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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
I spy with my little eye something begin with "E"
It's nice to finally have a face for the non-entities that are Shizuka and Ahno
So next episode to deal with the fight and what happens during the fight and then presumably the last episode to catch up to where the anime started with him reading her...
Shout out to the music in this episode for being really on point. The choral part when she got to the noble gate felt like it should have been from Yuki Kajiura and the music when the knights all took off was fittingly sweeping.
At what time do we give up hope of there being a third season? To put it another way, if there was to be a third season, what is the latest time they'd announce it?
Rather difficult question to answer. See this thread for why. -
@LIbri-Liberorum said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
At what time do we give up hope of there being a third season? To put it another way, if there was to be a third season, what is the latest time they'd announce it?
I would give up on immediate third season (this fall) if P5V2 comes out on 6/10 this week without any associated announcement.
But I found it interesting that there was a very specific foreshadowing added in this episode which was not in LN and refer to something deep into Part 3. I hope that is an indication that script writers were working with assumption of continuting the anime.
Next episode will definitely be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing the battle and the rolling fallout that come soon there after.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
But I found it interesting that there was a very specific foreshadowing added in this episode which was not in LN and refer to something deep into Part 3. I hope that is an indication that script writers were working with assumption of continuting the anime.
I don't know specifically what you are referring to, but I do notice little details that aren't specified in the LN. For example, Ferdinand gently tapping the head of the messenger bird and it responding, and also him stroking the mane of his highbeast. The LN gives zero indication of these beasts of burden being sentient. I'm guessing that is the sort of detail only someone familiar with the future of the story could include.
I'm curious how the next part will go and how it will be parsed out. I'm the LN Myne says very little externally, but a lot internally. Getting mad just thinking about it.
The author posted some pictures of the BD box-set on twitter:
It was kinda obvious at this point but the title of the final episode is「夢の世界」which was the title of the Part 2 Volume 2 Epilogue in the WN (well in the WN it was a two parter). -
Okay, hearing Karstedt say Shikza's name in Japanese out loud made me curious since it sounds quite different to how it was translated in the LN.
"Shikikoza" ...Is this guy's name just "unimportant knight" backwards? 雑魚騎士 (zako kishi) -
@Vorthod's name is actually a joke in Japanese: It's Shikikoza and backwards it means "Small-Fry Knight" (zako kishi). I thought up some localizations of this (variations of "rando" mostly), but Miya Kazuki asked me to try and make a name that resembles the Japanese pronunciation (due to the anime adaptation). However, I thought that Shikikoza exactly would stick out like a sore thumb in English and be a mouthful to pronounce, so I went with Shikza.
Also with regard to all the mentions of Germanic influence/sounding "foreign" in the Bookworm world/etc... How many times am I gonna have to bring up Shikikooza? That was a character name that Miya Kazuki elected to give a Bookworm character. Zako Kishi (Small-Fry Knight) backwards. It was the best I could do to alter the spelling into Shikza (with her permission of course) to not make it so blatantly Japanese. Honestly sometimes I wonder if my smoothing over of these kinds of things (which would stick out more in English otherwise) isn't giving people a misguided understanding of how strict Miya Kazuki is with her worldbuilding terminology.
Yeah, the name is just an actual meme/pun in Japanese, and spelling it like Shikikoza / Shicicoza /whatever would have made his name stick out enormously. Like you've got a ton of German and Swedish names then suddenly there's this Japanese as fuck name out of nowhere. Totally not worth preserving, especially when the intended joke (Shikikoza being Zakokishi backwards) is completely incomprehensible to English readers. There's a few more names that are just Japanese with their letters mixed around for memes, and I imagine that I will give all of them a similar treatment. Because, it's like, in Japanese each consonant is attached to a vowel (except "n"). When all the names are written like this (Damueru, Ferudinando, etc) it doesn't stick out, all the names are like it. But in English when you go from "Gunther" to like "Korasereru" the feel is completely off. Bookworm;s world is made in the style of ye olde European world and I have to really work double time to preserve this feel in English even when the author is able to use quirks of the Japanese language to fit in jokes and stuff that would really hurt the atmosphere if preserved literally in English.
@LurkingMcLurk Thanks. Just what I wanted to confirm. It had sounded like there might have been a long O in his name so I couldn't be sure.
@Vorthod said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@LurkingMcLurk Thanks. Just what I wanted to confirm. It had sounded like there might have been a long O in his name so I couldn't be sure.
nope, as @Quof said (multiple times in multiple posts, it was important to keep the context, as well as respect the naming convention Kazuki-Sama told him to keep, so Shizka (Or the artist formerly known as Shikikoza) was his new name... for all of the 10 minutes he appeared)
@Vorthod said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@LurkingMcLurk Thanks. Just what I wanted to confirm. It had sounded like there might have been a long O in his name so I couldn't be sure.
Good ear. It is "za-ko-ki-shi", reversed, "shi-ki-ko-za", and then extra long O was added to make it sound more like a name (well, at least to Japanese ears): shi-ki-koo-za.
Wow, that episode flew by so fast. The "to be continued..." slide popped up at the end and I'm like "already?"
Is it just me, or did the pacing in this episode feel a bit off? When I read the book, this whole part seemed to be a bit more frantic, whereas in the anime, it seemed like everybody was taking their sweet time to do anything. I guess my impression in the book was that after Myne's blood activated the tromb that everyone was hurrying to take care of the new threat, and in the anime it seemed like everybody didn't seem to have any sense of urgency. Like nobody cared that the tromb was squeezing her to death.
It definitely threw me for a loop and somewhat disappointed me, as I had been looking forward to this episode.
I was also under the impression that the cut she had received was much deeper and bleeding more in the book. She barely seemed to get a scratch here.
@OSRizzo Yes, I feel the same ... I was so waiting for this to be animated, and I kind of got disappointed by the end, it was more of a leisure ride than what I felt, reading the part.
Edit: I prefered the novel part, the lack of urgency throw me off complately. -
Next week is the last episode.
I think the slow pacing in this episode was trying to pace it so that they can have almost the entirety of the next episode for
There's also the rest of the trombe extermination mission, which will be amazing, but won't take very long at the beginning of the episode (they're almost finished, but the next part is the most amazing)
I was looking forward to seeing Ferdinand furious for more than a few seconds, but I guess the whole violence side was toned down a lot. Visually, the next part should be stunning given how the magic aspect so far has been given priority. I just hope the next season will happen in under a year.
Myne ended up taking Arno's line. “Fran!” yelled Arno as Fran speedily got up and tried to rescue me. “You must not move! Your master is being punished for you acting out of place. You must not make things even worse.”.😡
@OSRizzo said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
When I read the book, this whole part seemed to be a bit more frantic, whereas in the anime, it seemed like everybody was taking their sweet time to do anything.
Yes, I came here to say the same thing. Myne is suffocating, and everyone is just standing around expositing. They needed to borrow someone from a shonen battle anime to direct this episode. While they are at it, they should get whoever is animating Myne's facial expressions to do some work on Ferdinand.