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Mixed bath in another world's next volume
Is there any information about the next volume of this series, or did the author already drop it?
From what I've read around the author is still working on it, but there is no known release date yet.
I swear it's the series I like the most on JNC, too bad the author is taking his time a bit too much...
From what I hear it is more like a hobby of his.
That's true for all but a tiny handful of light novel authors whose series are big enough to make a living off them.
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If only every author we loved wrote as fast as say Stephen King. I think I remember hearing that he writes like 6 pages per day.
I promise that when it's announced, I'll be bouncing around in joy posting it both here, and on /r/LightNovels.
According to a 01 April posting on the Overlap blog Vol. 6 of Mixed Bathing is scheduled to be published in May. As Overlap seems to publish light novels around the 25th of the month and as that will be a Saturday, I am guessing that it will come out on Monday, 27 May but we will have to wait for the 01 May "scheduled releases" blog post to know for certain.
The post I saw can be found here: April 25 scheduled releases . If you are like me and cannot read Japanese you can run the URL through the Google Translate website and get an odd translation.
Overlap releases on the 25th of every month so Mixed Bathing will be out on May 25th. They're pretty consistent about that excluding unexpected delays. -
@aruseus493 is now a good time to start bouncing around?
Yes. Are you telling me you haven't been bouncing around since it was announced too? :3