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Novel Numbering...
Is there a specific reason numbering of novels (1-9) are non zero leading format? i.e.
In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 1
instead of:
In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 01
The former breaks alphabetic sorting in any library once the series hits 10.
Is this just an aesthetic decision? Though personally '01' still looks better.
I have noticed this with non JNC series as well though...
Sword Art Online Progressive 1
and yet the physical copy, at least the cover is:
Sword Art Online Progressive 001
I can somewhat see why the original volumes in Japan may not use it as they wouldn't know how many volumes a series may last, but here it's not quite the case. As its known how many volumes are already out when attempting to licence and have a general idea of how popular they are.
This is mainly just curiosity, it's a little tedious to change the title's metadata for all my volumes, but I can get over it.
This annoys me too as Yen Press also does this and it makes Google Books a mess once a series hits 10+ volumes.
This gets especially bad for series with long titles because it's too long to be displayed in the name.
For premium Epubs, I just manually rename them myself.
edit: error = series. Damn auto-correct.
This annoys me to no end! Physical releases don't really matter for this but the ebooks are a big deal. They should just make the file name end with 001, 002, 003 etc. At least I can choose to sort by series instead of by title.
I usually rename my epubs locally to 0X once they reach volume 10 too. Otherwise sorting is all messed up.
I agree physical release doesn't really matter(though it still looks better) - I just brought it up as I found it odd that they would do it for the physical release and yet not for the digital where it would matter. -
And then there's series like Mixed Bathing which don't have volume numbers at all, so I have to kind of squint at the cover art to tell which volumes I should be reading first.
@unsynchedcheese said in Novel Numbering...:
And then there's series like Mixed Bathing which don't have volume numbers at all, so I have to kind of squint at the cover art to tell which volumes I should be reading first.
Ah yeah...I edited those titles and added volume numbers.
Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: Volume 01: The Hero of the Unlimited Bath
Though I think it's the only series I have without numbers, but it's been a while and completely forgot.
Kokoro Connect doesn't have numbers either, at least not yet.
@smashman42 said in Novel Numbering...:
Kokoro Connect doesn't have numbers either, at least not yet.
Hmm... I didn't notice this on the title page, but when added to calibre it has volume and number.
Kokoro Connect Volume 01: Hito Random
Ah, the filename didn't have it - apparently I didn't look closely enough in Calibre.
The headache is that the "series" title is in the same field as the "book" title. What you really want to do is to use the title alone in the title, then sort by series (if exists), then title. I get this all the time in mysteries where sometimes, the metadata includes the series title, and sometimes, it doesn't.
There is another thing you can do.
Make a suggestion to the creator of the app you are using to make a sorting algorithm that handles text based numbers differently. There are some that sort mostly alphabetical but when they find numbers they evaluate the value of all the adjacent numbers rather than the ASCII (or other typeset like EBCIDIC) value of the number. The latest windows operating systems have started doing things like that in File Explorer, and I like it very much.
@malloc said in Novel Numbering...:
There is another thing you can do.
Make a suggestion to the creator of the app you are using to make a sorting algorithm that handles text based numbers differently. There are some that sort mostly alphabetical but when they find numbers they evaluate the value of all the adjacent numbers rather than the ASCII (or other typeset like EBCIDIC) value of the number. The latest windows operating systems have started doing things like that in File Explorer, and I like it very much.
This made me think there might already be something for Calibre like this with all of its plugins and whatnot.
So looked through some settings and sure enough there is.Preferences > Tweaks > Find: Recognize numbers inside text when sorting
Edit tweak > Change 'False' to 'True'numeric_collation = True
It seems to work from the couple I tested but looks like there could be some issues if titles start with numbers though, I'll leave this setting as true for now - but I'll still be adding the leading zero to my volume numbers.
@khaos human sort is not a very hard thing to implement and not doing so for things like this is just laziness.
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@khaos I don't think he means what you responded to, but I could be wrong. There should be a programmatic solution to "human sort"/custom sort objects. Simply designate each volume a number, and have your reader clients sort by that number. I'm sure it already exists for the various English literature that envelops all books under a "series" umbrella but names each book differently (like Game of Thrones).
eh... I just bypass the whole numbering thing and I just order my books in date downloaded descending, so I've always got the most recent purchases at the top.
You mean by making a series and sorting by series number?I do add my volumes to a series and assign them the appropriate number, which is fine and all if you were to stay in that manager's environment, but personally I user Calibre and Play Books, and Play Books can only sort by Title/Author/Recent...
@khaos said in Novel Numbering...:
You mean by making a series and sorting by series number?Yes, because series such as Kokoro Connect, for example, do not have a strict series number in the title, so there would need to be another method for the layperson to indicate that "Oh, Hito Random comes before Kizu Random."
True - which is also the case for Mixed Bathing - I just addend the volume to the title though.
Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: Volume 01: The Hero of the Unlimited Bath
But with Kokoro Connect - oddly when added to Calibre it already had a volume number in the title.
Kokoro Connect Volume 1: Hito Random