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Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
Hey guys so I've just finished the anime and I must say that it went much better than I had expected, though there are some bits and parts that are different from the LN. The fights are surprisingly well-coordinated and our beloved characters are so meticulously designed that I would buy all the figures the minute they're available (even Bri-chan :grin:). Grimgar is still shrouded in mysteries and full of dangers but Haruhiro and Co. have gotten a lot stronger now, hope they would survive everything that's thrown at them.
Anyways, it's been almost a year since the Grimgar was aired and I believe that Konosuba started around the same time. With the latter having a such an impressive readership that there is an official confirm for another anime season in Winter 2017 ( , is there any chance that what we do here in J-Novel Club (buying its e-book and such) will help Grimgar achieve a sizable readership? A number big enough to convince decisions-makers to give season 2 the green light.
I don't know too much about the anime market in Japan, but from what I've gathered, Blu-ray sales seem to be the primary factor as to whether a show gets a 2nd season or not. So while J-Novel Club may increase reader levels, if the Blu-rays don't sell too well, we likely won't get a 2nd season unfortunately.
I would love there to be one, but I just don't have enough information on how well Grimgar did over in Japan to give a solid guess.
@Vũ-Thế-Sơn I think it would. But it'd have to be a pretty big number, like 20,000+ sales.
A formidable task, but not unfeasible. I can hound a couple of my friends for days on end until they buy a copy each! Small victories add up!
As mentioned, I think Japanese domestic sales matter the most, but the ebook & DVD/Blu-Ray sales here in the West could help things if both sell really well.
I do know that the first season of the anime apparently gave the LNs a pretty good boost in Japan, but I don't know how the BD/DVDs sold.
Seeing the figure Sam threw out, it would definitely be a smart idea to bug people to buy an ebook when they're available.
I'd just like to chime in with this good ol' article. That pretty much paints the picture that, yes. If you want a second season of your anime, you'd have to buy the blu-rays.
Now of course, there's probably some other interesting ideas other than that. For example, Light Novel second seasons are more likely to happen due to good sales of Light novels. Though maybe Sam could pitch in. I'm not sure how well Konosuba sold blu-ray wise, but it did increase the sales of the novel by threefolds.