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Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Gonna Help raise the dead here, I still have hope for this series. My favorite, done mulitple re-reads of the WN, and the author has started writing more of it again!
I'll throw in my two cents as well. The managa is really good, and I'd love for the novel to be licensed and translated. If there's one novel series I'm starved for, it's probably this one.
I came across this series when I first started looking into web/light novels and loved it. Its fair to say that this series started my love for light novels. I've always wanted to own a translated light novel of this, my favorite series.
This is also a good time to campaign. Anime was announced just a few weeks ago.
Anime adaptation is a yes now. =D
(Gotta wait a week to watch it as freemium user; people who read the manga before seem to enjoy this though, so hope we get the LN).
The manga is official licensed on AlphaPolis's app. Maybe this could lead to more attention for the series?
@torka said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
The manga is official licensed on AlphaPolis's app. Maybe this could lead to more attention for the series?
When someone manages to license a LN from Alpha Polis we'll throw a worldwide festival... 😅
Maybe Alphapolis will put LN up on their app someday (though maybe we shouldn't give them ideas, I hate the whole rental system for manga / LN that could be taken away at any moment; JNC at least gives you one book a month to download and keep with Premium). =(
@terrence said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
Maybe Alphapolis will put LN up on their app someday (though maybe we shouldn't give them ideas, I hate the whole rental system for manga / LN that could be taken away at any moment; JNC at least gives you one book a month to download and keep with Premium). =(
Current rental system aside, I've read the translations are quite bad? I haven't checked them myself yet, so not sure if that's true or not.
@terabyte I picked a random chapter to read yesterday and was thoroughly unimpressed with the experience. The typesetting and stuff were fine, and it didn't feel like MTL, but it also didn't feel like they were putting a lot of effort into it.
@myskaros On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is MTL and 10 is JNC, where would you rate it?
@piisfun That's... not really how that would work? And I'm not looking at it right now, I only read a couple pages and gave up, not enough to form a solid number rating. I already stated my opinion above, figure it out yourself >_>
@myskaros Wait. Were they translating the LN or just the manga? And why can't JNC get the license for the LN?
Bump. Let's get this thing licensed already!
@eminent said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
why can't JNC get the license for the LN?
Alphapolis stuff is almost impossible for JNC for reasons iirc.
I would just hope Alphapolis themselves do it at some point (or hope for a miracle that something changes with that company so JNC would want to work with them). =(
@terrence I don't really understand. What's the beef between them? If they don't want to work with JNC, then why not another publisher like Seven Seas or god forbid Yenpress? Seems like a total waste to have the manga, and recently the anime, translated into English, and not have the LN translated too. I'm sure some fans could do a fan translation, but who knows if the LN will be licensed at some point?
@eminent To clarify the situation:
Alphapolis basically has zero interest in licensing any of their Light Novels to the English Market. They only sometimes license their manga series. We don't even know if that will continue because they've started self-publishing with a pay-per-chapter service (rent a chapter) for their manga series.
In addition, Sam (CEO of JNC) has mentioned that he hasn't heard good things about how Alphapolis treats their authors so he's basically given up himself on even trying to make contact with Alphapolis. (Not that he's ever even been able to get in the front door.)
Ultimately, we don't know why Alphapolis refuses to even consider the idea of licensing their Light Novels. We can only assume the executives are xenophobic or something.
@aruseus493 Hm. So what you're saying is that we should do a fan translation of it with our best translators. 👌👍😁
But I see...that's a terrible situation to be in. This is definitely one of my favorite novels...and it deserves a professional translation.
@aruseus493 said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
In addition, Sam (CEO of JNC) has mentioned that he hasn't heard good things about how Alphapolis treats their authors
Geez. That bad? What do they do, give them terrible contracts and force overwork?