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Are there plans to improve the webreader?
My fears of it requiring flash are fortunately not substantiated, but it looks like it was designed for decade old screen resolutions. Any chance we can get an adaptive mode that fills the screen?
@redmaw Well, there's 2 page mode!
I will definitely revisit the web reader for screens with >1080p resolution one of these days.
Well...I was talking about the two page mode; pretty sure it would fit on 1024x768 screen just right. It is perfectly usable though so I understand how it is not a high priority, but I am glad to hear it's on your todo list still.
One extra piece of feedback about the webreader, as I was reading last night I found myself double tapping next in two page mode. Obviously for me that is the better experience and it is more natural as that is how an actual book would work, however I still think it is very subjective. When you update the webreader maybe you can add a "page turn" option to select between one or two pages.
@redmaw That's a reasonable point about 2 page mode: it should turn 2 pages at a time...