time the hairpin is commissioned, Frieda's baptism is a month away. And between the delivery of the hairpin and the baptism, multiple events happen on and off camera. In the LN, there's about three weeks or so for Benno to request Myne make more hairpins. For the trombe to appear and Myne & Lutz to process the bark. For Myne and Lutz to make the requested hairpins, etc. In the anime, those same events occur, but logically, the time in which to perform the events does not exist. All because some script writer said "One month later", instead of more reasonable "One week later", or "A few days later." A stupid careless mistake on their part.
When Myne was reorganizing the temple library after it was vandalized, she does a quick summary of the broad categories for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. After that, the description summarizes that the "Myne Decimal System" easily divided all the books into nine broad categories. Once again, excuse me? There are ten categories, not nine. Another simple, careless mistake.
Given that there is an upcoming 3rd season, what can we expect in future? Are we now likely to have 4th, 5th etc seasons? Will we be able to pay excessive prices for PVC Myne figurines?
I understand the LN goes into low 30s volumes, and we've seen 2-3 volumes of LN per anime season, so in principle the anime could last about 14 seasons, and if they air every second season, that would be about 7 years.