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Anime Expo: Times and Announcements
Smh, I feel like I'll just get disappointed.... -
@bloodygaikotsu said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
Smh, I feel like I'll just get disappointed....I can't hear you, I'm already on the Classroom of the Elite / 86 / Chivalry of a Failed Knight hype train. Choo choo! =P
86 will be licensed (next year if not this year)Dunno about the rest~
- I am meh about Rakudai Kishi anyways.
if it's out, I may buy it but I don't really care either way....
- I am meh about Rakudai Kishi anyways.
I won’t fall for the hype, games have been disappointing me lately. But too bad I’m hyped already for the new titles...
I gave up getting hyped too much when I got burned by some video game sequels + E3 conferences. Now I mostly just roll with the punches and try not to assume publishers I liked works from previously could do no wrong.
I still think it's better to be overly excited (setting yourself up for disappointment) than pessimistic, but I struggle to do the former these days.
The only thing that is almost guaranteed to make me upset are the seeming abandonment of licenses like Sound Euphonium and perhaps Mikagura School Suite (two more Mikagura manga are on the docket, but no novels in sight afaik). I'm not too hopeful about getting info on Euphonium's status. =[
For anyone going, here's what Aniplex has for sale:
Steiner on Twitter:
Woozy Steiner@Nearly AX 2018!! (@DistantValhalla) Tweeted:
In case anything goes wrong on this flight I want you to know you’re all great and I wanna shake all of your hands someday and also the titles of the three VNs and one secret LN and one other thing I’m on right now are- Oh damn it I hit the twitter character limit darn oh dear...
He landed safely too.
3 VNs, one secret LN, and one other... What? Hmmm.
I hope we see this all at AX. 🤞
Someone grab me a SAOA:GGO poster from Aniplex if you don't want.
Otherwise, Drama CD please Steiner!
@myskaros I always forget how crazy expensive some of the figures can be. Like 35-160$ is freaking crazy imo. The only time I bought something was Re creators sound track for like 40$. I’d probably get more stuff if it was less tbh. But hey if people are willing to pay 160$ that’s fine with me. Not my cup of tea I guess.
Those Blu Rays are pricey too. I have a lot of Blu Rays kicking around unwatched, so I know they'd just become clutter. =[
Gurren Laggan audio CD would be one of those "I'm at a Conference, I want a souvenir" items.
@terrence said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
Those Blu Rays are pricey too.
I know what you mean. I ordered the Cardcaptor Sakura Blu Ray and it was about 200 Dollars (well I have not paid for it yet, I ordered it through Chibis and it just came in a few days ago so I will go there in a few days and pay it).
@drone205 damn... but tbh you could probably sell it in the near future for more than 200$ if it’s a collectors edition.
Is the timezone given (PST) confirmed? Just so I know when to start scouting for any links to a stream
@fozzedout said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
Is the timezone given (PST) confirmed? Just so I know when to start scouting for any links to a stream
I'm fairly certain. Sorry I can't be more definitive (I'll give a quick glance around for some of them and remove ? marks where definitive if I can find any). A lot of the posts with the times don't designate time zone. =[
I ask what time they will be streaming for J-NOVEL CLUB in discord this morning and it's 12:30 PST. Just keep checking on their twitter or discord to stay alert. -
@fozzedout Hate to say it but I but I haven't seen any indication that they are planning on streaming though I would love to be wrong.
@eternal-wanderer said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
@fozzedout Hate to say it but I but I haven't seen any indication that they are planning on streaming though I would love to be wrong.
Did you watch the Fireworks video?
@jnovelclub: Fireworks in LA
They tested Periscope streaming with that last night. Obviously no guarantees it'll all come together and work, but they're at least prepping for it. =]
I am both hyped and saddened atm. Panel is today in 3.5 hours and I dont work tonight! But I also dont wanna ruin my sleep schedule, since 3rd shift is hard enough. Stay awake for 4 more hours and be groggy later when my alarm goes off or sleep? (maybe) and wake up to good news?
@lilithr02r1 said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements
it's 12:30 PST
I wonder if people ever actually say PDT when they mean PDT, instead of calling it PST.
@terrence said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
They tested Periscope streaming with that last night.
I suspect having 100K people at one place doesn't assist in having stable mobile internet. Which is why someone should just live-tweet it or something.
@_08 said in Anime Expo: Times and Announcements:
I wonder if people ever actually say PDT when they mean PDT, instead of calling it PST.
I'm pretty hyper-aware of timezone shenanigans from working on wikis and manual time conversions all the time :v