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Musketeer Rouge (Suggestion for JNC Heart)
@rahul-balaggan I don’t think that historical fantasy novels will have such a huge fan base, like isekai novels have, but I think- no, I hope, that the fan base is big enough for these novels to sell well and to get more such titles licensed.
@claire-lilly It’s not like the people registered on J-Novel Club are it’s whole fan base. There are many, many more, who like to read such titles and aren’t registered here. Take me for example (although I joined the forum today😆).
Every year around Easter I'm craving for musketeer stories, probably because I'm always watching the movie from 2011 around these days.xD Again, please license this novel!
@Claire-Lilly Same here.^^
Haaahhh, I really wish we would get more historical shoujo titles like this one. The Tales of Marielle Clarac and Bibliophile Princess are a wonderful beginning, but still too few in my eyes. I need much more to satisfy my craving!
Seems to be a really promising historical fantasy novel, I would love to read it!!!
I’ve got to know this novel through the manga and it is definitely worth licensing. The character and world building is quite detailed and the story overall really good. Unfortunately the manga only covers two volumes of the light novel, so I couldn’t read more. I would love to read the novel too!!! Please license it!!!!!!
I’m reading mostly historical fantasy novels and I would love to add this to my reading list, the story seems really interesting and exiting.
Sounds really good. I would love to read it, musketeer stories are always totally exiting!!!
Seems to be an exiting novel. I really would like to read it.
I’ve read many novels with a musketeer setting. I’m exited how this one will turn out. Please license it.
Recently I've managed to get my hands on the two drama cds for this series. They cover the first two volumes of the novel and although I wasn't able to understand it all, it was nice to listen to the voices.