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Guess That Anime!
The answer to my city image is:
Since a pervy image I posted before did not work here is another one
Chivalry of a Failed Knight? I've never seen it, but that's my guess. =]
@terrence Bonus points if you can guess what happens next
@drone205 said in Guess That Anime!:
@terrence Bonus points if you can guess what happens next
...Onsen time? =P
@falcade Gintama?
Nope :P. There's a lot of good screen caps from the show but I figured my profile pic would give it away.
@drone205 D-FRAG
@myskaros You are correct little Extra.
@aruseus493 Easy
@aruseus493 Guess:
@drone205 Correct!
One more for the night.