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English licenses sorted by JP publisher
Newly added title (Seven Seas):
Adachi and Shimamura -
Newly added title (Cross Infinite World):
Of Dragons and Fae: Is a Fairy Tale Ending Possible for the Princess’s Hairstylist?
BW: -
Newly added titles (Seven Seas):
The Invincible Shovel
I Had That Same Dream Again
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear -
Newly added title (Yen On):
Weathering With You -
Newly added title (Sol Press):
Chivalry of a Failed Knight -
Newly added titles (JNC):
By the Grace of the Gods
The Underdog of the Eight Greater Tribes -
Newly added title (Square Enix):
NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys -
Newly added titles (JNC):
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Isekai
The Economics of Prophecy
Her Majesty’s Swarm
Isekai Rebuilding Project
Kobold King
Outer Ragna
Tearmoon Empire
I Refuse to Be Your Enemy!
The World’s Least Interesting Master Swordsman
Bibliophile Princess
The Tales of Marielle Clarac
The White Cat’s Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King’s Lap -
Newly added title (Vertical):
Pretty Boy Detective Club (1st book in NISIOISIN's Pretty Boy Series) -
Newly added title (Seven Seas):
Buck Naked in Another World -
New title from Cross Inf:
"The Misfortune Devouring Witch is Actually a Vampire?! "
@terrence Thanks.
Newly added title (Cross Infinite World):
The Misfortune Devouring Witch is Actually a Vampire?! -
Newly added title (JNC):
Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?! -
Newly added title (JNC):
The Extraordinary, the Ordinary, and SOAP! -
Updated title:
The Penetrated Battlefield Should Disappear There -----> May These Leaden Battlegrounds Leave No Trace
Haha, so they finally updated that absurd title.
Gotta add those new Seven Seas licenses too (waiting until the event is over I'm guessing to do the post?)
@terrence Yeah, pretty much. I've already added them to the OP, but I'm waiting until all the licenses have been announced to make a new post here.
Newly added titles (Seven Seas):
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword!
Yes, No, or Maybe? (first book in the seires)